5,904 research outputs found

    Native Advertising and Disclosure

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    This paper reviews the growing combination of advertising and editorial content in the converged paid media form of native advertisements. Because native advertisements have the potential to negatively impact the credibility of traditional news organizations by misleading consumers through hidden persuasion attempts, this text reviews native advertisements in five prominent online newspapers for disclosure and source credibility. Through a content analysis of 130 online newspaper native ads, this paper reviews disclosure according to FTC guidelines for native advertising proximity and placement, prominence, reputation, and language. In addition, this text reviews source credibility by attribution and source status: executives, professionals, public relations personnel, workers, celebrities, organizations, and students. This paper adds to research by its application of Agenda-Setting Theory in its sorting of native ads by their newspaper category and subject matter to determine which newspaper sections are utilizing native ads most frequently and ultimately driving the editorial agenda

    The Economics of Internet Markets

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    The internet has facilitated the creation of new markets characterized by large scale, increased customization, rapid innovation and the collection and use of detailed consumer and market data. I describe these changes and some of the economic theory that has been useful for thinking about online advertising markets, retail and business-to-business e-commerce, internet job matching and financial exchanges, and other internet platforms. I also discuss the empirical evidence on competition and consumer behavior in internet markets and some directions for future research.internet, market, innovation, advertising, retail, e-commerce, financial exchanges

    Multiplicative Bidding in Online Advertising

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    In this paper, we initiate the study of the multiplicative bidding language adopted by major Internet search companies. In multiplicative bidding, the effective bid on a particular search auction is the product of a base bid and bid adjustments that are dependent on features of the search (for example, the geographic location of the user, or the platform on which the search is conducted). We consider the task faced by the advertiser when setting these bid adjustments, and establish a foundational optimization problem that captures the core difficulty of bidding under this language. We give matching algorithmic and approximation hardness results for this problem; these results are against an information-theoretic bound, and thus have implications on the power of the multiplicative bidding language itself. Inspired by empirical studies of search engine price data, we then codify the relevant restrictions of the problem, and give further algorithmic and hardness results. Our main technical contribution is an O(logn)O(\log n)-approximation for the case of multiplicative prices and monotone values. We also provide empirical validations of our problem restrictions, and test our algorithms on real data against natural benchmarks. Our experiments show that they perform favorably compared with the baseline.Comment: 25 pages; accepted to EC'1

    Scalable Winner Determination in Advertising Auctions

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    Internet search results are a growing and highly profitable advertising platform. Search providers auction advertising slots to advertisers on their search result pages. Due to the high volume of searches and the users' low tolerance for search result latency, it is imperative to resolve these auctions fast. Current approaches restrict the expressiveness of bids in order to achieve fast winner determination, which is the problem of allocating slots to advertisers so as to maximize the expected revenue given the advertisers' bids. The goal of our work is to permit more expressive bidding, thus allowing advertisers to achieve complex advertising goals, while still providing fast and scalable techniques for winner determination. We also discuss the application of our framework to advertising in massively multiplayer online games.NS

    Comunicación publicitaria: construcción de potencial de significado a través de la gramática disyuntiva

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    Communication through language, irrespective of the model of its structure and deployment, entails the making of meanings. The ways that advertisers produce meaning through disjunctive grammar is the concern of this study. Thus, the analysis considered twelve advertisements for examination for meaning deductions. The Hallidayan ‘below the clause’ was the conceptual facilitator of meanings in texts. With the application of technological tools of the table and graph, the study drew a conclusion that nominal group (NG) is the most employed device to fascinate readers to consumption. Having observed that advertisers utilize health matters, beliefs and values, monetary gifts, contents of commodities, etc. to persuade consumers, the study suggests that advertisements could assist in revealing the true contents of the advertised products for proper decision making on the products to patronize. Such behavior could also sensitize the public from being recalcitrant to reading advertising artifacts which is a gain to advertisers themselves. Qualquer que seja o modelo que guie sua estrutura e desenvolvimento, a comunicação por meio da linguagem implica a criação de significados. Os publicistas parecem entender que a criação de significado na comunicação com o público-alvo não precisa depender da cláusula ou da oração. As produções de significado podem ser mordazes e com estruturas fragmentadas; com isso, o estudo que deu origem ao presente artigo interessou-se pela forma como os especialistas em publicidade produzem significado por meio da gramática disjuntiva. Analisaram-se doze anúncios de bebidas e telecomunicações, a fim de explicar os significados. O conceito de “cláusula dependente”, estabelecido por Halliday, foi o facilitador conceitual dos significados nos textos. O uso de ferramentas tecnológicas como tabelas e gráficos ajudou a calcular as frequências das instalações disjuntivas dos textos. Chegou-se à conclusão de que a frase nominal é o dispositivo mais empregado para interessar os leitores no consumo. Tendo-se observado que os anunciantes utilizavam assuntos de saúde, crenças e valores, presentes monetários, conteúdos de produtos básicos, globalização etc. para persuadir os consumidores, o estudo sugeriu que os anúncios poderiam seguir empregando construções com signos de pontuação para revelar os verdadeiros conteúdos dos produtos anunciados, de tal forma que tomassem as decisões adequadas ao favorecê-los. Tal comportamento de implantação disjuntiva também poderia levar o público a ler materiais publicitários no lugar de recusá-los, portanto, de uma maneira ou de outra, convencer o público é o objetivo real da persuasão na publicidade.Cualquiera que sea el modelo que guíe su estructura y desarrollo, la comunicación a través del lenguaje implica la creación de significados. Los publicistas parecen entender que la creación de significado en la comunicación con el público objetivo no necesita depender de la cláusula o dea la oración. Las producciones de significado pueden ser mordaces y con estructuras fragmentadas; con esto, el estudio que dio origen al presente artículo se interesó por la forma en que los expertos en publicidad producen significado a través de la gramática disyuntiva. Se analizaron doce anuncios de bebidas y telecomunicaciones, en aras de explicar los significados. El concepto de “debajo de la cláusula”, acuñado por Halliday, fue el facilitador conceptual de los significados en los textos. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas como tablas y gráficos ayudó a calcular las frecuencias de las instalaciones disyuntivas de los textos. Se llegó a la conclusión de que la frase nominal es el dispositivo más empleado para interesar a los lectores en el consumo. Habiéndose observado que los anunciantes utilizaban asuntos de salud, creencias y valores, regalos monetarios, contenidos de productos básicos, globalización, etc. para persuadir a los consumidores, el estudio sugirió que los anuncios podrían seguir empleando construcciones con signos de puntuación para revelar los verdaderos contenidos de los productos anunciados, de tal forma que se tomaran las decisiones adecuadas al favorecerlos. Tal comportamiento de despliegue disyuntivo también podría llevar al público a leer materiales publicitarios en lugar de rechazarlos, en tanto que, de una manera u otra, convencer al público es el objetivo real de la persuasión en la publicidad.https://revistas.udem.edu.co/index.php/anagramas/article/view/215

