9 research outputs found

    A Widening Attack Plain

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    A glimpse of our digital future includes diverse actors operating on a widening attack plain with affects ranging from data disruption to death and destruction. How do we craft meaningful narratives of the future that can advise our community today? How do we combat the weaponization of data and future technology? Where do we even start? Threatcasting is a conceptual framework and process that enables multidisciplinary groups to envision and systematically plan against threats ten years in the future. In August 2016, the Army Cyber Institute convened a cross section of public, private and academic participants to model future digital threats using this process with inputs from social science, technical research, cultural history, economics, trends, expert interviews and even a little science fiction. Renowned futurist Brian David Johnson and Army Major Natalie Vanatta will explore the results of this project that not only describes tomorrow’s threats but also identifies specific actions, indicators and concrete steps that can be taken today to disrupt, mitigate and recover from these future threats.https://digitalcommons.usmalibrary.org/aci_books/1034/thumbnail.jp

    National Women's Studies Association Annual Conference: Feminist Transgressions

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    Digital program for the National Women's Studies Association 35th Annual Conference, held November 13-16, 2014, in San Juan, Puerto Rico

    Asgard Revisited:Old Norse mythology and national culture in Iceland, 1820-1918

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    Asgard Revisited:Old Norse mythology and national culture in Iceland, 1820-1918

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    A free open access ebook is available upon publication. Learn more at www.luminosoa.org. The leadership and legacy of al-Haq, from its origins in Palestine to its international impact Established in Ramallah in 1979, al-Haq was the first Palestinian human rights organization and one of the first such organizations in the Arab world. This inside history explores how al-Haq initiated methodologies in law and practice that were ahead of its time and that proved foundational for many strands of today’s human rights work in Palestine and elsewhere. Lynn Welchman looks at both al-Haq’s history and legacy to explore such questions as: Why would one set up a human rights organization under military occupation? How would one go about promoting the rule of law in a Palestinian society deleteriously served by the law and with every reason to distrust those charged with implementing its protections? How would one work to educate overseas allies and activate international law in defense of Palestinian rights? This revelatory story speaks to the practice of local human rights organizations and their impact on international groups

    Distensión y propaganda en la política exterior norteamericana (1962-1980)

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    Estudio analítico del sistema de propaganda institucional de los EE.UU. De mediados del s. XX, señalando la evolución de la retórica gubernamental desde los años de la distensión (1962) hasta el regreso a la Guerra Fría (1979), y recogiendo el desarrollo-adaptacion de las teorías y doctrinas anteriores a las nuevas circunstancias internacionales (coexistencia y policentrismo) con su reflejo en los medios de comunicación y en las relaciones con la URRS. Elaborado básicamente con fuentes documentales (presidential files y recopilaciones diversas), el trabajo esta estructurado en torno a tres supuestos, fases o episodios, coincidentes con: 1) la crisis de los misiles (confrontacion); 2) la guerra de Vietnam (conflicto regional), y 3) el salt II (desarme)

    Asgard Revisited:Old Norse mythology and national culture in Iceland, 1820-1918

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    Deze studie richt zich op de ideologische cultivereing van Oudnoordse mythologie in de context van IJslands groeiende nationale zelfbewustzijn in de periode tussen ca. 1820 en 1918. IJslands middeleeuwse Edda´s zijn, sinds de middeleeuwen, door Denen, Noren, Duitsers en Engelsen toegeëigend en geïnstrumentaliseerd, en werden eerder omschreven als ´Noords´, ´Scandinavisch´ of ´Germaans´ dan als IJslands. Debatten over Oudnoordse cultuur hebben niet alleen IJslandse, maar ook andere Europese vertogen over culturele identiteit mede-gevormd. In de loop van de negentiende eeuw raakten IJslandse intellectuelen geïnspireerd door het romantisch nationalisme, en begonnen zij ´hun´ culturele erfgoed voor zichzelf op te eisen, ondermeer door de mythen in nieuwe, uitgesproken IJslandse interpretatiekaders te plaatsen. De nationalisering van de Edda´s voltrok zich op de lange termijn en nam vele verschillende vormen aan in dichtkunst en de beeldende kunsten, in de vorm van ´invented traditions´ en in spirituele bewegingen, in tijdschriften en kranten, in publieke ruimtes en in academische debatten over geschiedenis, Oudnoordse filologie en folklore. Hoe verhield de IJslandse omgang met de mythen zich tot de ontwikkeling van een moderne culturele en politieke identiteit? Hoe werden uiteenlopende ideeën omtrend IJslands nationale karakter uitgedrukt en overgedragen door middel van mythologische beelden? Bijzondere aandacht wordt geschonken aan de rol van mythen in nationale vertogen, vooral in relatie tot dat andere populaire middeleeuwse genre: de Saga´s van de IJslanders. In deze studie worden deze veelzijdige ontwikkelingen (die zich voltrokken in de veelbewogen eeuw voor IJslands onafhankelijkheid van 1918) geanalyseerd en in kaart gebracht in een breed scala aan verbonden disciplines. De nationale cultivering van de Edda´s reikte veel verder dan het gebied van de literaire esthetica, en was verstrengeld met verschijdene politieke ideologieën. De interactie tussen cultuur, wetenschap en politiek vormt de kern van deze interdisciplinaire studie

    Al-Haq: A Global History of the First Palestinian Human Rights Organization

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    Established in Ramallah in 1979, al-Haq was the first Palestinian human rights organization and one of the first such organizations in the Arab world. This inside history explores how al-Haq initiated methodologies in law and practice that were ahead of its time and that proved foundational for many strands of today’s human rights work in Palestine and elsewhere. Lynn Welchman looks at both al-Haq’s history and legacy to explore such questions as: Why would one set up a human rights organization under military occupation? How would one go about promoting the rule of law in a Palestinian society deleteriously served by the law and with every reason to distrust those charged with implementing its protections? How would one work to educate overseas allies and activate international law in defense of Palestinian rights? This revelatory story speaks to the practice of local human rights organizations and their impact on international groups