1,252 research outputs found

    AI/ML Algorithms and Applications in VLSI Design and Technology

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    An evident challenge ahead for the integrated circuit (IC) industry in the nanometer regime is the investigation and development of methods that can reduce the design complexity ensuing from growing process variations and curtail the turnaround time of chip manufacturing. Conventional methodologies employed for such tasks are largely manual; thus, time-consuming and resource-intensive. In contrast, the unique learning strategies of artificial intelligence (AI) provide numerous exciting automated approaches for handling complex and data-intensive tasks in very-large-scale integration (VLSI) design and testing. Employing AI and machine learning (ML) algorithms in VLSI design and manufacturing reduces the time and effort for understanding and processing the data within and across different abstraction levels via automated learning algorithms. It, in turn, improves the IC yield and reduces the manufacturing turnaround time. This paper thoroughly reviews the AI/ML automated approaches introduced in the past towards VLSI design and manufacturing. Moreover, we discuss the scope of AI/ML applications in the future at various abstraction levels to revolutionize the field of VLSI design, aiming for high-speed, highly intelligent, and efficient implementations

    Manufacturability Aware Design.

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    The aim of this work is to provide solutions that optimize the tradeoffs among design, manufacturability, and cost of ownership posed by technology scaling and sub-wavelength lithography. These solutions may take the form of robust circuit designs, cost-effective resolution technologies, accurate modeling considering process variations, and design rules assessment. We first establish a framework for assessing the impact of process variation on circuit performance, product value and return on investment on alternative processes. Key features include comprehensive modeling and different handling on die-to-die and within-die variation, accurate models of correlations of variation, realistic and quantified projection to future process nodes, and performance sensitivity analysis to improved control of individual device parameter and variation sources. Then we describe a novel minimum cost of correction methodology which determines the level of correction of each layout feature such that the prescribed parametric yield is attained with minimum RET (Resolution Enhancement Technology) cost. This timing driven OPC (Optical Proximity Correction) insertion flow uses a mathematical programming based slack budgeting algorithm to determine OPC level for all polysilicon gate geometries. Designs adopting this methodology show up to 20% MEBES (Manufacturing Electron Beam Exposure System) data volume reduction and 39% OPC runtime improvement. When the systematic correction residual errors become unavoidable, we analyze their impact on a state-of-art microprocessor's speedpath skew. A platform is created for diagnosing and improving OPC quality on gates with specific functionality such as critical gates or matching transistors. Significant changes in full-chip timing analysis indicate the necessity of a post-OPC performance verification design flow. Finally, we quantify the performance, manufacturability and mask cost impact of globally applying several common restrictive design rules. Novel approaches such as locally adapting FDRs (flexible design rules) based on image parameters range, and DRC Plus (preferred design rule enforcement with 2D pattern matching) are also described.Ph.D.Electrical EngineeringUniversity of Michigan, Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studieshttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/57676/2/jiey_1.pd

    DFM Techniques for the Detection and Mitigation of Hotspots in Nanometer Technology

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    With the continuous scaling down of dimensions in advanced technology nodes, process variations are getting worse for each new node. Process variations have a large influence on the quality and yield of the designed and manufactured circuits. There is a growing need for fast and efficient techniques to characterize and mitigate the effects of different sources of process variations on the design's performance and yield. In this thesis we have studied the various sources of systematic process variations and their effects on the circuit, and the various methodologies to combat systematic process variation in the design space. We developed abstract and accurate process variability models, that would model systematic intra-die variations. The models convert the variation in process into variation in electrical parameters of devices and hence variation in circuit performance (timing and leakage) without the need for circuit simulation. And as the analysis and mitigation techniques are studied in different levels of the design ow, we proposed a flow for combating the systematic process variation in nano-meter CMOS technology. By calculating the effects of variability on the electrical performance of circuits we can gauge the importance of the accurate analysis and model-driven corrections. We presented an automated framework that allows the integration of circuit analysis with process variability modeling to optimize the computer intense process simulation steps and optimize the usage of variation mitigation techniques. And we used the results obtained from using this framework to develop a relation between layout regularity and resilience of the devices to process variation. We used these findings to develop a novel technique for fast detection of critical failures (hotspots) resulting from process variation. We showed that our approach is superior to other published techniques in both accuracy and predictability. Finally, we presented an automated method for fixing the lithography hotspots. Our method showed success rate of 99% in fixing hotspots

