5 research outputs found

    Analysing the evolution of computer science events leveraging a scholarly knowledge graph: a scientometrics study of top-ranked events in the past decade

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    The publish or perish culture of scholarly communication results in quality and relevance to be are subordinate to quantity. Scientific events such as conferences play an important role in scholarly communication and knowledge exchange. Researchers in many fields, such as computer science, often need to search for events to publish their research results, establish connections for collaborations with other researchers and stay up to date with recent works. Researchers need to have a meta-research understanding of the quality of scientific events to publish in high-quality venues. However, there are many diverse and complex criteria to be explored for the evaluation of events. Thus, finding events with quality-related criteria becomes a time-consuming task for researchers and often results in an experience-based subjective evaluation. OpenResearch.org is a crowd-sourcing platform that provides features to explore previous and upcoming events of computer science, based on a knowledge graph. In this paper, we devise an ontology representing scientific events metadata. Furthermore, we introduce an analytical study of the evolution of Computer Science events leveraging the OpenResearch.org knowledge graph. We identify common characteristics of these events, formalize them, and combine them as a group of metrics. These metrics can be used by potential authors to identify high-quality events. On top of the improved ontology, we analyzed the metadata of renowned conferences in various computer science communities, such as VLDB, ISWC, ESWC, WIMS, and SEMANTiCS, in order to inspect their potential as event metrics

    Scholarly event characteristics in four fields of science : a metrics-based analysis

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    One of the key channels of scholarly knowledge exchange are scholarly events such as conferences, workshops, symposiums, etc.; such events are especially important and popular in Computer Science, Engineering, and Natural Sciences.However, scholars encounter problems in finding relevant information about upcoming events and statistics on their historic evolution.In order to obtain a better understanding of scholarly event characteristics in four fields of science, we analyzed the metadata of scholarly events of four major fields of science, namely Computer Science, Physics, Engineering, and Mathematics using Scholarly Events Quality Assessment suite, a suite of ten metrics.In particular, we analyzed renowned scholarly events belonging to five sub-fields within Computer Science, namely World Wide Web, Computer Vision, Software Engineering, Data Management, as well as Security and Privacy.This analysis is based on a systematic approach using descriptive statistics as well as exploratory data analysis. The findings are on the one hand interesting to observe the general evolution and success factors of scholarly events; on the other hand, they allow (prospective) event organizers, publishers, and committee members to assess the progress of their event over time and compare it to other events in the same field; and finally, they help researchers to make more informed decisions when selecting suitable venues for presenting their work.Based on these findings, a set of recommendations has been concluded to different stakeholders, involving event organizers, potential authors, proceedings publishers, and sponsors. Our comprehensive dataset of scholarly events of the aforementioned fields is openly available in a semantic format and maintained collaboratively at OpenResearch.org. © 2020, The Author(s)

    Mapping the impact of papers on various status groups in excellencemapping.net: a new release of the excellence mapping tool based on citation and reader scores

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    In over five years, Bornmann, Stefaner, de Moya Anegon, and Mutz (2014b) and Bornmann, Stefaner, de Moya AnegĂłn, and Mutz (2014c, 2015) have published several releases of the www.excellencemapping.net tool revealing (clusters of) excellent institutions worldwide based on citation data. With the new release, a completely revised tool has been published. It is not only based on citation data (bibliometrics), but also Mendeley data (altmetrics). Thus, the institutional impact measurement of the tool has been expanded by focusing on additional status groups besides researchers such as students and librarians. Furthermore, the visualization of the data has been completely updated by improving the operability for the user and including new features such as institutional profile pages. In this paper, we describe the datasets for the current excellencemapping.net tool and the indicators applied. Furthermore, the underlying statistics for the tool and the use of the web application are explained

    Affiliation analysis of database publications

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