1,935 research outputs found

    Affect Analysis of Radical Contents on Web Forums Using SentiWordNet

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    The internet has become a major tool for communication, training, fundraising, media operations, and recruitment, and these processes often use web forums. This paper presents a model that was built using SentiWordNet, WordNet and NLTK to analyze selected web forums that included radical content. SentiWordNet is a lexical resource for supporting opinion mining by assigning a positivity score and a negativity score to each WordNet. The approaches of the model measure and identify sentiment polarity and affect the intensity of that which appears in the web forum. The results show that SentiWordNet can be used for analyzing sentences that appear in web forums

    A new multi-modal dataset for human affect analysis

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    In this paper we present a new multi-modal dataset of spontaneous three way human interactions. Participants were recorded in an unconstrained environment at various locations during a sequence of debates in a video conference, Skype style arrangement. An additional depth modality was introduced, which permitted the capture of 3D information in addition to the video and audio signals. The dataset consists of 16 participants and is subdivided into 6 unique sections. The dataset was manually annotated on a continuously scale across 5 different affective dimensions including arousal, valence, agreement, content and interest. The annotation was performed by three human annotators with the ensemble average calculated for use in the dataset. The corpus enables the analysis of human affect during conversations in a real life scenario. We first briefly reviewed the existing affect dataset and the methodologies related to affect dataset construction, then we detailed how our unique dataset was constructed

    Deep neural network augmentation: generating faces for affect analysis

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    This paper presents a novel approach for synthesizing facial affect; either in terms of the six basic expressions (i.e., anger, disgust, fear, joy, sadness and surprise), or in terms of valence (i.e., how positive or negative is an emotion) and arousal (i.e., power of the emotion activation). The proposed approach accepts the following inputs:(i) a neutral 2D image of a person; (ii) a basic facial expression or a pair of valence-arousal (VA) emotional state descriptors to be generated, or a path of affect in the 2D VA space to be generated as an image sequence. In order to synthesize affect in terms of VA, for this person, 600,000 frames from the 4DFAB database were annotated. The affect synthesis is implemented by fitting a 3D Morphable Model on the neutral image, then deforming the reconstructed face and adding the inputted affect, and blending the new face with the given affect into the original image. Qualitative experiments illustrate the generation of realistic images, when the neutral image is sampled from fifteen well known lab-controlled or in-the-wild databases, including Aff-Wild, AffectNet, RAF-DB; comparisons with generative adversarial networks (GANs) show the higher quality achieved by the proposed approach. Then, quantitative experiments are conducted, in which the synthesized images are used for data augmentation in training deep neural networks to perform affect recognition over all databases; greatly improved performances are achieved when compared with state-of-the-art methods, as well as with GAN-based data augmentation, in all cases

    Your fellows matter: Affect analysis across subjects in group videos

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    Automatic affect analysis has become a well established research area in the last two decades. Recent works have started moving from individual to group scenarios. However, little attention has been paid to investigating how individuals in a group influence the affective states of each other. In this paper, we propose a novel framework for cross-subjects affect analysis in group videos. Specifically, we analyze the correlation of the affect among group members and investigate the automatic recognition of the affect of one subject using the behaviours expressed by another subject in the same group. A set of experiments are conducted using a recently collected database aimed at affect analysis in group settings. Our results show that (1) people in the same group do share more information in terms of behaviours and emotions than people in different groups; and (2) the affect of one subject in a group can be better predicted using the expressive behaviours of another subject within the same group than using that of a subject from a different group. This work is of great importance for affect recognition in group settings: when the information of one subject is unavailable due to occlusion, head/body poses etc., we can predict his/her affect by employing the expressive behaviours of the other subject(s).European Unions Horizon 202

    Affect Analysis in Video

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    Graph-based Facial Affect Analysis: A Review of Methods, Applications and Challenges

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    Facial affect analysis (FAA) using visual signals is important in human-computer interaction. Early methods focus on extracting appearance and geometry features associated with human affects, while ignoring the latent semantic information among individual facial changes, leading to limited performance and generalization. Recent work attempts to establish a graph-based representation to model these semantic relationships and develop frameworks to leverage them for various FAA tasks. In this paper, we provide a comprehensive review of graph-based FAA, including the evolution of algorithms and their applications. First, the FAA background knowledge is introduced, especially on the role of the graph. We then discuss approaches that are widely used for graph-based affective representation in literature and show a trend towards graph construction. For the relational reasoning in graph-based FAA, existing studies are categorized according to their usage of traditional methods or deep models, with a special emphasis on the latest graph neural networks. Performance comparisons of the state-of-the-art graph-based FAA methods are also summarized. Finally, we discuss the challenges and potential directions. As far as we know, this is the first survey of graph-based FAA methods. Our findings can serve as a reference for future research in this field.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 5 table