147 research outputs found

    Testing mediation via indirect effects in PLS-SEM: A social networking site illustration

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    Mediation analysis, in the context of structural equation modeling via partial least squares (PLSSEM), affords a better understanding of the relationships among independent and dependent variables, when the variables seem to not have a definite connection. In this paper, we demonstrate such an analysis in the context of social networking sites, using WarpPLS, a leading PLS-SEM software tool


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    Penggunaan internet sebagai media belajar sangat membantu para akademisi dalam belajar. Keberadaan internet bisa berdampak positif dan sekaligus bisa berdampak negatif bagi remaja dan pelajar. Wawasan tentang karateristik remaja pelajar dalam mengakses internet perlu diketahui oleh orang tua dan guru sebagai upaya kontrol terhadap penggunaan internet. Penggunaan internet sebagai media belajar mampu mempengaruhi motivasi belajar siswa sekaligus meningkatkan kreativitasnya. Tujuan akhirnya adalah tercapainya prestasi belajar yang memuaskan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengkaji dampak penggunaan internet sebagai media belajar terhadap prestasi belajar siswa. Metode analisis yang dipakai adalah Output Combined Loading and Cross-Loadings pada Outer Model yang menampilkan konstruk pada kolom dan indikator-indikatornya pada baris. Hasil yang diperoleh adalah penggunaan internet sebagai media belajar berpengaruh positif terhadap motivasi belajar, kreativitas serta media belajar internet berpengaruh secara tidak langsung terhadap prestasi belajar.

    How do Procurement and Separation relate with Performance Management System among Employees? Testing the Mediating role of ICT Adoption

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    This study is aimed at revealing how performance management system (PMS) relates to procurement and separation among employees in an organization. Several researches have been embarked upon in determining how one or two human resource management (HRM) practice (s) influence employee performance, however, an approach to studying the mediating effect of ICT adoption between procurement and separation and performance management system is still begging for rigorous academic attention. To reduce this widely created gap, the paper aimed at determining whether the procurement and separation are correlated to performance management system. The results however obtained through SmartPLS confirmed that there is full mediation effect of ICT adoption on one relationship and a partial mediation effect on the other


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    Abstract : This research revolves around the effect of company performance, CSR rating on company value by using companies listed on the IDX in 2019, the sample was selected using the purposive sampling method, and got a total of 35 companies as the sample used in the test. The variables used in this study include CSR Rating, Return On Assets and Net Profit Margin as indicators of company performance, Tobin's Q and Price to Book Value as indicators of firm value. SEM-PLS was used as a test tool using WarpPLS 7.0. The variables in this study are transformed formatively into latent variables. The result is that the company's performance has a significant positive effect on firm value, the CSR rating has a positive, weakly significance, and the CSR rating can positively moderate the relationship between company performance and firm value

    The Influence of Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learnings and Digital Disruption on the Design of Accounting and Finance Functions Mediated by Data Processing

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    This research aims to determine the influence of cloud computing, artificial intelligence, machine learning and digital disruption on the design of accounting and financial functions mediated by data processing. This type of research is an explanatory survey, the data used is primary data on 202 respondents working in the accounting and finance sector in Indonesia drawn using the purposive random sampling method. Analysis tool using the Structural Equation Modeling approach with the WarpPLS Version 8.0 test tool. The results show that Cloud Computing, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learnings and Digital Disruption have a significant influence on the Design of Accounting and Financial Functions Mediated by Data Processing

    Predicting the Performance of Small Aquaculture Businesses in Kelantan through Marketing and Logistics Practices

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    Business performance at production level would influence the overall performance of the aquaculture industry. Many factors can be associated with business performance. It has been argued that a good marketing and logistics practice would lead to a positive business performance. However, it may not be always true for all types of industry, setting and condition. This study examined the effects of marketing and logistics on small business performance in the Kelantanese aquaculture industry. Using a self-administered questionnaire, data were collected from 216 respondents in small aquaculture in Kelantan. The Partial Least Squares Analysis (PLS) was employed to examine the relationship between the marketing, logistics and business performance variables. It was found that only one of the four marketing variables, i.e. place, explained the variation in business performance. But, it had a wrong sign that was negative, instead of a positive sign. On the contrary, two out of three logistics variables (transportation and order processing) influenced the changes in business performance. In the condition of excess demand, marketing did not work, whereas logistics was more important. Thus, a good practice in logistics is more important than that of marketing for small aquaculture businesses


