254,857 research outputs found

    An Examination of Women\u27s Representation and Participation in Bicycle Advisory Committees in California, Research Report WP 11-03

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    In the United States, women bicycle at significantly lower rates than men. One method of remedying this disparity is to ensure that women are engaged in bicycle planning and policy making through, for example, participation in bicycle advisory committees (BACs). No research has been conducted on women’s representation and participation in these committees. This study attempts to fill that gap by examining women’s membership levels in and experiences serving on California bicycle advisory committees and bicycle/pedestrian advisory committees. In addition, we explore some of the barriers to participation faced by female cyclists. A survey of 42 committees revealed that women make up approximately 24% of members on an average bicycle (and pedestrian) advisory committee in California. Through focus group interviews with 24 women currently serving on BACs, several common themes emerged. Women on these committees are more likely than men to bring up women’s and children’s issues, and some aspects of the committees themselves may serve as barriers for women to become more involved. An online survey of 565 women cyclists in California provided insight regarding some of the common barriers women identify as reasons for not becoming involved with a BAC. Lack of awareness of the committees did not seem to be a barrier: 67% of respondents were aware of their local committee. Instead, barriers indentified by participants included: time; perceived lack of qualifications; lack of information about the committee; family and household responsibilities; and lack of interest. Recommendations to increase women’s representation on BACs include the following strategies: education about the committee; targeted recruitment efforts; and policy and procedural changes

    An Empirical Argument for Nontechnical Public Members on Advisory Committees: FDA As a Model

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    A discussion of the results of two surveys of present and past members of Food and Drug Administration Advisory Committees. The views and understanding of the issues before various categories of membership are compared and contrasted. It appears that technical members of advisory committees would generally welcome more participation by persons who lack special subject matter expertise

    The Federal Advisory Committee Act and Public Participation in Environmental Policy

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    This paper discusses the Federal Advisory Committee Act (FACA) and how it affects public participation in environmental decision-making. Passed in 1972 as one of the "openness in government" laws, FACA governs how the federal government seeks outside advice. It has had a profound influence on who participates in government decision-making, when they participate, how they participate, and what influence participation has on policy. FACA has had a number of notable successes. Primary among these has been its role in limiting the unbalanced influence of special interests, acting through advisory committees, on public policy-making. The advisory committees which the law governs have also achieved a number of the "social goals" of public participation, including: (1) educating the public, (2) bringing public values into government decision-making, (3) improving the substantive quality of decisions, (4) increasing trust in government institutions, and (5) reducing conflict. Often, advisory committees have given government relatively inexpensive access to experts and stakeholders in order to achieve these goals. However, FACA has also created�directly and indirectly�a number of "chilling effects" on public participation in environmental decision-making. First are procedural requirements which make it difficult for groups outside of government to become advisory committees, and thereby gain access to decision-making. Second are ambiguities in the law and its regulations which limit the willingness of public agencies to engage the public outside of FACA. And third are Clinton Administration policies which limit the number of advisory committees that agencies are allowed to establish. Taken together, these chilling effects create a paradox wherein agencies are reluctant to engage the public in decision-making outside of FACA but significant barriers keep groups (and agencies) from forming advisory committees under the Act. The paper concludes by recommending a streamlining of FACA's procedural requirements, a clarification of regulations and policies regarding what type of participation falls under FACA, and an elimination of administrative ceilings on advisory committee formation.

    Public Accountability of Advisory Committees

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    The final paper from the symposium on public participation in Risk management discusses existing procedures for ensuring the integrity of advisory committee recommendations. It concludes that they are inadequate and argues that accountability would be better served if nonexperts were included. It also suggests that, in any event, measures need to be taken to indicate, e.g., the bases for committee conclusions

    Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee 12th May, 1975

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    This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 12th May, 1975. The report covers the minutes from the previous meetings of the Local Fisheries Advisory Committees, licence duties, fishery byelaws, and regional fish hatchery requirements. Also included is information on the long term angling leases on Authority waters. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996

    Resolving Technological Controversies in Regulatory Agencies

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    Professor Shapiro notes that, e.g., advisory committees may increase technical accuracy at the price of delaying already slow rule making and urges Congress and the courts to provide agencies with broad procedural discretion

    Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee 3rd November 1975.

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    This is the report from the Regional Fisheries Advisory Committee meeting, which was held on the 3rd November 1975. The report contains information on the proceedings of the Local Fisheries Advisory Committee and recommendations for these committees, proposed Coarse Fish Unit, netting on the Solway Firth, fishing licence duties, fisheries improvement works on the River Leven and fishing at Jumbles Reservoir. The Fisheries Advisory Committee was part of the Regional Water Authorities, in this case the North West Water Authority. This preceded the Environment Agency which came into existence in 1996

    Judicial Ethics Advisory Committees Should Render Opinions Which Adhere to Binding United States Constitutional Precedents

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    Judicial ethics advisory committees provide legal advice to judges who inquire whether their prospective conduct is prohibited or permitted by the judicial ethics code. This article argues that judicial ethics advisory committees should consider biding constitutional precedents when rendering their advice. Failure to do so may chill judges\u27 exercise of constitutional rights; may cause judges to needlessly spend time and money seeking declaratory relief to avoid the risk of discipline; may cause judges to risk a disciplinary prosecution in which judge\u27s failure to comply with committees\u27 constitutionally incorrect advice may be used against them; may deprive judges of favorable advisory opinions which judges can use to defend against judicial ethics prosecutions; and may deter judges from seeking the committees\u27 advice in the future

    Faculty Senate Agenda, April 27, 2009

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    Committee on Committees Report FDDE Report Calendar Committee Report EPC Items FSEC Response – Classroom Issue Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities – Tenure Advisory Committees ADVANCE Report Committee on Committees Election PRPC Item

    An examination of women’s representation and participation in bicycle advisory committees in California

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    In the United States, women bicycle at significantly lower rates than men. One method of remedying this disparity is to ensure that women are engaged in bicycle planning and policy making through, for example, participation in bicycle advisory committees (BACs). No research has been conducted on women’s representation and participation in these committees. This study attempts to fill that gap by examining women’s membership levels in and experiences serving on California bicycle advisory committees and bicycle/pedestrian advisory committees. In addition, we explore some of the barriers to participation faced by female cyclists. A survey of 42 committees revealed that women make up approximately 24% of members on an average bicycle (and pedestrian) advisory committee in California. Through focus group interviews with 24 women currently serving on BACs, several common themes emerged. Women on these committees are more likely than men to bring up women’s and children’s issues, and some aspects of the committees themselves may serve as barriers for women to become more involved. An online survey of 565 women cyclists in California provided insight regarding some of the common barriers women identify as reasons for not becoming involved with a BAC. Lack of awareness of the committees did not seem to be a barrier: 67% of respondents were aware of their local committee. Instead, barriers indentified by participants included: time; perceived lack of qualifications; lack of information about the committee; family and household responsibilities; and lack of interest. Recommendations to increase women’s representation on BACs include the following strategies: education about the committee; targeted recruitment efforts; and policy and procedural changes
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