8 research outputs found

    Tactile motion adaptation reduces perceived speed but shows no evidence of direction sensitivity

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    Introduction: While the directionality of tactile motion processing has been studied extensively, tactile speed processing and its relationship to direction is little-researched and poorly understood. We investigated this relationship in humans using the ‘tactile speed aftereffect’ (tSAE), in which the speed of motion appears slower following prolonged exposure to a moving surface. Method: We used psychophysical methods to test whether the tSAE is direction sensitive. After adapting to a ridged moving surface with one hand, participants compared the speed of test stimuli on the adapted and unadapted hands. We varied the direction of the adapting stimulus relative to the test stimulus. Results: Perceived speed of the surface moving at 81 mms−1 was reduced by about 30% regardless of the direction of the adapting stimulus (when adapted in the same direction, Mean reduction = 23 mms−1, SD = 11; with opposite direction, Mean reduction = 26 mms−1, SD = 9). In addition to a large reduction in perceived speed due to adaptation, we also report that this effect is not direction sensitive. Conclusions: Tactile motion is susceptible to speed adaptation. This result complements previous reports of reliable direction aftereffects when using a dynamic test stimulus as together they describe how perception of a moving stimulus in touch depends on the immediate history of stimulation. Given that the tSAE is not direction sensitive, we argue that peripheral adaptation does not explain it, because primary afferents are direction sensitive with friction-creating stimuli like ours (thus motion in their preferred direction should result in greater adaptation, and if perceived speed were critically dependent on these afferents’ response intensity, the tSAE should be direction sensitive). The adaptation that reduces perceived speed therefore seems to be of central origin

    Adaptation aftereffects reveal that tactile distance is a basic somatosensory feature

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    The stage at which processing of tactile distance occurs is still debated. We addressed this issue by implementing a new adaptation-aftereffect paradigm with passive touch. We demonstrated the presence of a strong aftereffect, induced by the simultaneous presentation of pairs of tactile stimuli. After adaptation to two different distances, one on each hand, participants systematically perceived a subsequent stimulus delivered to the hand adapted to the smaller distance as being larger. We further investigated the nature of the aftereffects, demonstrating that they are orientation and skin-region specific, occur even when just one hand is adapted, do not transfer either contralaterally or across palm and dorsum, and are defined in a skin-centred, rather than an external, reference frame. These characteristics of tactile distance aftereffects are similar to those of low-level visual aftereffects, supporting the idea that distance perception arises at early stages of tactile processing

    Adaptation to moving tactile stimuli and its effects on perceived speed and direction

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    Like other senses, tactile perception is subject to adaptation effects in which systematic changes in the pattern of sensory input lead to predictable changes in perception. In this thesis, aftereffects of adaptation to tactile motion are used to reveal the processes that give rise to tactile motion perception from the relevant sensory inputs. The first aftereffect is the tactile speed aftereffect (tSAE), in which the speed of motion appears slower following exposure to a moving surface. Perceived speed of a test surface was reduced by about 30% regardless of the direction of the adapting stimulus, indicating that the tSAE is not direction sensitive. Additionally, higher adapting speeds produced a stronger tSAE, and this dependence on adapting speed could not be attributed to differences in temporal frequency or spatial period that accompanied the different adapting speeds. The second motion aftereffect that was investigated is the dynamic tactile motion aftereffect (tMAE), in which a direction-neutral test stimulus appears to move in the opposite direction to previously felt adapting motion. The strength of the tMAE depended on the speed of the adapting motion, with higher speeds producing a stronger aftereffect. Both the tSAE and the tMAE showed evidence of an intensive speed code in their underlying neural populations, with faster adapting speeds resulting in stronger aftereffects. In neither case was any evidence of speed tuning found, that is, neither aftereffect was strongest with a match between the speeds of the adapting and test stimuli. This is compatible with the response properties of motion sensitive neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex. Despite these shared features, speed and direction are unlikely to be jointly coded in the same neurons because the lack of direction sensitivity of the tSAE requires neural adaptation effects to be uniform across neurons preferring all directions, whereas the tMAE requires direction selective adaptation

    Adaptation to moving tactile stimuli and its effects on perceived speed and direction

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    Like other senses, tactile perception is subject to adaptation effects in which systematic changes in the pattern of sensory input lead to predictable changes in perception. In this thesis, aftereffects of adaptation to tactile motion are used to reveal the processes that give rise to tactile motion perception from the relevant sensory inputs. The first aftereffect is the tactile speed aftereffect (tSAE), in which the speed of motion appears slower following exposure to a moving surface. Perceived speed of a test surface was reduced by about 30% regardless of the direction of the adapting stimulus, indicating that the tSAE is not direction sensitive. Additionally, higher adapting speeds produced a stronger tSAE, and this dependence on adapting speed could not be attributed to differences in temporal frequency or spatial period that accompanied the different adapting speeds. The second motion aftereffect that was investigated is the dynamic tactile motion aftereffect (tMAE), in which a direction-neutral test stimulus appears to move in the opposite direction to previously felt adapting motion. The strength of the tMAE depended on the speed of the adapting motion, with higher speeds producing a stronger aftereffect. Both the tSAE and the tMAE showed evidence of an intensive speed code in their underlying neural populations, with faster adapting speeds resulting in stronger aftereffects. In neither case was any evidence of speed tuning found, that is, neither aftereffect was strongest with a match between the speeds of the adapting and test stimuli. This is compatible with the response properties of motion sensitive neurons in the primary somatosensory cortex. Despite these shared features, speed and direction are unlikely to be jointly coded in the same neurons because the lack of direction sensitivity of the tSAE requires neural adaptation effects to be uniform across neurons preferring all directions, whereas the tMAE requires direction selective adaptation

    Aftereffects in touch

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    Aftereffects in Touch

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    An aftereffect is the change in the perception of a (test) stimulus after prolonged stimulation with an (adaptation) stimulu

    Aftereffects in touch

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    An aftereffect is the change in the perception of a (test) stimulus after prolonged stimulation with an (adaptation) stimulus. Usually, this change is in the negative direction, that is, in a direction opposite to that of the adaptation stimulus. Aftereffects are often fast and strong. A well-known example in vision is the waterfall illusion: when looking at trees after staring at a waterfall for a minute or more, the subsequently viewed trees seem to move upwards (Addams, 1834; Swanston and Wade, 1994). Also touch is susceptible to strong aftereffects: temperature, roughness, shape, curvature, motion and size of an object all give rise to aftereffects in touch

    Aftereffects in Touch

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    An aftereffect is the change in the perception of a (test) stimulus after prolonged stimulation with an (adaptation) stimulus. Usually, this change is in the negative direction, that is, in a direction opposite to that of the adaptation stimulus. Aftereffects are often fast and strong. A well-known example in vision is the waterfall illusion: when looking at trees after staring at a waterfall for a minute or more, the subsequently viewed trees seem to move upwards (Addams, 1834; Swanston and Wade, 1994). Also touch is susceptible to strong aftereffects: temperature, roughness, shape, curvature, motion and size of an object all give rise to aftereffects in touch