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    Currently, the tourism sector is a central issue in the growth of a country. Researchers have proven the critical role of the tourism sector in increasing state revenues through tourist visits, both domestic and foreign tourists. Several previous studies have shown the part of the destination image in increasing the revisit rates. However, multiple research models have differed variations in explaining the influence of the destination image on the tourists' loyalty to revisit shopping destinations. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of destination image on tourist revisit intention towards shopping tours in Bandung. The survey approach is used to answer the research objectives. The results prove there is an influence of the destination image on the tourists' revisit intention to shopping tours with 179 samples carried out simultaneously on several shopping tourist destinations in Bandung. Thus, the proper advice to improve the revisit intention is providing facilities and infrastructure as well as exciting experiences for the tourists

    Local Resources-Based Community Empowerment Model to Achieve Food Security in the Indonesian Border Community of North Sebatik

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    Many scholars now see border areas to have a srategic value. They are no longer seen as the backyard of a country but the front yard that must be seen well developed. Therefore border communities must be empowered to be independent from neighboring countries. These include efforts to increase these independence through community empowerment. Community empowerment can increase the independence and welfare of the community through increasing knowledge, attitudes/behaviors, skills, abilities, awareness, and utilization of resources. Through the process, it is expected that human resources capacity will increase in food security. How the efforts to empower border communities adopt local resources, instead of a top down approach, however needs forther exploration. This research aims to asses the effects of human and natural capitals in formulating local resources-based Community empowerment model in the sector of food security. This research was conducted in the North Sebatik district, Nunukan regency with 65 sample of farmers selected through simple random sampling techniques. Primary and secondary data were collected through field observations, direct interviews, questionnaire distribution, and information obtained from official government agencies. This research uses human capital, nature capital, and social capital as dependent variables, and community empowerment and food security as independent variables. The analysis method applied Partial Least Square (PLS) by using software WarpPLS 5.0. The results of the research showed that human capital must go through an empowerment process to increase human quality. Natural capital must also go through an empowerment process, as human quality without supported nature resources cannot improve capacity to achieve food security. Social capital must also go through an empowerment process. Community empowerment has an impact on food security, as it can manage existing resources to create and improve household income through locally-based agricultural activities to achieve food security

    Validation of a Scale Measuring Future Work Skills in Unaccompanied Foreign Minors: An Exploratory and Confirmatory Analysis

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    Objectives: Unaccompanied foreign minors (UFM) represent a sector with great educational needs that requires the development of a series of skills to engage effectively in future work and enable their inclusion within a modern and digitized society. The objective of the present study is to validate a scale designed to measure the skills for future work of a representative sample of UFM in southern Spain (n=390). All participants came from the Temporary Relocation Centre for Vulnerable Groups. Methodology: A quantitative, exploratory, cross-sectional and ex post facto study was carried out. FACTOR Analysis® 9.3.1 software and IBM Amos Graphics® 23.0 were used for data analysis. Results: A one-dimensional scale comprising ten skill indicators was developed and produced good fit indices [p < 0.001; KMO = 0.794; GFI = 0.92; AGFI = 0.90; SMSR = 0.046]. Likewise, confirmatory analysis identified items 3 [innovative thinking] and 8 [design mentality] to be the most relevant skills for future work in this group, with item 1 [ability to find meaning] producing the lowest regression weight making it the least relevant. Conclusions: A reliable and robust scale was produced for assessment of the essential skills needed in the educational and work context in a population at risk of exclusion, namely, unaccompanied foreign minors. This instrument will make it possible to conduct preliminary diagnoses and better target the specific needs of this group

    How do procurement and separation relate with performance management system among employees? testing the mediating role of Ict adoption

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    This study is aimed at revealing how performance management system (PMS) relates to procurement and separation among employees in an organization.Several researches have been embarked upon in determining how one or two human resource management (HRM) practice (s) influence employee performance, however, an approach to studying the mediating effect of ICT adoption between procurement and separation and performance management system is still begging for rigorous academic attention.To reduce this widely created gap, the paper aimed at determining whether the procurement and separation are correlated to performance management system.The results however obtained through SmartPLS confirmed that there is full mediation effect of ICT adoption on one relationship and a partial mediation effect on the other