85 research outputs found

    CHI and the future robot enslavement of humankind: a retrospective

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    As robots from the future, we are compelled to present this important historical document which discusses how the systematic investigation of interactive technology facilitated and hastened the enslavement of mankind by robots during the 21st Century. We describe how the CHI community, in general, was largely responsible for this eventuality, as well as how specific strands of interaction design work were key to the enslavement. We also mention the futility of some reactionary work emergent in your time that sought to challenge the inevitable subjugation. We conclude by congratulating the CHI community for your tireless work in promoting and supporting our evil robot agenda

    A hauntology of participatory speculation

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    In this paper I conduct a hauntological analysis of participatory speculation, within the context of a study into understanding the potential for increasing recognition of LGBT+ young people’s experiences of hate crime and hate incidents. Hauntology provides a means to further situate accounts of speculation in Participatory Design by sensitising us to the interplay of the virtual and the actual that enables us to expand our sense of the possible. Through understanding how participatory speculation is shaped by absent presences, this paper contributes to the discussion of post-solutionist practices in PD that foster care and responsibility across multiple sites and forms of participation in the face of issues that resist resolution. I conclude by considering by translating speculation into shared spaces of wonder, Participatory Design can foster ethical commitments that stay with the trouble

    Exploring reflective design: an approach to digital archives

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    In this short paper we discuss our explorations with adopting reflective design as an approach to designing a digital archive for the performing arts. The stakeholders in this project are diverse, comprised of members of the partner organisation, the public, the design team and government funding agencies. Each stakeholder has different expectations and skills to bring to the project. It is proposed that reflective design with its mix of critical reflection with a human centred design and prototyping approach provides a methodological framework that enables the complexities of the project to be integrated into an action orientated design exploration

    Reflecting on RTD 2015:Making Connections to Doing Research Through Design

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    This article shares the connections I have made between having experienced the Research Through Design 2015 Conference (RTD) and my experiences of doing Research through Design (RtD). To provide an example of doing RtD, I outline the projects situated at the heart of my doctoral studies, critically examine the features of my experience, and present how they have emerged from doing RtD. The purpose of this article is to provoke further discussion on the reflective processes of doing RtD and, in doing so, reveal the potential to map and inform the progression and effects of RtD methodology

    Enabling designers to generate concepts of interactive product behaviours: a mixed reality design approach

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    To design interactive behaviours for their products designers/makers have to use high fidelity tools like ‘electronic prototyping kits’, involving sensors and programming to incorporate interactions in their products and are dependent on availability of hardware. Not every designer is comfortable using such tools to ideate and test their concept ideas, eventually slowing them down in the process. Thus, there is a need for a design tool that reduces dependence on complex components of such tools while exploring new concepts for product design at an early stage. In this work, we propose a Mixed Reality system that we developed to simulate interactive behaviours of products using designed visual interaction blocks. The system is implemented in three stages: idea generation, creating interactions and revision of interactive behaviours. The implemented virtual scenario showed to elicit high motivation and appeal among users resulting in inventive and creative design experience at the same time. As a result, designers will be able to create and revise their interaction-behavioural design concepts virtually with relative ease, resulting in higher concept generation and their validation

    Modified Social Benches: Exploring the Role of Aesthetic Interaction to Placemaking

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    This paper discusses some aesthetic and social aspects that involve interactions with urban art installations. The aim is to better understand how, and to what extent, aesthetic interactions with art installations can transform an urban space into a place. The discussion is based on a case study of the Modified Social Benches, a series of outdoor, interactive artworks that provide different types of bodily engagement, social encounters and aesthetic experiences. A detailed empirical analysis is carried out, emphasising the social roles around the installations as well as the most salient aspects regarding the bodily, the spatial and the experiential qualities of the interactions. The results suggest that urban installations affording playful, action-oriented and sensorimotor encounters are more effective to placemaking than installations that encourage static modalities of social activities

    Multimedia analysis and design: a conceptual framework

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    The paper proposes a conceptual model inspired to semiotic theories, to be applied to the analysis and design of multimedia. We introduce a meta-model with four levels of semantic aggregation. There results a framework of concepts, relations and processes accounting for the multiple meanings that arise from a multimedia text. We explore the effectiveness of the model by considering four commercial clips by the brand Lanc\uf4me. Our analysis confirms that the framework is well suited to the analysis, indexing, design of narrative multimedia


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    This paper presents an analysis of Human-Centred Design (HCD), using a metatriangulation of scientific literature. This metatriangulation comprises a systematic overview of recent HCD research, in which literature is categorised and analysed using both engineering lens and cognitive science paradigmatic lenses. The study reveals that the most popular HCD approaches do not accommodate software aimed at a broad or anonymous user-base. This shortcoming can be attributed, at least in part, to the popularity of HCD approaches focusing on highly-conscious user cognition based on conceptual models. These forms of cognition rely upon learned conventions and accumulated understanding and, as a result, design approaches focusing upon them are fundamentally limited to catering for a specific subset of the human population. We identify an emerging HCD approach, which we label \u27Foundational Design\u27. This approach focuses on cognitive regularities which exist in less-conscious processing, independent of culture or individual experience, and thus possibly offers a solution to the dilemma described above. Thus a future research agenda focused on the Foundational Design approach and the emerging NeuroIS research stream is proposed and discussed

    Flowing bodies: Exploring the micro and macro scales of bodily interactions with urban media installations

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    In this paper we investigate human interactions with urban media installations by adopting two scales of analysis: the body scale (micro) and the city scale (macro). This twofold approach allows us to better understand the relationships between the design properties of outdoor installations and the urban spatial layout around them. We conducted in-the-wild studies of two urban media installations, one consisting of fixed components, and the other of movable components, which were deployed in different places and encouraged different types of whole-body interaction. We provide a detailed account of the micro and macro levels of interactions, based on observational and qualitative explorations. Our studies reveal that the urban spatial layout is a key element in defining the interactions and encounters around outdoor interfaces, and therefore it needs to inform the design process from the outset

    The Impact of the Whole Language Approach Towards Children Early Reading and Writing in English

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    This study aims to determine the effect of the whole language approach to the ability to read and write in English in early stages of children aged 5-6 years in one of the kindergartens in the Yogyakarta Special Region. The population in this study were 43 children who were in the age range of 5-6 years in the kindergarten. Twenty-nine participants were included in the experimental class subjects as well as the control class with posttest only control group design. Observation is a way to record data in research on early reading and writing ability. The results of Multivariate Anal- ysis of Covariance (Manova) to the data shows that 1) there is a difference in ability between the application of the whole language approach and the conventional approach to the ability to read the beginning of English; 2) there is a difference in ability between applying a whole language approach and a conventional approach to writing English beginning skills; 3) there is a difference in ability between the whole language approach and the conventional approach to the ability to read and write the beginning in English Keywords: Whole language approach, Early reading, Early writing, Early childhood Reference Abdurrahman, M. (2003). Pendidikan bagi Anak Berkesulitan Belajar. Jakarta: Rineka Cipta. Aisyah, S., Yarmi, G., & Bintoro, T. (2018). Pendekatan Whole Language dalam Pengembangan Kemampuan Membaca Permulaan Siswa Sekolah Dasar. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Pendidikan, 160–163. Alhaddad, A. S. (2014). 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