12 research outputs found

    La adopción de la tecnología cloud computing (SaaS): Efectos de la complejidad tecnológica vs formación y soporte

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    El propósito de este trabajo es analizar empíricamente, la influencia de las variables Complejidad Tecnológica, Formación y Soporte y Apoyo Técnico en el seno de una organización y como pueden afectar a la intención de uso final de la tecnología cloud. Se evaluaron, a través de una encuesta, 150 empresas de Andalucía. Los aspectos claves que se han identificado con dicha intención han sido la disponibilidad en el soporte técnico, dudas o problemas de uso relacionados con la complejidad y la adecuación de la formación recibida por parte de la organización. Los resultados indican que la complejidad ejerce un efecto negativo, mientras que la formación y el soporte son claves, con un peso muy similar, en la intención de uso, descubriéndose que el conocimiento compartido o cooperativo es clave en la adopción de la tecnología cloud computing.The purpose of this paper is to analyze empirically the influence of the variables Technological Complexity, Training and Support and Technical Support within an organization and how they can affect the end use intention of cloud technology. 150 companies from Andalusia were evaluated through a survey. The key aspects that have been identified with this intention have been the availability in the technical support, doubts or problems of use related to the complexity and the adequacy of the training received by the organization. The results indicate that complexity has a negative effect, while training and support are key, with a very similar weight, in the intention to use, finding that shared or cooperative knowledge is key in the adoption of cloud computing technology

    Determinants of adoption of clud computing services by small, medium and large companies

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    Manufacturing sector organizations have seen an improvement in their competitiveness due to the digital economy. However, there must be a steady migration from an organization with a restricted use of Information Technology, to one in which Information Technology is commonly used for all of the different activities of the company. Based on this migration, organizations of all types can generate increases in productivity and competitiveness. This in turn contributes to advances in progress and welfare by creating more opportunities. This study proposes to advance knowledge about the implementation of cloud technology so that an organization can become more competitive. The current technology available for improving competitiveness in all areas of a company by exploiting data, providing services and for the use of resources, is cloud computing. This novel technology will be investigated and the findings will be used to describe the state of this technology in our country at the moment. It will also show how the complexity of these systems and the attitudes of the organizations and people involved, depending on the size of the organization and its management style, influence the adoption of cloud computing systems

    Determinants of Cloud Computing Adoption: A Comparative Study

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    Background: This study investigates the determinants that influence the user\u27s behavioral intention to use cloud computing in adopter and non-adopter firms. The research model is based on the theory of the Valence Framework of Behavioral Beliefs and Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The present study examined the factors of perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness, perceived ubiquity, perceived benefits, perceived costs and perceived risks in determining behavioral intention to use cloud computing for the adopter and non-adopter firms. Method: Data were collected using a questionnaire-based survey method. The valid responses received were 458. The sample size of adopters and non-adopter of cloud computing were 239 and 219, respectively. Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) was used for data analysis. Data analysis was done separately for both samples of the adopter and non-adopter firms The results showed that, for adopters firms, perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, ubiquity, perceived benefits, and perceived risks were found to have a significant and direct influence on behavioral intention to use cloud computing. For non-adopters, perceived usefulness, perceived ubiquity, perceived benefits, perceived costs, and perceived risks were found to have a significant and direct influence on behavioral intention to use cloud computing. A comparison testing was also performed by examining the difference in the strength of path coefficients between adopters and non-adopters firms. Results: The findings showed that the impact of favorable factors of perceived ubiquity and perceived benefits were found relatively more significant in the case of adopter firms than negative factors. Likewise, the impact of negative factors of perceived risks and perceived costs were found relatively more significant in the case of non-adopter firms. Conclusions: The major contribution of this study is that it contributes to the understanding of progressive changes in the impact of behavioral beliefs and cognitive factors on behavioral intention to use cloud computing in adopter and non-adopter firms. This study also provides managers\u27 practical understandings for cloud computing adoption during each phase of the adoption process. Available at: https://aisel.aisnet.org/pajais/vol11/iss3/3

    La tecnología cloud: un nuevo modelo de negocio en la última frontera de internet.