    Product placement in movies: questioning the effectiveness according to the spectator's viewing conditions

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    While adding to the academic knowledge about product placement, this exploratory research comforts the advertisers in their communication choice for the technique. It focuses on the efficiency as a result of a relationship between a spectator and a movie (before, during and after viewing the movie). Choosing a DVD movie because of the movie director improves the number of brand placement recalled as well as liking the kind of the movie. Such an improvement also occurs when the viewer appreciates the movie. Unfortunately, speaking with someone else while watching the movie does not decrease the number of brand placement recalledBrand placement, consumer, movie, product placement, spontaneous day after recall

    The Economics of Internet Markets

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    The internet has facilitated the creation of new markets characterized by large scale, increased customization, rapid innovation and the collection and use of detailed consumer and market data. I describe these changes and some of the economic theory that has been useful for thinking about online advertising markets, retail and business-to-business e-commerce, internet job matching and financial exchanges, and other internet platforms. I also discuss the empirical evidence on competition and consumer behavior in internet markets and some directions for future research.

    Heterogeneous Rank Effects in Online Marketplace

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    This paper studies the rank effect heterogeneity in the online marketplace and suggests a practical implication for marketing managers to set the optimal digital marketing strategies. Because of the increasing economy of online marketplaces, the position or rank effect is a crucial issue in the marketing literature. The latest literature has focused on the effects of sponsored search results on search engine advertising, though it is known that organic results are more critical than search ads. This research is novel to focus on the effect of organic results in the online marketplace. For analysis on the unit of product level, this paper constructs the rank index through weighted average by keyword search volumes. In the model, the rank effect was specified by the interaction of product-level and category-level averaged variables with the rank index, with the covariates of product-level time-variant variables and two-way fixed effects. Some products were selected randomly to escape the curse of dimensionality. The estimation result suggests that product sales increased in rank and the number of Q&A and reviews. Meanwhile, categories with high price dispersion experienced a lower rank effect, and categories with information asymmetry experienced a lower rank effect. The overall characteristics of the category, such as average price, product attributes, and competition intensity, do not have a significant rank effect. In conclusion, I suggest that marketing managers implement search engine optimization in online marketplaces if their products are in the category with a higher rank effect. This paper finally took a snapshot of the online marketplace by exploiting a vast dataset and extending the marketing literature to the new area. Future research considering hierarchical modeling and endogeneity can investigate more robust and rigorous causality.Chapter 1. Introduction 2 Chapter 2. Literature Review 6 Chapter 3. Data 12 Chapter 4. Model 20 Chapter 5. Results 21 Chapter 6. Discussion 26 Bibliography 30 Abstract in Korean 34Maste

    Attitudinal effects of combined sponsorship and sponsor's prominence on basketball in Europe

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    An experimental study conducted in Europe examined the effects of two types of sponsorship activities, on-site sponsorship and televised broadcast sponsorship announcements, undertaken by basketball sponsors. A series of videos provided a variety of treatment exposures to four groups of young subjects, the usual target audience of basketball. The study revealed that the synergy often assumed between on-site sponsorship and television broadcast sponsorship does not exist. Furthermore, the main effect of either method were found to differ for each of the two sponsors of contrasted market prominence involved in the study.Lardinoit, Thierry and Quester, Pascale G

    Issues in online advertising and competition policy: A two-sided market perspective

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    The advertising markets raise several issues for the conduct of competition policy that are related to the unconventional nature of the market and its functioning. In this paper we take a first pass at these