19,895 research outputs found

    An Action-Based Approach to Presence: Foundations and Methods

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    This chapter presents an action-based approach to presence. It starts by briefly describing the theoretical and empirical foundations of this approach, formalized into three key notions of place/space, action and mediation. In the light of these notions, some common assumptions about presence are then questioned: assuming a neat distinction between virtual and real environments, taking for granted the contours of the mediated environment and considering presence as a purely personal state. Some possible research topics opened up by adopting action as a unit of analysis are illustrated. Finally, a case study on driving as a form of mediated presence is discussed, to provocatively illustrate the flexibility of this approach as a unified framework for presence in digital and physical environment

    Movement, Action, and Situation: Presence in Virtual Environments

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    Presence is commonly defined as the subjective feeling of "being there". It has been mainly conceived of as deriving from immersion, interaction, and social and narrative involvement with suitable technology. We argue that presence depends on a suitable integration of aspects relevant to an agent's movement and perception, to her actions, and to her conception of the overall situation in which she finds herself, as well as on how these aspects mesh with the possibilities for action afforded in the interaction with the virtual environment

    Media Presence and Inner Presence: The Sense of Presence in Virtual Reality Technologies

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    Abstract. Presence is widely accepted as the key concept to be considered in any research involving human interaction with Virtual Reality (VR). Since its original description, the concept of presence has developed over the past decade to be considered by many researchers as the essence of any experience in a virtual environment. The VR generating systems comprise two main parts: a technological component and a psychological experience. The different relevance given to them produced two different but coexisting visions of presence: the rationalist and the psychological/ecological points of view. The rationalist point of view considers a VR system as a collection of specific machines with the necessity of the inclusion \ud of the concept of presence. The researchers agreeing with this approach describe the sense of presence as a function of the experience of a given medium (Media Presence). The main result of this approach is the definition of presence as the perceptual illusion of non-mediation produced by means of the disappearance of the medium from the conscious attention of the subject. At the other extreme, there \ud is the psychological or ecological perspective (Inner Presence). Specifically, this perspective considers presence as a neuropsychological phenomenon, evolved from the interplay of our biological and cultural inheritance, whose goal is the control of the human activity. \ud Given its key role and the rate at which new approaches to understanding and examining presence are appearing, this chapter draws together current research on presence to provide an up to date overview of the most widely accepted approaches to its understanding and measurement

    Constructing Social Systems through Computer-Mediated Communication

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    The question whether computer-mediated communication can support the formation of genuine social systems is addressed in this paper. Our hypothesis, that technology creates new forms of social systems beyond real-life milieus, includes the idea that the technology itself may influence how social binding emerges within on-line environments. In real-life communities, a precondition for social coherence is the existence of social conventions. By observing interaction in virtual environments, we found the use of a range of social conventions. These results were analyzed to determine how the use and emergence of conventions might be influenced by the technology. One factor contributing to the coherence of on-line social systems, but not the only one, appears to be the degree of social presence mediated by the technology. We suggest that social systems can emerge by computer-mediated communication and are shaped by the media of the specific environment

    Personality, presence, and the virtual self: A five-factor model approach to behavioral analysis within a virtual environment

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    For several decades, researchers have explored the existence of the virtual self, or digital embodiment of self found within an avatar. It was surmised that this new component of one’s overall identity not only existed in conjunction with the public and private persona, but was replete with the necessary physical and psychological characteristics that facilitate a broad range of cognitive, cultural, and socio-emotional outcomes found within a virtual environment (e.g., Second Life, World of Warcraft). However, little is known with regard to whether these characteristics do indeed impact behavioral outcomes. For this reason, this study employed an observational assessment method to explore the virtual self as more than a set of characteristics attributed to an avatar, but rather as a relationship between personality (i.e., individual and avatar) and actualized behavior exhibited within a virtual environment. Further, presence measures were introduced to better understand whether feelings of immersion impact this relationship. Results indicated a burgeoning virtual self, linking personality with behavior along the domain of agreeableness. In other words, behavior is not solely the product of the environment but also is influenced by participant predispositions. Findings also suggest that the construct presence may now need to incorporate variables that account for this virtual self. Implications for educators, instructional designers, and psychologists are discussed

    The Effect of Sociability on Socio-spatial Interaction and Learner Social Presence in Mixed-Reality Online Learning Environments: Using Head-mounted Wearable Items in Group Learning Activities

