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    Tapping the universityโ€™s potential on sustainable development goals

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    Sustainable development goals, SDG 2030 through education for sustainable development has mentioned by UNESCO as an approach to mobilize the 17 goals of SD


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    Volume5/1998_September28September 28, 1998 PULSE UNIVERSITY OF UTAH HEALTH SCIENCES CENTER Allergic to Latex? UH Has Answer University Hospital is stepping up its fight to help patients and staff avoid allergic reactions to latex, according to Andrew Chalmers, R. N., Occupational Health Service. Latex is used in a variety of health- care products, including surgical and examination gloves, stethoscopes, intravenous tubing and syringes. " Allergic reactions to latex can range from minor skin irritation to life- threatening anaphylactic shock," said Chalmers, who also chaired the hospital's Latex Allergy Task Force. " The important thing is for staff to be aware of potential problems and watch for them in their patients and themselves." For employees with a latex allergy, the hospital storeroom now features non- latex gloves and powder-free latex gloves with a reduced protein count. A new lavender, latex- free cart also is available from Central Services for patients with a latex allergy. The cart includes a latex- free stethoscope, gloves and fresh gowns. Latex balloons also have been banned from the hospital and Auxiliary gift shop. Mylar balloons are still allowed. continued on back Flu Immunizations Start This Week UH's Occupational Health Service ( OHS) will provide free influenza immunizations to all health sciences center employees and students throughout the month of October at the following locations: Cafeteria Private Dining Room Thursday, Oct. 1, 2- 4 p. m. Wednesday, Oct. 7, 1- 3 p. m. Monday, Oct. 19, 2- 4 p. m. Clinical Research Center Conference Room ( 5 South) Tuesday, Oct. 6, 7: 30- 9: 30 a. m. Monday, Oct. 12, 7: 30- 9: 30 a. m. Human Resources Training Room ( first- floor Moran Eye Center) Tuesday, Oct. 13, 12- 2 p. m. Members of the " shot patrol" also will visit clinical areas of the hospital the first two weeks ol November to provide on- site immunizations. For more information, call an OHS nurse at x 1- 2227. Med Students Volunteer at Care Fair Second- year medical student Rebecca Halter examines a patient at the Junior League of Salt Lake City \ v annual Care Fair held recently at Eisenhower Junior High School. More than 50 medical students participated in the event, which was coordinated by fourth- year medical student Arlene R. Burton. According to Marc Babitz, M. D, professor of family and preventive medicine, students and faculty from the departments of pediatrics, internal medicine and family and preventive medicine conducted more than 400 physical examinations. " For many of the patients the fair was the only type of health care they receive, " said Babitz. " The event was a great opportunity for our students to practice their examination and communication skills." Learn to Use Eccles Library from Home Nancy Lombardo, assistant librarian at the Spencer S. Eccles Health Sciences Library, will present Remote Access to Electronic Services Friday, at noon, in the library's History of Medicine Room. The one- hour presentation will demonstrate how to access the library and other internet services from off-campus. Other issues to be addressed include: using an ACLIS account and proxy server; MEDLINE on the internet; electronic library services; finding an internet service provider; and free email options. Faculty News John M. Matsen Matsen Receives Award From UMA John M. Matsen, M. D., University senior vice president for health sciences and dean, School of Medicine, recently received a distinguished service award from the Utah Medical Association. The award recognizes Matsen's " distinguished career as physician, educator, administrator and inspired leader to improve the Art and Science of Medicine, and the delivery of medical care to the people of Utah." U Viral Hepatitis Expert to Address International Meeting in Geneva Robert S. Fujinami, Ph. D., professor of neurology and adjunct professor of pathology, is among 13 experts in viral hepatitis prevention invited to speak in Geneva, Switzerland, this week at a meeting sanctioned by the World Health Organization ( WHO). Fujinami will attend a meeting of the Viral Hepatitis Prevention Board, an independent multidisciplinary group of scientists established to focus attention on viral hepatitis as a major health hazard- both in occupational settings and in communities- and ways it can be pre-vented. The board will discuss safety and usage of the current Hepatitis B virus vaccines, and propose new standards and guidelines for WHO vaccine strategy and use. Adashi's Presentations Span the Globe Eli Y. Adashi, M. D., professor and chair of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, recently made a presentation at the Fourth Sapporo International Symposium on Ovarian Function in Sapporo, Japan. The forum is convened every four years. Adashi has served on the scientific advisory board and organizing committee of the symposium. Adashi also recently served as the John Collins Lecturer at the 44th annual meeting of the Canadian Fertility and Andrology Society at Mont- Tremblant, Quebec, Canada. His presentation was titled " The Genetic Basis of Reproductive Dysfunction: Three Tails for the Annals of Reproductive Medicine." The society focuses on issues related to human reproduction. continued from front " Our goal is not to completely eliminate latex from the hospital. It provides an excellent barrier for infection control, and its ability to stretch and conform makes it great for gloves. We just want employees to know there are other options available," said Chalmers. Members of the Latex Allergy Task Force include: Kathy St. Romain, Operating Room; Tammi Applegarth, Clinic 10; Lynda Bailey, Nursing; Andrew Chalmers, Occupational Health; Kathryn Dullam, Risk Management; Murray Hayward, Safety Officer; Craig Herzog, Pharmacy Services; Teri Hill, Human Re-sources; Christine Jamjian, Pharmacy Services; Teresa Jones, Pediatrics; Richard Lee, SPD; Sandie McAtee, Nursing; Tena Rallis, M. D., Dermatology; Toni Smith, Nursing; and Patsy Stapleton, Nursing Education. For more information about latex allergies and sensitivity, contact one of UH's occupational health nurses at xl- 2227 or x5- 6910. Last Chance for Survival Spanish The deadline to register for the hospital's course in survival Spanish for health- care providers is Oct. 6. The course will be held from 1: 30- 2: 30 p. m., Mondays and Wednesdays, Oct. 12- Nov. 11. The $ 20 fee will be refunded, if employees attend at least seven of the 10 classes. Registration forms are available outside nursing . education ( room 4009). For more information, call MaiyB^ Jo Heilmeier, x 1- 2422. Better Bones Tour Leaves Its Mark on UH Rex Krahenbuhl, Facilities and Engineering, displays his milk mustache at the Better Bones Tour held recently in the hospital lobby. The event featured osteoporosis risk assesments, bone density screenings, prizes, milk and a milk mustache photo contest. The winner of the national contest will be featured in a milk mustache ad in People magazine. Thanks go to Sandi Martin, Community Outreach and Volunteer Services, for helping coordinate the event