3,186 research outputs found

    Automated Discovery of Candidate Simulation Models for Steering Behavior Simulation

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    Steering behavior of autonomous agents plays important roles in many simulation applications, such as simulation of pedestrian crowds, simulation of evacuation scenarios, simulation of ecosystems, simulation of autonomous robots, and simulation of artificial life in virtual environments used in computer games. It is desirable to have an approach that can automatically discover multiple candidate models for steering behavior simulation besides manual approach (trial-and-error fashion) and data-driven approach. Towards this goal, this work presents an approach that searches for candidate models of steering behavior in an automated way. The proposed framework includes two components. A model space specification provides a formal specification for a general structure from which various models can be constructed, and a search method to search for a set of candidate models based on requirements. To support more complex scenarios, we further add three major extensions including: (1) Activation component assign dynamic priorities for behaviors depending on surround environments. (2) Multiple search stages are provided to assist the evolutionary search algorithm to distribute computational resources better. (3) A special type of entity called space entity to assist agents receive information not only from other entities (agents, obstacles), but also from surrounding empty space. The approach is able to discover multiple candidate models for three basic steering behaviors including the leader- following ( Bleader_following), personal space maintenance ( Bpersonal_space), and mobile obstacle avoidance ( Bobstacle_avoidance). The results show that different possibilities of steering behavior support modelers to have a better understanding of the problem under study, hence assist modelers to develop more advanced models by testing different combinations of the basic steering behaviors. We evaluate all combinations between three basic steering behaviors including: (1) Bleader_following + Bobstacle_avoidance, (2) Bobstacle_avoidance + Bpersonal_space, (3) Bleader_following + Bpersonal_space, and (4) Bleader_following + Bobstacle_avoidance + Bpersonal_space. We further test the approach with two variations of scenario 4: (5) The leader surrounding + Bpersonal_space, (6) Hall-way evacuation with an obstacle in the middle. The results show that the framework is also able to discover multiple models for each of these composite steering behaviors, and several of them have good scalability and robustness

    Analyzing Human-Building Interactions in Virtual Environments Using Crowd Simulations

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    This research explores the relationship between human-occupancy and environment designs by means of human behavior simulations. Predicting and analyzing user-related factors during environment designing is of vital importance. Traditional Computer-Aided Design (CAD) and Building Information Modeling (BIM) tools mostly represent geometric and semantic aspects of environment components (e.g., walls, pillars, doors, ramps, and floors). They often ignore the impact that an environment layout produces on its occupants and their movements. In recent efforts to analyze human social and spatial behaviors in buildings, researchers have started using crowd simulation techniques for dynamic analysis of urban and indoor environments. These analyses assist the designers in analyzing crowd-related factors in their designs and generating human-aware environments. This dissertation focuses on developing interactive solutions to perform spatial analytics that can quantify the dynamics of human-building interactions using crowd simulations in the virtual and built-environments. Partially, this dissertation aims to make these dynamic crowd analytics solutions available to designers either directly within mainstream environment design pipelines or as cross-platform simulation services, enabling users to seamlessly simulate, analyze, and incorporate human-centric dynamics into their design workflows

    Pedestrian Trajectory Prediction in Pedestrian-Vehicle Mixed Environments: A Systematic Review

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    Planning an autonomous vehicle's (AV) path in a space shared with pedestrians requires reasoning about pedestrians' future trajectories. A practical pedestrian trajectory prediction algorithm for the use of AVs needs to consider the effect of the vehicle's interactions with the pedestrians on pedestrians' future motion behaviours. In this regard, this paper systematically reviews different methods proposed in the literature for modelling pedestrian trajectory prediction in presence of vehicles that can be applied for unstructured environments. This paper also investigates specific considerations for pedestrian-vehicle interaction (compared with pedestrian-pedestrian interaction) and reviews how different variables such as prediction uncertainties and behavioural differences are accounted for in the previously proposed prediction models. PRISMA guidelines were followed. Articles that did not consider vehicle and pedestrian interactions or actual trajectories, and articles that only focused on road crossing were excluded. A total of 1260 unique peer-reviewed articles from ACM Digital Library, IEEE Xplore, and Scopus databases were identified in the search. 64 articles were included in the final review as they met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. An overview of datasets containing trajectory data of both pedestrians and vehicles used by the reviewed papers has been provided. Research gaps and directions for future work, such as having more effective definition of interacting agents in deep learning methods and the need for gathering more datasets of mixed traffic in unstructured environments are discussed.Comment: Published in IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System