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    Paper aceptado en el XXX AEDEM Anual Meeting 2016sector productivo de las organizaciones, pero este hecho implica migrar de una economía con un escaso grado de adopción de las Tecnologías de la Información, a otra donde es común y normal aprovecharlas en todas las actividades económicas, culturales y sociales. Esta adopción tecnológica genera incrementos en la productividad y en la competitividad de las empresas, organizaciones y administraciones, contribuyendo así a la generación de bienestar y de mayores oportunidades de progreso. Contribuir y profundizar en estudios relacionados con la adopción de la tecnología cloud en la contribución a la mejora de competitividad de una organización es el objetivo de este trabajo de investigación. Actualmente, los sistemas cloud computing o la computación en la nube son una de las alternativas más reales para conseguir mejorar esa competitividad, pero no sólo como tecnología de la información, sino como un nuevo modelo económico de aprovechamiento de los recursos, de explotación de las aplicaciones y de los datos o de prestar servicios empresariales. Esta investigación trata de estudiar y ahondar en la evolución de esta todavía reciente tecnología, su aplicabilidad a medio y largo plazo, así como relacionar sus conclusiones con otros estudios sobre la situación de esta tecnología en nuestro País. Así mismo, ponen de manifiesto la influencia de la complejidad tecnológica y la actitud hacia el sistema en función del tamaño de la organización un modelo de gestión de adopción de la computación en la nube.The digital economy is contributing decisively to boost the competitiveness of the productive sector organizations, but this involves migrating from an economy with a low degree of adoption of Information Technology, to another where it is common and normal seize in all economic, cultural and social activities. This technology adoption generates increases in productivity and competitiveness of enterprises, organizations and administrations, thus contributing to the generation of welfare and greater opportunities for progress. Contribute and deepen related to the adoption of cloud technology in contributing to the improvement of competitiveness of an organization studies is the aim of this research. Today, cloud computing systems or cloud computing are one of the most real in order to improve the competitiveness alternatives, but not only as information technology, but as a new economic model of resource utilization, exploitation of applications and data or providing business services. This research tries to study and delve into the evolution of this still young technology, its applicability to medium and long term, and relate their findings with other studies on the situation of this technology in our country. Also, they show the influence of technological complexity and attitude towards the system depending on the size of the organization a management model of adoption of cloud computing.peerReviewe

    E-Learning during COVID-19 outbreak : cloud computing adoption in Indian public universities

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    In the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the need to adopt cloud computing (CC) applications by education institutions, in general, and higher education (HE) institutions, in particular, has especially increased to engage students in an online mode and remotely carrying out research. The adoption of CC across various sectors, including HE, has been picking momentum in the developing countries in the last few years. In the Indian context, the CC adaptation in the HE sector (HES) remains a less thoroughly explored sector, and no comprehensive study is reported in the literature. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to overcome this research vacuum and examine the factors that impact the CC adoption (CCA) by HE institutions (HEIs) in India. The scope of the study is limited to public universities (PUs) in India. There are, in total, 465 Indian PUs and among these 304 PUs, (i.e., 65% PUs) are surveyed using questionnaire-based research. The study has put forth a novel integrated technology adoption framework consisting of the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), Technology-Organization- Environment (TOE), and Diffusion of Innovation (DOI) in the context of the HES. This integrated TAM-TOE-DOI framework is utilized in the study to analyze eleven hypotheses concerning factors of CCA that have been tested using structural equation modelling (SEM) and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA). The findings reveal that competitive advantage (CA), technology compatibility (TC), technology readiness (TR), senior leadership support, security concerns, government support, and vendor support are the significant contributing factors of CCA by Indian PUs. The study contends that whereas the rest of the factors positively affect the PUs’ intention towards CCA, security concerns are a significant reason for the reluctance of these universities against adopting CC. The findings demonstrated the application of an integrated TAM-TOE-DOI framework to assess determining factors of CCA in Indian PUs. Further, the study has given useful insights into the successful CCA by Indian PUs, which will facilitate eLearning and remote working during COVID-19 or similar outbreak.peer-reviewe

