20 research outputs found

    Post-Quantum Group Key Agreement Scheme

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    Progress in quantum technologies forces the development of new cryptographic primitives that are resistant to attacks of an adversary with a quantum computer. A large number of key establishment schemes have been proposed for two participants, but the area of group post-quantum key establishment schemes has not been studied a lot. Not so long ago, an isogeny-based key agreement scheme was proposed for three participants, based on a gradual increase in the degree of the key. We propose another principle for establishing a key for a group of participants using a tree-structure. The proposed key establishment scheme for four participants uses isogeny of elliptic curves as a mathematical tool

    Beyond Birthday Bound Secure MAC in Faulty Nonce Model

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    Encrypt-then-MAC (EtM) is a popular mode for authenticated encryption (AE). Unfortunately, almost all designs following the EtM paradigm, including the AE suites for TLS, are vulnerable against nonce misuse. A single repetition of the nonce value reveals the hash key, leading to a universal forgery attack. There are only two authenticated encryption schemes following the EtM paradigm which can resist nonce misuse attacks, the GCM-RUP (CRYPTO-17) and the GCM/2+ (INSCRYPT-12). However, they are secure only up to the birthday bound in the nonce respecting setting, resulting in a restriction on the data limit for a single key. In this paper we show that nEHtM, a nonce-based variant of EHtM (FSE-10) constructed using a block cipher, has a beyond birthday bound (BBB) unforgeable security that gracefully degrades under nonce misuse. We combine nEHtM with the CENC (FSE-06) mode of encryption using the EtM paradigm to realize a nonce-based AE, CWC+. CWC+ is very close (requiring only a few more xor operations) to the CWC AE scheme (FSE-04) and it not only provides BBB security but also gracefully degrading security on nonce misuse

    Optimal TNFS-secure pairings on elliptic curves with composite embedding degree

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    In this paper we present a comprehensive comparison between pairing-friendly elliptic curves, considering di erent curve forms and twists where possible. We de ne an additional measure of the e- ciency of a parametrized pairing-friendly family that takes into account the number eld sieve (NFS) attacks (unlike the -value). This measure includes an approximation of the security of the discrete logarithm problem in F pk , computed via the method of Barbulescu and Duquesne [4]. We compute the security of the families presented by Fotiadis and Konstantinou in [14], compute some new families, and compare the eciency of both of these with the (adjusted) BLS, KSS, and BN families, and with the new families of [20]. Finally, we recommend pairing-friendly elliptic curves for security levels 128 and 192

    An Alternative Approach for SIDH Arithmetic

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    In this paper, we present new algorithms for the field arithmetic of supersingular isogeny Diffie-Hellman; one of the fifteen remaining candidates in the NIST post-quantum standardization process. Our approach uses a polynomial representation of the field elements together with mechanisms to keep the coefficients within bounds during the arithmetic operations. We present timings and comparisons for SIKEp503 and suggest a novel 736-bit prime that offers a 1.17×1.17\times speedup compared to SIKEp751 for a similar level of security

    MixColumns Coefficient Property and Security of the AES with A Secret S-Box

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    The MixColumns operation is an important component providing diffusion for the AES. The branch number of it ensures that any continuous four rounds of the AES have at least 25 active S-Boxes, which makes the AES secure against the differential and linear cryptanalysis. However, the choices of the coefficients of the MixColumns matrix may undermine the AES security against some novel-type attacks. A particular property of the AES MixColumns matrix coefficient has been noticed in recent papers that \emph{each row or column of the matrix has elements that sum to zero}. Several attacks have been developed taking advantage of the coefficient property. In this paper we investigate further the influence of the specific coefficient property on the AES security. Our target, which is also one of the targets of the previous works, is a 5-round AES variant with a secret S-Box. We will show how we take advantage of the coefficient property to extract the secret key directly without any assistance of the S-Box information. Compared with the previous similar attacks, the present attacks here are the best in terms of the complexity under the chosen-plaintext scenario

    CCA Security with Short AEAD Tags

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    The size of the authentication tag represents a significant overhead for applications that are limited by bandwidth or memory. Hence, some authenticated encryption designs have a smaller tag than the required privacy level, which was also suggested by the NIST lightweight cryptography standardization project. In the ToSC 2022, two papers have raised questions about the IND-CCA security of AEAD schemes in this situation. These papers show that (a) online AE cannot provide IND-CCA security beyond the tag length, and (b) it is possible to have IND-CCA security beyond the tag length in a restricted Encrypt-then-Encipher framework. In this paper, we address some of the remaining gaps in this area. Our main result is to show that, for a fixed stretch, Pseudo-Random Injection security implies IND-CCA security as long as the minimum ciphertext size is at least as large as the required IND-CCA security level. We also show that this bound is tight and that any AEAD scheme that allows empty plaintexts with a fixed stretch cannot achieve IND-CCA security beyond the tag length. Next, we look at the weaker notion of MRAE security, and show that two-pass schemes that achieve MRAE security do not achieve IND-CCA security beyond the tag size. This includes SIV and rugged PRPs

