33 research outputs found

    Cross&Clean: Amortized Garbled Circuits with Constant Overhead

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    Garbled circuits (GC) are one of the main tools for secure two-party computation. One of the most promising techniques for efficiently achieving active-security in the context of GCs is the so called \emph{cut-and-choose} approach, which in the last few years has received many refinements in terms of the number of garbled circuits which need to be constructed, exchanged and evaluated. In this paper we ask a simple question, namely \emph{how many garbled circuits are needed to achieve active security?} and we propose a novel protocol which achieves active security while using only a constant number of garbled circuits per evaluation in the amortized setting

    A fair protocol for data trading based on Bitcoin transactions

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    On-line commercial transactions involve an inherent mistrust between participant parties since, sometimes, no previous relation exists between them. Such mistrust may be a deadlock point in a trade transaction where the buyer does not want to perform the payment until the seller sends the goods and the seller does not want to do so until the buyer pays for the purchase. In this paper we present a fair protocol for data trading where the commercial deal, in terms of delivering the data and performing the payment, is atomic, since the seller cannot redeem the payment unless the buyer obtains the data and the buyer cannot obtain the data without performing the payment. The protocol is based on Bitcoin scripting language and the fairness of the protocol can be probabilistically enforced

    New Discrete Logarithm Computation for the Medium Prime Case Using the Function Field Sieve

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    International audienceThe present work reports progress in discrete logarithm computation for the general medium prime case using the function field sieve algorithm. A new record discrete logarithm computation over a 1051-bit field having a 22-bit characteristic was performed. This computation builds on and implements previously known techniques. Analysis indicates that the relation collection and descent steps are within reach for fields with 32-bit characteristic and moderate extension degrees. It is the linear algebra step which will dominate the computation time for any discrete logarithm computation over such fields

    Extending Oblivious Transfer Efficiently, or - How to get active security with constant cryptographic overhead

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    On top of the passively secure extension protocol of [IKNP03] we build a new construction secure against active adversaries. We can replace the invocation of the hash function that is used to check the receiver is well-behaved with the XOR of bit strings. This is possible by applying a cut-and-choose technique on the length of the bit strings that the receiver sends in the reversed OT. We also improve on the number of seeds required for the extension, both asymptotically and practically. Moreover, the protocol used to test receiver\u27s behaviour enjoys unconditional security

    A Quantum-Proof Non-Malleable Extractor, With Application to Privacy Amplification against Active Quantum Adversaries

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    In privacy amplification, two mutually trusted parties aim to amplify the secrecy of an initial shared secret XX in order to establish a shared private key KK by exchanging messages over an insecure communication channel. If the channel is authenticated the task can be solved in a single round of communication using a strong randomness extractor; choosing a quantum-proof extractor allows one to establish security against quantum adversaries. In the case that the channel is not authenticated, Dodis and Wichs (STOC'09) showed that the problem can be solved in two rounds of communication using a non-malleable extractor, a stronger pseudo-random construction than a strong extractor. We give the first construction of a non-malleable extractor that is secure against quantum adversaries. The extractor is based on a construction by Li (FOCS'12), and is able to extract from source of min-entropy rates larger than 1/21/2. Combining this construction with a quantum-proof variant of the reduction of Dodis and Wichs, shown by Cohen and Vidick (unpublished), we obtain the first privacy amplification protocol secure against active quantum adversaries

    Highly Efficient and Re-executable Private Function Evaluation with Linear Complexity

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Private function evaluation aims to securely compute a function f(x1, ... ; xn) without leaking any information other than what is revealed by the output, where f is a private input of one of the parties (say Party1) and xi is a private input of the i-th party Partyi. In this work, we propose a novel and secure two-party private function evaluation (2PFE) scheme based on the DDH assumption. Our scheme introduces a reusability feature that signi cantly improves the state-of-the-art. Accordingly, our scheme has two variants, one is utilized in the initial execution of the function f, and the other is utilized in its subsequent evaluations. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first and most efficient 2PFE scheme that enjoys a reusablity feature. Our protocols achieve linear communication and computation complexities and a constant number of rounds which is at most three

    Robust Additive Randomized Encodings from IO and Pseudo-Non-linear Codes

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    Additive randomized encodings (ARE), introduced by Halevi, Ishai, Kushilevitz, and Rabin (CRYPTO 2023), reduce the computation of a k-party function f(x1,...,xk)f (x_1, . . . , x_k ) to locally computing encodings x^i\hat{x}_i of each input xi and then adding them together over some Abelian group into an output encoding y^=∑x^i\hat{y} = ∑ \hat{x}_i, which reveals nothing but the result. In robust ARE (RARE) the sum of any subset of x^i\hat{x}_i, reveals only the residual function obtained by restricting the corresponding inputs. The appeal of (R)ARE comes from the simplicity of the online part of the computation involving only addition, which yields for instance non-interactive multi-party computation in the shuffle model where messages from different parties are anonymously shuffled. Halevi, Ishai, Kushilevitz, and Rabin constructed ARE from standard assumptions and RARE in the ideal obfuscation model, leaving open the question of whether RARE can be constructed in the plain model. We construct RARE in the plain model from indistinguishability obfuscation, which is necessary, and a new primitive that we call pseudo-non-linear codes. We provide two constructions of this primitive assuming either Learning with Errors or Decision Diffie Hellman. A bonus feature of our construction is that it is online succinct. Specifically, encodings x^i\hat{x}_i can be decomposed to offline parts z^i\hat{z}_i that can be sent directly to the evaluator and short online parts g^i\hat{g}_i that are added together

    On the power of Public-key Functional Encryption with Function Privacy

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    In the public-key setting, known constructions of function-private functional encryption (FPFE) were limited to very restricted classes of functionalities like inner-product [Agrawal et al. - PKC 2015]. Moreover, its power has not been well investigated. In this paper, we construct FPFE for general functions and explore its powerful applications (both for general functions and for specific efficient instantiations). As warmup, we construct from FPFE a natural generalization of a signature scheme endowed with functional properties, that we call functional anonymous signature (FAS) scheme. In a FAS, Alice can sign a circuit CC chosen from some distribution DD to get a signature σ\sigma and can publish a verification key that allows anybody holding a message mm to verify that (1) σ\sigma is a valid signature of Alice for some (possibly unknown to him) circuit CC and (2) C(m)=1C(m)=1. Beyond unforgeability the security of FAS guarantees that the signature σ\sigma hide as much information as possible about CC except what can be inferred from knowledge of DD. Then, we show that FPFE can be used to construct in a black-box way functional encryption schemes for randomized functionalities (RFE). Previous constructions of (public-key) RFE relied on iO [Goyal et al. - TCC 2015]. As further application, we show that efficient instantiations of FPFE can be used to achieve adaptively-secure CNF/DNF encryption for bounded degree formulae (BoolEnc). Though it was known how to implement BoolEnc from inner-product encryption [Katz et al. - EUROCRYPT 2008], as already observed by Katz et al. this reduction only works for selective security and completely breaks down for adaptive security. For this application we only need weak assumptions and the resulting adaptively-secure BoolEnc scheme is efficient. Finally, we present a general picture of the relations among all these related primitives. One key observation is that Attribute-based Encryption with function privacy implies FE, a notable fact that sheds light on the importance of the function privacy property for FE