    Застосування засобів протидії кіберзлочинності в телекомунікаційних мережах

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    Дипломну роботу виконано на 83 аркушах, вона містить перелік на використані джерела з 15 найменувань. У роботі наведено 14 рисунків. Метою даної дипломної роботи є аналіз засобів що застосовуються для протидії кіберзлочинності в телекомунікаційних мережах. У дипломній роботі розглянуто питання мережевої взаємодії, аналіз загроз кіберзлочинності та основні типи загроз. Розглянуті технічні засоби захисту безпеки, а саме програмно-апаратні засоби, мережні засоби та хмарні засоби. Проаналізовано, які переваги надає впровадження освіти та навчання в галузі кібербезпеки. Розглянуто питання необхідності політик та процедур безпеки.This senior thesis is presented on 83 pages. It contains bibliography of 15 references. 14 figures are presented in senior thesis. The purpose of this thesis is to analyze the methods used to combat cybercrime in telecommunications networks. The thesis deals with the issues of network interaction, analysis of cybercrime threats and the main types of threats. Also in the thesis considered technical means of security protection, such as software and hardware means, network means and cloud means. The advantages of the introduction of education and training in the field of cybersecurity are analyzed. The need for security policies and procedures is considered

    Decision Problems in Information Security: Methodologies and Quantitative Models

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    In the present dissertation, decision problems in information security are covered and methodologies and quantitative models are developed to address open issues in academia and to provide insights for practitioners. Framed in an adaptation of the process theory of Soh and Markus (1995) - from a thematic point of view - the dissertation comprises papers that cover decision problems in each phase of the adapted theory. The structure of the thesis is as follows: Part I comprises a presentation of and introduction to the dissertation with the underlying theoretical framing. In Part II, metadata of the papers of which the dissertation is composed of, are presented. Part III lists additional papers that have been developed during the course of this dissertation. Part IV includes a discussion of the findings and concludes with an outline of future research

    Cloud computing and innovation: its viability, benefits, challenges and records management capabilities

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    This research investigated the potential benefits, risks and challenges, innovation properties and viability of cloud computing for records management on an Australian organisation within the mining software development sector. This research involved the use of a case study results analysis as well as a literature analysis. The literature analysis identified the ten potential benefits of cloud computing, as well as the ten risks and challenges associated with cloud computing. It further identified aspects, which needed to be addressed when adopting cloud computing in order to promote innovation within an organisation. The case study analysis was compared against a literature review of ten potential benefits of cloud computing, as well as the ten risks and challenges associated with cloud computing. This was done in order to determine cloud computing’s viability for records management for Company X (The company in the case study). Cloud computing was found to be viable for Company X. However, there were certain aspects, which need to be discussed and clarified with the cloud service provider beforehand in order to mitigate possible risks and compliance issues. It is also recommended that a cloud service provider who complies with international standards, such as ISO 15489, be selected. The viability of cloud computing for organisations similar to Company X (mining software development) followed a related path. These organisations need to ensure that the service provider is compliant with laws in their local jurisdiction, such as Electronic Transactions Act 1999 (Australia, 2011:14-15), as well as laws where their data (in the cloud) may be hosted. The benefits, risks and challenges of records management and cloud computing are applicable to these similar organisations. However, mitigation of these risks needs to be discussed with a cloud service provider beforehand. From an innovation perspective, cloud computing is able to promote innovation within an organisation, if certain antecedents are dealt with. Furthermore, if cloud computing is successfully adopted then it should promote innovation within organisations.Information ScienceM. Inf