103 research outputs found


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    We propose a conceptual model for the context of mobile applications (apps) that explains the relationship between perceived visual aesthetics, perceived visual attractiveness, and intention to download. The model predicts that the aesthetics characteristics influence users’ perceived app attractiveness and users’ intention to download the app. It further predicts an interaction effect, where users’ personality types moderate the effect of aesthetics characteristics on perceived app attractiveness. In other words: differences in aesthetics characteristics explain differences in perceived app attractiveness. However, this effect varies for different types of user personality. We explain the model’s grounding in theory, describe the design of a laboratory experiment for empirically testing the model, and explain our manipulations of the aesthetics characteristics along its classic and expressive dimensions. Besides presenting our conceptual model and describing out planned experimental design, this study encourages researchers to further investigate how aesthetics characteristics affect intention formation depending on user personality types

    Brand Credibility Through Web Design

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    Websites act as a first impression of a company that users use to judge and form opinions on. Therefore, it is crucial to implement an appealing design with straightforward navigation. However, for small businesses or freelancers, good web design is hard to achieve without a web designer. Small businesses rely heavily on e-commerce and digital advertising but are more likely to lack the resource and knowledge to develop a good website. Cristina Ruales Co is a personal brand belonging to an independent designer who uses her website to market and sell her products and services. The current brand website is confusing, cluttered, and full of outdated information and content. In this project, I will explore how web design can be used to add credibility to a company and redesign the website accordingly. The goal of this project is to improve users’ perception of the brand to attract new customers and increase business

    Effects of Relationship Quality on Citizen Intention Use of E-government Services: An Empirical Study of E-government System

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    This study aims to explain the concept of relationship quality on citizen intention use of e-Government service. We have built 5 hypotheses. The result of 5 hypotheses is positive and significant impact. In building citizen relationship, we build two antecedent they are perceived e-Government usability and perceived e-Government credibility. The method we use in this research is empirical, with 366 valid respondents

    A Theoretical Framework For Understanding Aesthetic Experiences In Relation To Website Design And Utilitarian Outcomes

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    Online affective experiences and their relationships to utilitarian and non-utilitarian outcomes are of growing interest. This study investigates one affective experience – aesthetics – and its impact on online utilitarian values. As the concept of web aesthetic experience has not been well studied or understood, this study proposes a novel theoretical model connecting web aesthetic experiences to online utilitarian values. Based on the prior literature from other disciplines, the study treats the aesthetic experience as a complex and multi-dimensional construct, which contains three distinct sub-dimensions: aesthetic appraisal, aesthetic judgment, and aesthetic emotion. The research process will include making the selection of diverse level of aesthetic websites and a cross-over design experiment. The structural equation modelling technique will be employed to evaluate the relationships between the web aesthetic experience and utilitarian outcome. The expected contributions of this study are: (i) to construct a novel theoretical model based on the psychological and philosophical concepts of aesthetic experience and utilitarian value; (ii) to identify the multi-dimensional evidence of web aesthetic experiences; (iii) to provide theoretical and practical knowledge for predicting the utilitarian outcomes through online users’ aesthetic experiences. The study also points to the need for more research in this complex area

    Web Literacy for Evaluating Credibility of Web Information: Issues and Considerations

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    Because of a variety of procedures related to design and presentation of web content and structure, there would be a pressing need to consider issues of quality of web information in upcoming years. It is argued, in the current paper, that evaluation issues related to credibility and quality assessments are of high importance in web environment in comparison with traditional information environments. Some evaluation skills like authority, coverage, currency, objectivity, accuracy, critical thinking and information literacy all of which could be categorized as Web Literacy would be fruitful in doing so. There exists, however, lack of evaluation skills among users caused by their cognitive styles, prior knowledge, information skills and of web resources characteristics as well. Some other solutions like dialectical reading, information ethics and also institutional policymaking will also be taken into account at the end of the paper

    Web Literacy for Evaluating Credibility of Web Information: Issues and Considerations

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    Because of a variety of procedures related to design and presentation of web content and structure, there would be a pressing need to consider issues of quality of web information in upcoming years. It is argued, in the current paper, that evaluation issues related to credibility and quality assessments are of high importance in web environment in comparison with traditional information environments. Some evaluation skills like authority, coverage, currency, objectivity, accuracy, critical thinking and information literacy all of which could be categorized as Web Literacy would be fruitful in doing so. There exists, however, lack of evaluation skills among users caused by their cognitive styles, prior knowledge, information skills and of web resources characteristics as well. Some other solutions like dialectical reading, information ethics and also institutional policymaking will also be taken into account at the end of the paper

    Understanding the Visual Aesthetics of Mobile Apps in Everyday Life: The Influence Cute Aesthetics

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    This paper investigates visual aesthetics (VA) of mobile apps’ in everyday life by examining the effects of affect and cute aesthetics. We analyzed two theoretical dimensions of affect, positive affect (PA) and negative affect (NA), and provided an analysis of the relevance of PA and NA by relating them to VA of three interface designs (ID) with varying levels of cute aesthetics (i.e. low, mid and high). Data was collected using a survey. Regression results from 166 participants suggest that cute aesthetics invoke PA (i.e., interested, excited, enthusiastic) and that it is a strong positive predictor for VA across all three IDs. This study contributes to a better understanding of the relevance of positive affect and cute aesthetics on visual aesthetics of mobile apps in everyday life


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    Inovasi dan kemudahan penggunaan (perceived ease of use or usability) e-Government merupakan faktor yang menyebabkan rendahnya penerimaan e-Government di kalangan masyarakat, baik pengguna internal pemerintahan maupun masyarakat pada umumnya. Mengingat pesatnya perkembangan teknologi mobile, pengembangan website dalam versi mobile merupakan inovasi dalam upaya meningkatkan keterlibatan dan keinginan masyarakat untuk menggunakan website e-Government. Selain itu, berdasarkan aspek kemudahan, penting bagi desainer atau developer mobile website untuk memahami dan menyesuaikan desain mobile website dengan target pengguna. Dalam merancang desain visual, perancang juga diminta untuk mempertimbangkan aspek psikomotorik, kognitif, dan afektif pengguna untuk mengoptimalkan penggunaan teknologi. Ketiga aspek tersebut biasa digunakan oleh pengguna untuk menilai apakah suatu inovasi teknologi mudah diterima atau tidak oleh penggun

    Developing Credibility Guidelines for e-Government Website Design: An Empirical Study

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    Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) have changed how private sector business is conducted online. ICTs have also been adopted in the public sector, principally in terms of e-government. Users’ interaction with e-government can be influenced by a number of issues, notably e-government website credibility. Therefore, credibility is an important factor in e-government development, but one that has received little attention. This study has evaluated credibility of current e-government websites. The findings indicate a number of credibility problems, and suggest that current e-government websites need to improve their credibility. As such, this study has developed a set of credibility guidelines, which guide designers to develop credibility in e-government websites. The final goal is to develop more credible e-government that can generate greater users’ participation
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