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    In online learning environments, little is known regarding the effect of head-mounted wearable devices on group learning behavioral outcomes, and the impact the mediated communication type has on socio-spatial interactivity and learner social presence. Interaction and presence are two important concepts that influence group activity. Drawing on social interaction, social presence, and the characteristics of mixed-reality environments, we develop and empirically test hypotheses on the effectiveness of three different types of digitally mediated mixed-reality learning environments

    Project:Filter - using applied games to engage secondary schoolchildren with public policy

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    Applied games present a twenty-first-century method of consuming information for a specific purpose beyond pure entertainment. Objectives such as awareness and engagement are often used as intended outcomes of applied games in alignment with strategic, organizational, or commercial purposes. Applied games were highlighted as an engagement-based outcome to explore noPILLS, a pan-European policy research project which presented policy pointers and suggested methods of interventions for reducing micropollution within the wastewater treatment process. This paper provides an assessment of a video game which was developed for the purpose of public engagement with policy-based research. The video game, Project:Filter, was developed as a means of communicating noPILLS to secondary school children in Scotland as part of a classroom-based activity. Knowledge development and engagement were identified using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis to evidence topical awareness, depth of understanding, and suggested methods of intervention. Analysis of observations also provided insights into challenges surrounding logistics, pedagogy, social interactions, learning, and gender as contributing factors to the schoolchildren’s experiences of Project:Filter. The intention of this paper is two-fold: firstly, to provide an example of developing video games from policy-based research; and secondly, to suggest methods of phenomenological assessment for identifying play-based engagement

    Rich Socio-Cognitive Agents for Immersive Training Environments: Case of NonKin Village

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    Demand is on the rise for scientifically based human-behavior models that can be quickly customized and inserted into immersive training environments to recreate a given society or culture. At the same time, there are no readily available science model-driven environments for this purpose (see survey in Sect. 2). In researching how to overcome this obstacle, we have created rich (complex) socio-cognitive agents that include a large number of social science models (cognitive, sociologic, economic, political, etc) needed to enhance the realism of immersive, artificial agent societies. We describe current efforts to apply model-driven development concepts and how to permit other models to be plugged in should a developer prefer them instead. The current, default library of behavioral models is a metamodel, or authoring language, capable of generating immersive social worlds. Section 3 explores the specific metamodels currently in this library (cognitive, socio-political, economic, conversational, etc.) and Sect. 4 illustrates them with an implementation that results in a virtual Afghan village as a platform-independent model. This is instantiated into a server that then works across a bridge to control the agents in an immersive, platform-specific 3D gameworld (client). Section 4 also provides examples of interacting in the resulting gameworld and some of the training a player receives. We end with lessons learned and next steps for improving both the process and the gameworld. The seeming paradox of this research is that as agent complexity increases, the easier it becomes for the agents to explain their world, their dilemmas, and their social networks to a player or trainee

    The role of virtual reality in art therapy to mitigate autism spectrum disorder (ASD) symptoms

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    Traditional art therapy sessions are designed for face-to-face engagement with patients as with other mental health services such as counseling. However, the pandemic of 2019 severely limited access to these services and, initially, led to widespread cancelation and postponement until the nature of COVID-19 could be better understood. When treatment resumed, video conferencing was the preferred method of holding therapy sessions one-on-one to diagnose patients and provide services. Similar approaches were taken in art therapy with less efficacy given the hands-on nature of the required activities. With the rise of virtual reality (VR) as a more widely accessible technology since 2020 has provided the ability to engage with individuals in a simulated virtual environments (VEs) from any location. Of those that have need of acute attention paid to sensory issues are those with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), and VR is well-suited to benefit the population. The expansion and availability of immersive reality content and hardware has positioned clinical psychology and art therapy to capitalize on the customizable VEs for therapeutic purposes. But the potential benefits of VR to support those with ASD through art therapy have only recently been broached. Research has hitherto focused on how the technology may be adapted for use in addressing methodological and clinical issues in psychological assessment. This study seeks to expand the discourse on the use of VR for art therapy in providing services to the neurodiverse community and ameliorate the symptoms of autism spectrum disorder (ASD). Through the abilities of immersive reality to adjust light, sound, smells, haptics, and other environmental factors to the needs of an individual, as well as the ability to ease cognitive load and stress associated with eye contact through the use of avatars, art therapy sessions can focus on reducing environmental variables and thus limit the need for masking and other behaviors that impede the therapeutic process
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