53,757 research outputs found

    Four Decades of Computing in Subnuclear Physics - from Bubble Chamber to LHC

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    This manuscript addresses selected aspects of computing for the reconstruction and simulation of particle interactions in subnuclear physics. Based on personal experience with experiments at DESY and at CERN, I cover the evolution of computing hardware and software from the era of track chambers where interactions were recorded on photographic film up to the LHC experiments with their multi-million electronic channels


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    The successful development of the digital economy, which we can observe since the advent of the internet, is closely related to progress in several "frontier technologies" (frontier technologies), among which the most important, according to the scientific community and international organizations, are such software-oriented technologies as blockchain, Big Data Analytics (Big Data), Artificial Intelligence (AI) and cloud Computing (Cloud Computing), as well as specialized machine-oriented equipment: 3D printers, internet of Things devices (Internet of things Things, IoT), automation and robotics. Significant progress in the application of these technologies contributes to the growth of production capabilities, labor productivity, and capital return of both digital companies and enterprises of the non-digital economy while transforming their established business models and principles of generating income and expenses of companies. This makes it necessary to study the above technologies in detail from the point of view of analyzing their essence, role, and potential for use in various spheres of economic life. Although the term "blockchain" has recently entered scientific and public use, the idea of the technology appeared in the late 1980s, namely in 1989. Lamport proposed "a model for achieving consensus on results in a network of computers, where computers or the network itself can be unreliable". In 2008, Satoshi Nakamoto proposed the concept of using a decentralized computer network to operate a P2P electronic money system. In the article "Bitcoin: a Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System" published on the internet, the innovator described the algorithm of functioning of the Bitcoin cryptocurrency as a completely independent electronic cash system from a single issue Center, which does not require the trust (mediation) of a third party, but relies on direct operations between the parties to the transaction, protected by cryptographic encryption

    The Potential of Printed Electronics and Personal Fabrication in Driving the Internet of Things

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    In the early nineties, Mark Weiser, a chief scientist at the Xerox Palo Alto Research Center (PARC), wrote a series of seminal papers that introduced the concept of Ubiquitous Computing. Within this vision, computers and others digital technologies are integrated seamlessly into everyday objects and activities, hidden from our senses whenever not used or needed. An important facet of this vision is the interconnectivity of the various physical devices, which creates an Internet of Things. With the advent of Printed Electronics, new ways to link the physical and digital worlds became available. Common printing technologies, such as screen, flexography, and inkjet printing, are now starting to be used not only to mass-produce extremely thin, flexible and cost effective electronic circuits, but also to introduce electronic functionality into objects where it was previously unavailable. In turn, the growing accessibility to Personal Fabrication tools is leading to the democratization of the creation of technology by enabling end-users to design and produce their own material goods according to their needs. This paper presents a survey of commonly used technologies and foreseen applications in the field of Printed Electronics and Personal Fabrication, with emphasis on the potential to drive the Internet of Things