42,716 research outputs found

    Adversarial Sampling and Training for Semi-Supervised Information Retrieval

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    Ad-hoc retrieval models with implicit feedback often have problems, e.g., the imbalanced classes in the data set. Too few clicked documents may hurt generalization ability of the models, whereas too many non-clicked documents may harm effectiveness of the models and efficiency of training. In addition, recent neural network-based models are vulnerable to adversarial examples due to the linear nature in them. To solve the problems at the same time, we propose an adversarial sampling and training framework to learn ad-hoc retrieval models with implicit feedback. Our key idea is (i) to augment clicked examples by adversarial training for better generalization and (ii) to obtain very informational non-clicked examples by adversarial sampling and training. Experiments are performed on benchmark data sets for common ad-hoc retrieval tasks such as Web search, item recommendation, and question answering. Experimental results indicate that the proposed approaches significantly outperform strong baselines especially for high-ranked documents, and they outperform IRGAN in NDCG@5 using only 5% of labeled data for the Web search task.Comment: Published in WWW 201

    PRADA: Practical Black-Box Adversarial Attacks against Neural Ranking Models

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    Neural ranking models (NRMs) have shown remarkable success in recent years, especially with pre-trained language models. However, deep neural models are notorious for their vulnerability to adversarial examples. Adversarial attacks may become a new type of web spamming technique given our increased reliance on neural information retrieval models. Therefore, it is important to study potential adversarial attacks to identify vulnerabilities of NRMs before they are deployed. In this paper, we introduce the Adversarial Document Ranking Attack (ADRA) task against NRMs, which aims to promote a target document in rankings by adding adversarial perturbations to its text. We focus on the decision-based black-box attack setting, where the attackers have no access to the model parameters and gradients, but can only acquire the rank positions of the partial retrieved list by querying the target model. This attack setting is realistic in real-world search engines. We propose a novel Pseudo Relevance-based ADversarial ranking Attack method (PRADA) that learns a surrogate model based on Pseudo Relevance Feedback (PRF) to generate gradients for finding the adversarial perturbations. Experiments on two web search benchmark datasets show that PRADA can outperform existing attack strategies and successfully fool the NRM with small indiscernible perturbations of text

    Adversarial-Playground: A Visualization Suite Showing How Adversarial Examples Fool Deep Learning

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    Recent studies have shown that attackers can force deep learning models to misclassify so-called "adversarial examples": maliciously generated images formed by making imperceptible modifications to pixel values. With growing interest in deep learning for security applications, it is important for security experts and users of machine learning to recognize how learning systems may be attacked. Due to the complex nature of deep learning, it is challenging to understand how deep models can be fooled by adversarial examples. Thus, we present a web-based visualization tool, Adversarial-Playground, to demonstrate the efficacy of common adversarial methods against a convolutional neural network (CNN) system. Adversarial-Playground is educational, modular and interactive. (1) It enables non-experts to compare examples visually and to understand why an adversarial example can fool a CNN-based image classifier. (2) It can help security experts explore more vulnerability of deep learning as a software module. (3) Building an interactive visualization is challenging in this domain due to the large feature space of image classification (generating adversarial examples is slow in general and visualizing images are costly). Through multiple novel design choices, our tool can provide fast and accurate responses to user requests. Empirically, we find that our client-server division strategy reduced the response time by an average of 1.5 seconds per sample. Our other innovation, a faster variant of JSMA evasion algorithm, empirically performed twice as fast as JSMA and yet maintains a comparable evasion rate. Project source code and data from our experiments available at: https://github.com/QData/AdversarialDNN-PlaygroundComment: 5 pages. {I.2.6}{Artificial Intelligence} ; {K.6.5}{Management of Computing and Information Systems}{Security and Protection}. arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1706.0176

    Zero-Annotation Object Detection with Web Knowledge Transfer

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    Object detection is one of the major problems in computer vision, and has been extensively studied. Most of the existing detection works rely on labor-intensive supervision, such as ground truth bounding boxes of objects or at least image-level annotations. On the contrary, we propose an object detection method that does not require any form of human annotation on target tasks, by exploiting freely available web images. In order to facilitate effective knowledge transfer from web images, we introduce a multi-instance multi-label domain adaption learning framework with two key innovations. First of all, we propose an instance-level adversarial domain adaptation network with attention on foreground objects to transfer the object appearances from web domain to target domain. Second, to preserve the class-specific semantic structure of transferred object features, we propose a simultaneous transfer mechanism to transfer the supervision across domains through pseudo strong label generation. With our end-to-end framework that simultaneously learns a weakly supervised detector and transfers knowledge across domains, we achieved significant improvements over baseline methods on the benchmark datasets.Comment: Accepted in ECCV 201

    IRGAN: A Minimax Game for Unifying Generative and Discriminative Information Retrieval Models

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    This paper provides a unified account of two schools of thinking in information retrieval modelling: the generative retrieval focusing on predicting relevant documents given a query, and the discriminative retrieval focusing on predicting relevancy given a query-document pair. We propose a game theoretical minimax game to iteratively optimise both models. On one hand, the discriminative model, aiming to mine signals from labelled and unlabelled data, provides guidance to train the generative model towards fitting the underlying relevance distribution over documents given the query. On the other hand, the generative model, acting as an attacker to the current discriminative model, generates difficult examples for the discriminative model in an adversarial way by minimising its discrimination objective. With the competition between these two models, we show that the unified framework takes advantage of both schools of thinking: (i) the generative model learns to fit the relevance distribution over documents via the signals from the discriminative model, and (ii) the discriminative model is able to exploit the unlabelled data selected by the generative model to achieve a better estimation for document ranking. Our experimental results have demonstrated significant performance gains as much as 23.96% on Precision@5 and 15.50% on MAP over strong baselines in a variety of applications including web search, item recommendation, and question answering.Comment: 12 pages; appendix adde

    BlogForever: D2.5 Weblog Spam Filtering Report and Associated Methodology

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    This report is written as a first attempt to define the BlogForever spam detection strategy. It comprises a survey of weblog spam technology and approaches to their detection. While the report was written to help identify possible approaches to spam detection as a component within the BlogForver software, the discussion has been extended to include observations related to the historical, social and practical value of spam, and proposals of other ways of dealing with spam within the repository without necessarily removing them. It contains a general overview of spam types, ready-made anti-spam APIs available for weblogs, possible methods that have been suggested for preventing the introduction of spam into a blog, and research related to spam focusing on those that appear in the weblog context, concluding in a proposal for a spam detection workflow that might form the basis for the spam detection component of the BlogForever software
