5 research outputs found

    Right Place, Right Time:Proactive Multi-Robot Task Allocation Under Spatiotemporal Uncertainty

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    For many multi-robot problems, tasks are announced during execution, where task announcement times and locations are uncertain. To synthesise multi-robot behaviour that is robust to early announcements and unexpected delays, multi-robot task allocation methods must explicitly model the stochastic processes that govern task announcement. In this paper, we model task announcement using continuous-time Markov chains which predict when and where tasks will be announced. We then present a task allocation framework which uses the continuous-time Markov chains to allocate tasks proactively, such that robots are near or at the task location upon its announcement. Our method seeks to minimise the expected total waiting duration for each task, i.e. the duration between task announcement and a robot beginning to service the task. Our framework can be applied to any multi-robot task allocation problem where robots complete spatiotemporal tasks which are announced stochastically. We demonstrate the efficacy of our approach in simulation, where we outperform baselines which do not allocate tasks proactively, or do not fully exploit our task announcement models

    Sequential Single-Cluster Auctions for Multi-Robot Task Allocation

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    This thesis studies task allocation in multi-robot teams operating in dynamic environments. The multi-robot task allocation problem is a complex NP-Complete optimisation problem with globally optimal solutions often difficult to find. Because of this, the rapid generation of near optimal solutions to the problem that minimise task execution time and/or energy used by robots is highly desired. Our approach seeks to cluster together closely related tasks and then builds on existing distributed market-based auction architectures for distributing these sets of tasks among several autonomous robots. Dynamic environments introduce many challenges that are not found in closed systems. For instance, it is common for additional tasks to be inserted into a system after an initial solution to the task allocation problem is determined. Additionally, it is highly likely in long-term autonomous systems that individual robots may suffer some form of failure. The ability to alter plans to react to these types of challenges in a dynamic environment is required for the completion of all tasks. In our approach we allow the repeated formation and auctioning of task clusters with varying tasks. This allows us to react to and change the task allocation among robots during execution. Throughout this thesis we use empirical evaluation to study different approaches for forming clusters of tasks and the application of task clustering to distributed auctions for multi-robot task allocation problems. Our results show that allocating clusters of tasks to robots in solving these types of problems is a fast and effective method and produces near optimal solutions

    Mechanism Selection for Multi-Robot Task Allocation

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    There is increasing interest in fielding multi-robot teams for applications such as search and rescue, warehouse automation, and delivery of consumer goods. Task allocation is an important problem to solve in such multi-robot settings. Given a mission that can be decomposed into discrete tasks, the Multi-Robot Task Allocation (MRTA) problem looks for an assignment of tasks to robots that ultimately results in efficient execution of the mission. There is a range of approaches to this optimisation problem, from centralised solvers to fully distributed methods that involve no explicit coordination between team members. Somewhere in the middle of this range lie market-based approaches, where tasks can be treated as goods, robots as "buyers" who can compute and express their own preferences for tasks in a virtual marketplace, and some clearing mechanism exists to match tasks to robots according to these preferences. The most common type of market-based mechanism for multi-robot task allocation is an auction, in which tasks are announced to the team, robots compute and place bids that encode some measure of cost or utility of performing the tasks, and tasks are awarded to robots over a number of rounds, according to the particular rules of the mechanism. Many different auction mechanisms exist, and they vary in the trade-offs that they make between computation time and space on the one hand, and performance of the execution of the mission on the other. In addition, the performance that results from a mechanism's allocation can be greatly affected by properties of task environments---the spatial and temporal arrangements of tasks, as well as other properties like precedence constraints, whether tasks require the simultaneous cooperation of multiple robots, and so on---in which it is employed. A simple mechanism that is inexpensive to compute and scales well may perform well in some environments, but not in others. The work presented in this thesis focuses on this relationship between auction-based task allocation mechanisms and properties of task environments, with the goal of developing a method of selecting, from a portfolio, a mechanism that is appropriate for a given task environment. The first part of this work is an empirical performance evaluation of a range of mechanisms employed in a series of environments of increasing complexity. The second part of this work uses results from this evaluation to develop and train a data-driven method of mechanism selection using properties of environments that can be measured at the start of a mission. The results show that, under certain conditions, this method of mechanism selection can lead to significant performance improvements compared to using a single mechanism alone

    Agent Coordination with Regret Clearing ∗

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    Sequential single-item auctions can be used for the distributed allocation of tasks to cooperating agents. We study how to improve the team performance of sequential singleitem auctions while still controlling the agents in real time. Our idea is to assign that task to agents during the current round whose regret is large, where the regret of a task is defined as the difference of the second-smallest and smallest team costs resulting from assigning the task to the secondbest and best agent, respectively. Our experimental results show that sequential single-item auctions with regret clearing indeed result in smaller team costs than standard sequential single-item auctions for three out of four combinations of two different team objectives and two different capacity constraints (including no capacity constraints)