    Agora : unified framework for crowd simulation research

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    Crowd simulation focuses on modeling the movements and behaviors of large groups of people. This area of study has become increasingly important because of its several applications in various fields such as urban planning, safety, and entertainment. In each of these domains, the presence of virtual agents exhibiting realistic behavior greatly enhances the quality of the simulations. However, the inherently multifaceted and intricate nature of human behavior presents a unique challenge, necessitating the effective combination of multiple behavior models. This thesis introduces a novel theoretical framework for modeling human behavior in crowd simulations, addressing the unresolved issue of combining a plethora of behavior models, often developed in isolation. The proposed framework decomposes human behavior into fundamental driving stimuli, which are then represented graphically through the heatmap paradigm. Subsequently, the agent behavior is influenced by the heatmaps, which guide them toward attractive areas and steer them away from repulsive locations based on the encoded stimuli. A key advantage of this approach lies in the ability to combine heatmaps using well-defined color operations, effectively integrating different aspects of human behavior. Furthermore, the heatmap paradigm facilitates objective comparison of simulation output with real-world data, employing image similarity metrics to evaluate model accuracy. To realize this framework, the thesis presents a modular software architecture designed to support various tasks involved in crowd simulation, emphasizing the separation of concerns for each task. This architecture comprises a collection of abstract modules, which are subsequently implemented using appropriate software components to realize the underlying features, resulting in the Agora framework. To assess the ability of Agora to support the various tasks involved in crowd simulation, two case studies are implemented and analyzed. The first case study simulates tourists visiting Þingvellir national park in Iceland, examining how their behavior is influenced by the visibility of the surrounding environment. The second case study employs Agora to model the thermal and density comfort levels of virtual pedestrians in an urban setting. The results demonstrate that Agora successfully supports the development, combination, and evaluation of crowd simulation models against real-world data. The authoring process, assisted by Agora, is significantly more streamlined compared to its native counterpart. The integration of multiple models is achieved by combining the heatmaps, resulting in plausible behavior, and the model assessment is made convenient through the evaluator within the framework. The thesis concludes by discussing the implications of these findings for the field of crowd simulation, highlighting the contributions and potential future directions of the Agora framework.Mannfjöldahermun fæst við gerð líkana af hreyfingu og hegðun stórra hópa af fólki. Mikilvægi þessa rannsóknasviðs hefur vaxið stöðugt vegna hagnýtingar á margvíslegum vetvangi, eins og til dæmis á vetvangi borgarskipulags, öryggis og afþreyingar. Þegar sýndarmenni hegða sér á sannfærandi hátt, leiðir það til betri hermunar fyrir þessi notkunarsvið. En mannleg hegðun er í eðli sínu margbrotin og flókin og því er það sérstök áskorun við smíði sýndarmenna að sameina, með áhrifaríkum hætti, mörg mismunandi hegðunarlíkön. Þessi ritgerð kynnir nýja fræðilega umgjörð líkanasmíði mannlegrar hegðunar fyrir mannfjöldahermun, sem tekur á þeim óleysta vanda að sameina fjölda hegðunarlíkana, sem oft eru þróuð með aðskildum hætti. Umgjörðin brýtur mannlega hegðun niður í grundvallar drifáreiti, sem eru sett fram grafískt útfrá hugmyndafræði hitakorta. Sýndarmennin hegða sér síðan undir áhrifum frá hitakortunum, sem vísa þeim í áttina að aðlaðandi svæðum og stýra þeim burt frá fráhrindandi svæðum, útfrá hinu umritaða áreiti. Lykilkostur þessarar nálgunar er sá eiginleiki að geta blandað saman hitakortum með vel skilgreindum litaaðgerðum, sem eru þá í raun samþætting mismunandi hliða mannlegrar hegðunar. Hitakortshugmyndafræðin auðveldar ennfremur hlutlægan samanburð hermunarúttaks og raungagna með notkun myndsamanburðarmælinga, til að meta nákvæmni líkana. Varðandi útfærslu, þá kynnir þessi ritgerð einingadrifna hugbúnaðarhögun sem er hönnuð til að styðja við ýmsa ferla mannfjöldahermunar, með áherslu á aðskilnað helstu viðfangsefna hvers ferlis. Þessi högun inniheldur safn huglægra eininga, sem síðan eru útfærðar með viðeigandi hugbúnaðarhlutum, sem raungera undirliggjandi eiginleika. Útkoman er sjálf Agora umbjörðin. Tvö sýnidæmi eru útfærð og greind til að meta getu Agoru til að styðja við ýmis mannfjöldahermunarverkefni. Fyrra dæmið hermir eftir ferðamönnum sem heimsækja Þingvallaþjóðgarð, og skoðar hvernig hegðun þeirra verður fyrir áhrifum sýnileika umhverfisins sem umleikur þá. Seinna dæmið nýtir Agoru til að smíða líkan af hitauppstreymis- og þéttleikaþægindum hjá sýndarvegfarendum í borgarumhverfi. Niðurstöðurnar sýna góðan árangur Agoru við að styðja þróun, samþættingu og mat mannfjöldahermunarlíkana gagnvart raungögnum. Þróunarferlið er verulega þjálla með Agoru en með hefðbundnum aðferðum. Samþætting margra líkana tókst með blöndun hitakorta, möguleg hegðun var framkölluð og mat á líkönunum varð þægilegra með umgjörðinni. Ritgerðinni lýkur með því að fjalla um áhrif þessara niðurstaðna á svið mannfjöldahegðunar, með áherslu á nýstálegt framlag þessarar rannsóknar og mögulega framtíðarþróun Agora umgjarðarinnar