    Design Techniques for Lithography-Friendly Nanometer CMOS Integrated Circuits

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    The Integrated Circuits industry has been a major driver of the outstanding changes and improvements in the modern day technology and life style that we are observing in our day to day life. The continuous scaling of CMOS technology has been one of the major challenges and success stories. However, as the CMOS technology advances deeply into the deep sub-micron technology nodes, the whole industry (both manufacturing and design) is starting to face new challenges. One major challenge is the control of the variation in device parameters. Lithography variations result from the industry incapability to come up with new light sources with a smaller wavelength than ArF source (193 nm wavelength). In this research, we develop better understanding of the photo-lithography variations and their effect on how the design gets patterned. We investigate the state-of-the-art mask correction and design manipulation techniques. We are focusing in our study on the different Optical Proximity Correction (OPC) and design retargeting techniques to assess how we can improve both the functional and parametric yield. Our goal is to achieve a fast and accurate Model Based Re-Targeting (MBRT) technique that can achieve a better functional yield during manufacturing by establishing the techniques to produce more lithography-friendly targets. Moreover, it can be easily integrated into a fab's PDK (due to its relatively high speed) to feedback the exact final printing on wafer to the designers during the early design phase. In this thesis, we focus on two main topics. First is the development of a fast technique that can predict the final mask shape with reasonable accuracy. This is our proposed Model-based Initial Bias (MIB) methodology, in which we develop the full methodology for creating compact models that can predict the perturbation needed to get to an OPC initial condition that is much closer to the final solution. This is very useful in general in the OPC domain, where it can save almost 50% of the OPC runtime. We also use MIB in our proposed Model-Based Retargeting (MBRT) flow to accurately compute lithography hot-spots location and severity. Second, we develop the fast model-based retargeting methodology that is capable of fixing lithography hot spots and improving the functional yield. Moreover, in this methodology we introduce to the first time the concept of distributed retargeting. In distributed MBRT, not only the design portion that is suffering from the hot-spot is moving to get it fixed but also the surrounding designs and design fragments also contribute to the hot-spot fix. Our proposed model-based retargeting methodology also includes the multiple-patterning awareness as well as the electrical-connectivity-awareness (via-awareness). We used Mentor Graphics Calibre Litho-API c-based programing to develop all of the methodologies we explain in this thesis and tested it on 20nm and 10nm nodes

    Layout regularity metric as a fast indicator of process variations

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    Integrated circuits design faces increasing challenge as we scale down due to the increase of the effect of sensitivity to process variations. Systematic variations induced by different steps in the lithography process affect both parametric and functional yields of the designs. These variations are known, themselves, to be affected by layout topologies. Design for Manufacturability (DFM) aims at defining techniques that mitigate variations and improve yield. Layout regularity is one of the trending techniques suggested by DFM to mitigate process variations effect. There are several solutions to create regular designs, like restricted design rules and regular fabrics. These regular solutions raised the need for a regularity metric. Metrics in literature are insufficient for different reasons; either because they are qualitative or computationally intensive. Furthermore, there is no study relating either lithography or electrical variations to layout regularity. In this work, layout regularity is studied in details and a new geometrical-based layout regularity metric is derived. This metric is verified against lithographic simulations and shows good correlation. Calculation of the metric takes only few minutes on 1mm x 1mm design, which is considered fast compared to the time taken by simulations. This makes it a good candidate for pre-processing the layout data and selecting certain areas of interest for lithographic simulations for faster throughput. The layout regularity metric is also compared against a model that measures electrical variations due to systematic lithographic variations. The validity of using the regularity metric to flag circuits that have high variability using the developed electrical variations model is shown. The regularity metric results compared to the electrical variability model results show matching percentage that can reach 80%, which means that this metric can be used as a fast indicator of designs more susceptible to lithography and hence electrical variations

    Design for Manufacturing in IC Fabrication: Mask Cost, Circuit Performance and Convergence

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    Design for manufacturing (DFM) in submicron VLSI design

