278 research outputs found

    D3.1 High-level modelling requirements

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    This document provides all the necessary high-level modelling requirements needed for the proper development of the BEACON project. Firstly, it defines an assessment framework for the performance evaluation of the different flight prioritisations mechanisms selected. The suggested framework is based on a combination of desk research and consultation with different air traffic management (ATM) stakeholder representatives. Secondly, it provides a detailed and exhaustive review of the flight prioritisation and trajectory allocation mechanisms proposed in the literature, ultimately identifying and selecting a final set of promising concepts to improve the performance of the ATM system in situations of demand-capacity constraints, to be included in BEACON simulations. Finally, it describes the different variables and parameters that are part of the possible simulation scenarios and selects the potentially most interesting combinations to measure the performance of the proposed prioritisation mechanisms

    Engage D5.6 Thematic challenge briefing notes (1st and 2nd releases)

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    Engage identified four thematic challenges to address research topics not contemporaneously (sufficiently) addressed by SESAR. This deliverable serves primarily as a record of the two sets of released thematic challenge briefing notes

    \u3ci\u3eThe Conference Proceedings of the 2003 Air Transport Research Society (ATRS) World Conference, Vol. 2\u3c/i\u3e

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    UNOAI Report 03-6https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/facultybooks/1122/thumbnail.jp

    Engage D2.6 Annual combined thematic workshops progress report (series 2)

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    The preparation, organisation and conclusions from the thematic challenge workshops, two ad hoc technical workshops, a technical session on data and a MET/ENV workshop held in 2019 and 2020 are described. Partly due to Covid-19, two of the 2020 thematic challenge workshops scheduled to take place at the end of 2020 were re-scheduled to January 2021. We also report on the preparation for these two workshops, while the conclusions will be included in the next corresponding deliverable

    Economía artificial: métodos de inspiración social en la resolución de problemas complejos

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    La dimensiĂłn social de la EconomĂ­a le confiere una complejidad que es muy difĂ­cil de formalizar en un conjunto de ecuaciones algebraicas. La aproximaciĂłn de la EconomĂ­a Experimental (EE) y la de su extensiĂłn de la EconomĂ­a Artificial (EA) con modelos basados en agentes artificiales (ABM), permiten recoger parte de esa complejidad cuando el intercambio es impersonal. En este artĂ­culo analizamos desde la EA el paradigmĂĄtico ejemplo de la subasta doble continua (CDA) y su dinĂĄmica social con diferentes tipos de agentes. Los resultados obtenidos con sociedades artificiales, no sĂłlo son relevantes para explicar los mecanismos de la instituciĂłn, sino que el propio mercado puede ser un vehĂ­culo para resolver problemas de gestiĂłn de la empresa y de elecciĂłn y escasez de complejidad nphard. Para ilustrarlo empleamos un ejemplo basado en la aplicaciĂłn de subastas combinatorias: mediante la programaciĂłn basada en mercados se puede realizar la asignaciĂłn de slots de recursos en problemas de gestiĂłn de carteras de proyectosMinisterio de Ciencia e InnovaciĂłn con referencia CSD2010-00034 (SimulPast CONSOLIDER- INGENIO 2010) y el proyecto Application of Agent-Based Computational Economics to Strategic Slot Allocation cofinanciado por EUROCONTROL- SESAR Joint Undertaking (SJU) y la UniĂłn Europea como parte del programa SESA

    Overview of Infrastructure Charging, part 4, IMPROVERAIL Project Deliverable 9, “Improved Data Background to Support Current and Future Infrastructure Charging Systems”

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    Improverail aims are to further support the establishment of railway infrastructure management in accordance with Directive 91/440, as well as the new railway infrastructure directives, by developing the necessary tools for modelling the management of railway infrastructure; by evaluating improved methods for capacity and resources management, which allow the improvement of the Life Cycle Costs (LCC) calculating methods, including elements related to vehicle - infrastructure interaction and external costs; and by improving data background in support of charging for use of railway infrastructure. To achieve these objectives, Improverail is organised along 8 workpackages, with specific objectives, responding to the requirements of the task 2.2.1/10 of the 2nd call made in the 5th RTD Framework Programme in December 1999.This part is the task 7.1 (Review of infrastructure charging systems) to the workpackage 7 (Analysis of the relation between infrastructure cost variation and diversity of infrastructure charging systems).Before explaining the economic characteristics of railway and his basic pricing principles, authors must specify the objectives of railways infrastructure charging.principle of pricing ; rail infrastructure charging ; public service obligation ; rail charging practice ; Europe ; Improverail

    \u3ci\u3eThe Conference Proceedings of the 1999 Air Transport Research Group (ATRG) of the WCTR Society, Volume 2 \u3c/i\u3e

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    UNOAI Report 99-6https://digitalcommons.unomaha.edu/facultybooks/1148/thumbnail.jp

    Airport under Control:Multi-agent scheduling for airport ground handling

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