4 research outputs found

    Advances in aliquot sequences

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    In this paper we describe some advances in the knowledge of the behavior of aliquot sequences starting with a number less than 10000. For some starting values, it is shown for the first time that the sequence terminates. The current record for the maximum of a terminating sequence is located in the one starting at 4170; it converges to 1 after 869 iterations getting a maximum of 84 decimal digits at iteration 289

    Advances in aliquot sequences

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    Abstract. In this paper we describe some advances in the knowledge of the behavior of aliquot sequences starting with a number less than 10000. For some starting values, it is shown for the first time that the sequence terminates. The current record for the maximum of a terminating sequence is located in the one starting at 4170; it converges to 1 after 869 iterations getting a maximum of 84 decimal digits at iteration 289. For a positive integer n, letσ(n) denote the sum of the divisors of n, ands(n)= σ(n)−n. A perfect number is a number n such that s(n) =n, and an amicable pair of numbers is (n, m) satisfying s(n) =m,s(m)=n. In a similar way, cycles of numbers (a1,a2,...,al) such that s(ai) =ai+1 for 1 ≤ i ≤ l − 1ands(al)=a1 are known as aliquot cycles or sociable numbers. An aliquot sequence is {s k (n)} ∞ k=0 defined by taking s0 (n) =nand s k+1 (n) = s(s k (n)). For one of these sequences, there are four possibilities: (i) itterminates at 1 (the previous term being a prime), (ii) it reaches a perfect number, (iii) it reaches an amicable pair or a cycle, (iv) it is unbounded. The Catalan-Dickso

    Advances in aliquot sequences

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    Algunos problemas diofánticos

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    El objetivo de esta tesis es el estudio de algunos problemas diofánticos. Unos relacionados con ternas pitagóricas, y otros con funciones aritméticas. En concreto se empieza, en el capítulo 1, por dos breves notas históricas sobre la aritmética de Diofanto y la tablilla Plimpton 322, para seguir en el capítulo 2 con el estudio del número de ternas pitagóricas de catetos menores que n. Parte de este capítulo está recogido en el artículo Pythagorean triangles with legs less than n, publicado en el Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics [7]. En el capítulo 3 estudiamos la función M(x)= .... Sobre ella Mertens conjeturó que M(x) <... . Odlyzco y te Riele en [35] demostraron que la conjetura es falsa, pero sin dar un contraejemplo explícito. Uno de los actuales retos computacionales es encontrar un contraejemplo explícito de la conjetura de Mertens. Odlyzco y te Riele pronosticaron que no existe un contraejemplo para valores de x menores que 10(20). En el capítulo 4, basándonos en una de las fórmulas recurrentes establecidas en el capítulo 3, definimos funciones parecidas a las (...) , y que, en vez de tomar valores enteros, toman valores enteros gaussianos. Para estas nuevas funciones establecemos diversas fórmulas recurrentes y acotaciones. El capítulo 5 recoge parte del trabajo que venimos realizando, desde hace siete años, en el estudio de las sucesiones alicuatorias. En el artículo Advances in aliquot sequences, publicado en el volumen 68, número 225, Enero de 1999, de la revista Mathematics of Computation [4], informábamos de los avances que habíamos conseguido hasta Junio de 1997. Los sucesivos avances que hemos ido realizando se han reflejado en [5] y [6]. A este respecto, el resultado más llamativo que hemos logrado es constatar que la sucesión alicuatoria correspondiente al número 3630 termina en 1 después de alcanzar un número de 100 cifras. Este resultado ha aparecido publicado en Experimental Mathematics [3].The aim of this PhD thesis is the study of some diophantine problems. Some of them are related with Pythagorean triples and the others with arithmetical functions. In particular, chapter 1 begins with two historical notes about Diophantus' Arithmetic and the Plimpton tablet 322, to be followed, in chapter 2, by the study of how many Pythagorean triples are with legs less than n. Part of this chapter is contained in the article: Pythagorean triangles with legs less than n, published in the Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics [7]. In chapter 3, we study the function (...). Mertens guessed that n. Odlyzco and te Riele demonstrated in [35] that the conjecture is false but without giving a counterexample. At present, it is a computational challenge to find an explicit counterexample of Mertens's conjecture. Odlyzco and te Riele predict there is not a counterexample less than 10(20). In chapter 4, we define functions similar to (...), and but, instead of taking integer values, they take gaussian integer values. These functions are based on one of the recurrent formula established in chapter 3. We will establish some recurrent formulas and bounds for these new functions. Chapter 5 collects part of the work that we have been doing for seven years about aliquot sequences. In the article: Advances in aliquot sequences published in January 1999 (vol. 68, num. 255) in Mathematics of Computation [4], we announced the advances achieved until July 1997. Later advances are shown in [5] and [6]. The most impressive result that we have obtained is to show that the aliquot sequence for the number 3630 stops at one after reach a 100-digit number. Published in Experimental Mathematics [3]