    Multi-agent geo-simulation of crowds and control forces in conflict situations : models, application and analysis

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    Peu de modèles et de simulations qui décrivent les comportements de foule en situations de conflit impliquant des forces de l’ordre et des armes non-létales (NLW) existent. Ce mémoire présente des modèles d’agents de la foule et des forces de l’ordre ainsi que des NLWs dans des situations de conflit. Des groupes ainsi que leurs interactions et actions collectives sont explicitement modélisés, ce qui repousse les approches de simulation de foule existantes. Les agents sont caractérisés par des profils d’appréciation de l’agressivité et ils peuvent changer leurs comportements en relation avec la Théorie de l’identité sociale. Un logiciel a été développé et les modèles ont été calibrés avec des scénarios réalistes. Il a démontré la faisabilité technique de modèles sociaux aussi complexes pour des foules de centaines d’agents, en plus de générer des données pour évaluer l’efficacité des techniques d’intervention.Few models and simulations that describe crowd behaviour in conflict situations involving control forces and non-lethal weapons (NLW) exist. This thesis presents models for crowd agents, control forces, and NLWs in crowd control situations. Groups as well as their interactions and collective actions are explicitly modelled, which pushes further currently existing crowd simulation approaches. Agents are characterized by appreciation of aggressiveness profiles and they can change their behaviours in relation with the Social Identity theory. A software application was developed and the models were calibrated with realistic scenarios. It demonstrated the technical feasibility of such complex social models for crowds of hundreds of agents, as well generating data to assess the efficiency of intervention techniques

    Virtual Reality Games for Motor Rehabilitation

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    This paper presents a fuzzy logic based method to track user satisfaction without the need for devices to monitor users physiological conditions. User satisfaction is the key to any product’s acceptance; computer applications and video games provide a unique opportunity to provide a tailored environment for each user to better suit their needs. We have implemented a non-adaptive fuzzy logic model of emotion, based on the emotional component of the Fuzzy Logic Adaptive Model of Emotion (FLAME) proposed by El-Nasr, to estimate player emotion in UnrealTournament 2004. In this paper we describe the implementation of this system and present the results of one of several play tests. Our research contradicts the current literature that suggests physiological measurements are needed. We show that it is possible to use a software only method to estimate user emotion