    Towards Key-Dependent Integral and Impossible Differential Distinguishers on 5-Round AES

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    Reduced-round AES has been a popular underlying primitive to design new cryptographic schemes and thus its security including distinguishing properties deserves more attention. At Crypto\u2716, a key-dependent integral distinguisher on 5-round AES was put forward, which opened up a new direction to take more insights into the distinguishing properties of AES. After that, two key-dependent impossible differential (ID) distinguishers on 5-round AES were proposed at FSE\u2716 and CT-RSA\u2718, respectively. It is strange that the current key-dependent integral distinguisher requires significantly higher complexities than the key-dependent ID distinguishers, even though they are constructed with the same property of MixColumns (2128298.22^{128} \gg 2^{98.2}). Proposers of the 5-round key-dependent distinguishers claimed that the corresponding integral and ID distinguishers can only work under chosen-ciphertext and chosen-plaintext settings, respectively, which is very different from the situations of traditional key-independent distinguishers. In this paper, we first construct a novel key-dependent integral distinguisher on 5-round AES with 2962^{96} chosen plaintexts, which is much better than the previous key-dependent integral distinguisher that requires the full codebook proposed at Crypto\u2716. Secondly, we show that both distinguishers are valid under either chosen-plaintext setting or chosen-ciphertext setting, which is different from the claims of previous cryptanalysis. However, under different settings, complexities of key-dependent integral distinguishers are very different while those of the key-dependent ID distinguishers are almost the same. We analyze the reasons for it

    Image Classification using non-linear Support Vector Machines on Encrypted Data

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    In image processing, algorithms for object classification are typically based around machine learning. From the algorithm developer\u27s perspective, these can involve a considerable amount of effort and expertise to develop, which makes them commercially valuable. On the other hand, other parties may want to make use of these algorithms to classify their images, while protecting the privacy of their data. In this paper, we show how non-linear Support Vector Machines (SVMs) can be practically used for image classification on data encrypted with a Somewhat Homomorphic Encryption (SHE) scheme. Previous work has shown how an SVM with a linear kernel can be computed on encrypted data, but this only has limited applicability. By enabling SVMs with polynomial kernels, a much larger class of applications are possible with more accuracy in classification results

    BBB Secure Nonce Based MAC Using Public Permutations

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    In the recent trend of CAESAR competition and NIST light-weight competition, cryptographic community have witnessed the submissions of several cryptographic schemes that are build on public random permutations. Recently, in CRYPTO 2019, Chen et al. have initiated an interesting research direction in designing beyond birthday bound PRFs from public random permutations and they proposed two instances of such PRFs. In this work, we extend this research direction by proposing a nonce-based MAC build from public random permutations. We show that our proposed MAC achieves 2n/32n/3 bit security (with respect to the state size of the permutation) and the bound is essentially tight. Moreover, the security of the MAC degrades gracefully with the repetition of the nonce

    Tweakable HCTR: A BBB Secure Tweakable Enciphering Scheme

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    \textsf{HCTR}, proposed by Wang et al., is one of the most efficient candidates of tweakable enciphering schemes that turns an nn-bit block cipher into a variable input length tweakable block cipher. Wang et al. have shown that \textsf{HCTR} offers a cubic security bound against all adaptive chosen plaintext and chosen ciphertext adversaries. Later in FSE 2008, Chakraborty and Nandi have improved its bound to O(σ2/2n)O(\sigma^2 / 2^n), where σ\sigma is the total number of blocks queried and nn is the block size of the block cipher. In this paper, we propose \textbf{tweakable \textsf{HCTR}} that turns an nn-bit tweakable block cipher to a variable input length tweakable block cipher by replacing all the block cipher calls of \textsf{HCTR} with tweakable block cipher. We show that when there is no repetition of the tweak, tweakable \textsf{HCTR} enjoys the optimal security against all adaptive chosen plaintext and chosen ciphertext adversaries. However, if the repetition of the tweak is limited, then the security of the construction remains close to the security bound in no repetition of the tweak case. Hence, it gives a graceful security degradation with the maximum number of repetition of tweaks