21,138 research outputs found

    Advanced Probabilistic Models for Clustering and Projection

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    Probabilistic modeling for data mining and machine learning problems is a fundamental research area. The general approach is to assume a generative model underlying the observed data, and estimate model parameters via likelihood maximization. It has the deep probability theory as the mathematical background, and enjoys a large amount of methods from statistical learning, sampling theory and Bayesian statistics. In this thesis we study several advanced probabilistic models for data clustering and feature projection, which are the two important unsupervised learning problems. The goal of clustering is to group similar data points together to uncover the data clusters. While numerous methods exist for various clustering tasks, one important question still remains, i.e., how to automatically determine the number of clusters. The first part of the thesis answers this question from a mixture modeling perspective. A finite mixture model is first introduced for clustering, in which each mixture component is assumed to be an exponential family distribution for generality. The model is then extended to an infinite mixture model, and its strong connection to Dirichlet process (DP) is uncovered which is a non-parametric Bayesian framework. A variational Bayesian algorithm called VBDMA is derived from this new insight to learn the number of clusters automatically, and empirical studies on some 2D data sets and an image data set verify the effectiveness of this algorithm. In feature projection, we are interested in dimensionality reduction and aim to find a low-dimensional feature representation for the data. We first review the well-known principal component analysis (PCA) and its probabilistic interpretation (PPCA), and then generalize PPCA to a novel probabilistic model which is able to handle non-linear projection known as kernel PCA. An expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is derived for kernel PCA such that it is fast and applicable to large data sets. Then we propose a novel supervised projection method called MORP, which can take the output information into account in a supervised learning context. Empirical studies on various data sets show much better results compared to unsupervised projection and other supervised projection methods. At the end we generalize MORP probabilistically to propose SPPCA for supervised projection, and we can also naturally extend the model to S2PPCA which is a semi-supervised projection method. This allows us to incorporate both the label information and the unlabeled data into the projection process. In the third part of the thesis, we introduce a unified probabilistic model which can handle data clustering and feature projection jointly. The model can be viewed as a clustering model with projected features, and a projection model with structured documents. A variational Bayesian learning algorithm can be derived, and it turns out to iterate the clustering operations and projection operations until convergence. Superior performance can be obtained for both clustering and projection

    Advanced Probabilistic Models for Clustering and Projection

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    Probabilistic modeling for data mining and machine learning problems is a fundamental research area. The general approach is to assume a generative model underlying the observed data, and estimate model parameters via likelihood maximization. It has the deep probability theory as the mathematical background, and enjoys a large amount of methods from statistical learning, sampling theory and Bayesian statistics. In this thesis we study several advanced probabilistic models for data clustering and feature projection, which are the two important unsupervised learning problems. The goal of clustering is to group similar data points together to uncover the data clusters. While numerous methods exist for various clustering tasks, one important question still remains, i.e., how to automatically determine the number of clusters. The first part of the thesis answers this question from a mixture modeling perspective. A finite mixture model is first introduced for clustering, in which each mixture component is assumed to be an exponential family distribution for generality. The model is then extended to an infinite mixture model, and its strong connection to Dirichlet process (DP) is uncovered which is a non-parametric Bayesian framework. A variational Bayesian algorithm called VBDMA is derived from this new insight to learn the number of clusters automatically, and empirical studies on some 2D data sets and an image data set verify the effectiveness of this algorithm. In feature projection, we are interested in dimensionality reduction and aim to find a low-dimensional feature representation for the data. We first review the well-known principal component analysis (PCA) and its probabilistic interpretation (PPCA), and then generalize PPCA to a novel probabilistic model which is able to handle non-linear projection known as kernel PCA. An expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm is derived for kernel PCA such that it is fast and applicable to large data sets. Then we propose a novel supervised projection method called MORP, which can take the output information into account in a supervised learning context. Empirical studies on various data sets show much better results compared to unsupervised projection and other supervised projection methods. At the end we generalize MORP probabilistically to propose SPPCA for supervised projection, and we can also naturally extend the model to S2PPCA which is a semi-supervised projection method. This allows us to incorporate both the label information and the unlabeled data into the projection process. In the third part of the thesis, we introduce a unified probabilistic model which can handle data clustering and feature projection jointly. The model can be viewed as a clustering model with projected features, and a projection model with structured documents. A variational Bayesian learning algorithm can be derived, and it turns out to iterate the clustering operations and projection operations until convergence. Superior performance can be obtained for both clustering and projection

    Semi-supervised model-based clustering with controlled clusters leakage

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    In this paper, we focus on finding clusters in partially categorized data sets. We propose a semi-supervised version of Gaussian mixture model, called C3L, which retrieves natural subgroups of given categories. In contrast to other semi-supervised models, C3L is parametrized by user-defined leakage level, which controls maximal inconsistency between initial categorization and resulting clustering. Our method can be implemented as a module in practical expert systems to detect clusters, which combine expert knowledge with true distribution of data. Moreover, it can be used for improving the results of less flexible clustering techniques, such as projection pursuit clustering. The paper presents extensive theoretical analysis of the model and fast algorithm for its efficient optimization. Experimental results show that C3L finds high quality clustering model, which can be applied in discovering meaningful groups in partially classified data

    Exploratory topic modeling with distributional semantics

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    As we continue to collect and store textual data in a multitude of domains, we are regularly confronted with material whose largely unknown thematic structure we want to uncover. With unsupervised, exploratory analysis, no prior knowledge about the content is required and highly open-ended tasks can be supported. In the past few years, probabilistic topic modeling has emerged as a popular approach to this problem. Nevertheless, the representation of the latent topics as aggregations of semi-coherent terms limits their interpretability and level of detail. This paper presents an alternative approach to topic modeling that maps topics as a network for exploration, based on distributional semantics using learned word vectors. From the granular level of terms and their semantic similarity relations global topic structures emerge as clustered regions and gradients of concepts. Moreover, the paper discusses the visual interactive representation of the topic map, which plays an important role in supporting its exploration.Comment: Conference: The Fourteenth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis (IDA 2015