6 research outputs found

    An Algebraic Model For Quorum Systems

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    Quorum systems are a key mathematical abstraction in distributed fault-tolerant computing for capturing trust assumptions. A quorum system is a collection of subsets of all processes, called quorums, with the property that each pair of quorums have a non-empty intersection. They can be found at the core of many reliable distributed systems, such as cloud computing platforms, distributed storage systems and blockchains. In this paper we give a new interpretation of quorum systems, starting with classical majority-based quorum systems and extending this to Byzantine quorum systems. We propose an algebraic representation of the theory underlying quorum systems making use of multivariate polynomial ideals, incorporating properties of these systems, and studying their algebraic varieties. To achieve this goal we will exploit properties of Boolean Groebner bases. The nice nature of Boolean Groebner bases allows us to avoid part of the combinatorial computations required to check consistency and availability of quorum systems. Our results provide a novel approach to test quorum systems properties from both algebraic and algorithmic perspectives.Comment: 15 pages, 3 algorithm

    Shallow Depth Factoring Based on Quantum Feasibility Labeling and Variational Quantum Search

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    Large integer factorization is a prominent research challenge, particularly in the context of quantum computing. This holds significant importance, especially in information security that relies on public key cryptosystems. The classical computation of prime factors for an integer has exponential time complexity. Quantum computing offers the potential for significantly faster computational processes compared to classical processors. In this paper, we propose a new quantum algorithm, Shallow Depth Factoring (SDF), to factor a biprime integer. SDF consists of three steps. First, it converts a factoring problem to an optimization problem without an objective function. Then, it uses a Quantum Feasibility Labeling (QFL) method to label every possible solution according to whether it is feasible or infeasible for the optimization problem. Finally, it employs the Variational Quantum Search (VQS) to find all feasible solutions. The SDF utilizes shallow-depth quantum circuits for efficient factorization, with the circuit depth scaling linearly as the integer to be factorized increases. Through minimizing the number of gates in the circuit, the algorithm enhances feasibility and reduces vulnerability to errors.Comment: 10 pages, 3 figure

    Breaking The FF3 Format-Preserving Encryption Standard Over Small Domains

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    The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) recently published a Format-Preserving Encryption standard accepting two Feistel structure based schemes called FF1 and FF3. Particularly, FF3 is a tweakable block cipher based on an 8-round Feistel network. In CCS~2016, Bellare et. al. gave an attack to break FF3 (and FF1) with time and data complexity O(N5log(N))O(N^5\log(N)), which is much larger than the code book (but using many tweaks), where N2N^2 is domain size to the Feistel network. In this work, we give a new practical total break attack to the FF3 scheme (also known as BPS scheme). Our FF3 attack requires O(N116)O(N^{\frac{11}{6}}) chosen plaintexts with time complexity O(N5)O(N^{5}). Our attack was successfully tested with N29N\leq2^9. It is a slide attack (using two tweaks) that exploits the bad domain separation of the FF3 design. Due to this weakness, we reduced the FF3 attack to an attack on 4-round Feistel network. Biryukov et. al. already gave a 4-round Feistel structure attack in SAC~2015. However, it works with chosen plaintexts and ciphertexts whereas we need a known-plaintext attack. Therefore, we developed a new generic known-plaintext attack to 4-round Feistel network that reconstructs the entire tables for all round functions. It works with N32(N2)16N^{\frac{3}{2}} \left( \frac{N}{2} \right)^{\frac{1}{6}} known plaintexts and time complexity O(N3)O(N^{3}). Our 4-round attack is simple to extend to five and more rounds with complexity N(r5)N+o(N)N^{(r-5)N+o(N)}. It shows that FF1 with N=7N=7 and FF3 with 7N107\leq N\leq10 do not offer a 128-bit security. Finally, we provide an easy and intuitive fix to prevent the FF3 scheme from our O(N5)O(N^{5}) attack

    Firmas de umbral para procesos electorales

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    Esta memoria pretende resumir y estructurar las conclusiones que se derivan del estudio de las posibilidades que ofrece la firma RSA de umbral en los procesos de votación electrónica. Los objetivos del mismo han sido: * Estudiar el estado del arte en lo referente a firmas RSA de umbral. * Desarrollar un protocolo integral de firma RSA que sea distribuido y robusto. * Determinar la viabilidad de dicho protocolo y sus prestaciones. * Proponer mejoras de cara a futuras investigaciones en este campo.. El objetivo de este proyecto es diseñar un protocolo práctico y seguro para realizar firmas de umbral en el ámbito de los procesos electorales

    Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs and their Applications

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    A zero-knowledge proof is a fundamental cryptographic primitive that enables the verification of statements without revealing unnecessary information. Zero-knowledge proofs are a key component of many cryptographic protocols and, often, one of their main efficiency bottlenecks. In recent years there have been great advances in improving the efficiency of zero-knowledge proofs, bring them closer to wide deployability. In this thesis we make another step towards the construction of computationally-efficient zero-knowledge proofs. Specifically, we construct efficient zero-knowledge proofs for the satisfiability of arithmetic circuits for which the computational cost of the prover is only a constant factor more expensive than direct evaluation of the circuit. We also construct efficient zero-knowledge proofs to check the correct execution of (Tiny)RAM programs. In this case the computational cost for the prover is a superconstant factor larger than executing the program directly. Our proofs also support efficient verification and small proof sizes. For security, they rely on symmetric primitives and could potentially withstand attacks from quantum computers. On a different research direction, we look at group signatures, a fundamental primitive which relies on zero-knowledge proofs. A group signature enables users to sign anonymously on behalf of a group of users. In case of dispute a Manager can identify the author of a signature and potentially banish the user from the group. In this thesis we address the fundamental question of defining the security of fully dynamic group signatures, for which the users can join and leave at any time. Differently from other restricted settings, this case has been largely overlooked in the past. Our security model is general, does not implicitly assume existing design paradigms and captures the security of existing models for more restricted settings

    Design and Analysis of Symmetric Primitives

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