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    As VLSI technology scales to 65nm and below, traditional communication between design and manufacturing becomes more and more inadequate. Gone are the days when designers simply pass the design GDSII file to the foundry and expect very good man¬ufacturing and parametric yield. This is largely due to the enormous challenges in the manufacturing stage as the feature size continues to shrink. Thus, the idea of DFM (Design for Manufacturing) is getting very popular. Even though there is no universally accepted definition of DFM, in my opinion, one of the major parts of DFM is to bring manufacturing information into the design stage in a way that is understood by designers. Consequently, designers can act on the information to improve both manufacturing and parametric yield. In this dissertation, I will present several attempts to reduce the gap between design and manufacturing communities: Alt-PSM aware standard cell designs, printability improve¬ment for detailed routing and the ASIC design flow with litho aware static timing analysis. Experiment results show that we can greatly improve the manufacturability of the designs and we can reduce design pessimism significantly for easier design closure

    Electrical Design for Manufacturability Solutions: Fast Systematic Variation Analysis and Design Enhancement Techniques

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    The primary objectives in this research are to develop computer-aided design (CAD) tools for Design for Manufacturability (DFM) solutions that enable designers to conduct more rapid and more accurate systematic variation analysis, with different design enhancement techniques. Four main CAD tools are developed throughout my thesis. The first CAD tool facilitates a quantitative study of the impact of systematic variations for different circuits' electrical and geometrical behavior. This is accomplished by automatically performing an extensive analysis of different process variations (lithography and stress) and their dependency on the design context. Such a tool helps to explore and evaluate the systematic variation impact on any type of design. Secondly, solutions in the industry focus on the "design and then fix philosophy", or "fix during design philosophy", whereas the next CAD tool involves the "fix before design philosophy". Here, the standard cell library is characterized in different design contexts, different resolution enhancement techniques, and different process conditions, generating a fully DFM-aware standard cell library using a newly developed methodology that dramatically reduce the required number of silicon simulations. Several experiments are conducted on 65nm and 45nm designs, and demonstrate more robust and manufacturable designs that can be implemented by using the DFM-aware standard cell library. Thirdly, a novel electrical-aware hotspot detection solution is developed by using a device parameter-based matching technique since the state-of-the-art hotspot detection solutions are all geometrical based. This CAD tool proposes a new philosophy by detecting yield limiters, also known as hotspots, through the model parameters of the device, presented in the SPICE netlist. This novel hotspot detection methodology is tested and delivers extraordinary fast and accurate results. Finally, the existing DFM solutions, mainly address the digital designs. Process variations play an increasingly important role in the success of analog circuits. Knowledge of the parameter variances and their contribution patterns is crucial for a successful design process. This information is valuable to find solutions for many problems in design, design automation, testing, and fault tolerance. The fourth CAD solution, proposed in this thesis, introduces a variability-aware DFM solution that detects, analyze, and automatically correct hotspots for analog circuits

    Performance-Based Optical Proximity Correction

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    Wakefields in superconducting rf cavities and the impact on vacuum ultraviolet free-electron laser oscillator performance

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    The Fermilab Accelerator Science and Technology facility is currently in operation with its linac based on TESLA-type superconducting rf cavities. Using a 3-MHz micropulse repetition rate with a long macropulse composed of up to 3000 micropulses, and with beam energies demonstrated at 300 MeV and projected to reach 800 MeV with two additional cryomodules, the feasibilities for a vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) and an extreme ultraviolet (EUV) free-electron laser oscillator (FELO) with the two energies are evaluated. We have used both the ginger code with an oscillator module and the minerva/opc code to assess FELO saturation prospects at 120 nm with a 5.0-cm-period undulator of 4.5-m length and the minerva/opc code to assess the FELO at 13.4 nm with adjusted parameters. The simulation results support saturation at both of these wavelengths which are much shorter than the demonstrated shortest wavelength record of 168.6 nm from a storage-ring-based FELO. This indicates superconducting rf linac-driven FELOs can be extended into this VUV-EUV wavelength regime previously only reached with single-pass FEL configurations. In addition, emittance-dilution effects due to wakefields in the cavities and the resulting submacropulse centroid slew effects on FELO performance are addressed using minerva/opc simulations for the first time.</p