9,953 research outputs found

    An Introduction to Fuzzy Edge Coloring

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    In this paper, a new concept of fuzzy edge coloring is introduced. The fuzzy edge coloring is an assignment of colors to edges of a fuzzy graph G. It is proper if no two strong adjacent edges of G will receive the same color. Fuzzy edge chromatic number of G is least positive integer for which G has a proper fuzzy edge coloring. In this paper, the fuzzy edge chromatic number of different classes of fuzzy graphs and the fuzzy edge chromatic number of fuzzy line graphs are found. Isochromatic fuzzy graph is also defined

    Adjacent vertex-distinguishing proper edge-coloring of strong product of graphs

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    Let G be a finite, simple, undirected and connected graph. The adjacent vertex-distinguishing proper edge-coloring is the minimum number of colors required for a proper edge-coloring of G, in which no two adjacent vertices are incident to edges colored with the same set of colors. The minimum number of colors required for an adjacent vertex-distinguishing proper edgecoloring of G is called the adjacent vertex-distinguishing proper edge-chromatic index. In this paper, I compute adjacent vertex-distinguishing proper edge-chromatic index of strong product of graphs

    Normal edge-colorings of cubic graphs

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    A normal kk-edge-coloring of a cubic graph is an edge-coloring with kk colors having the additional property that when looking at the set of colors assigned to any edge ee and the four edges adjacent it, we have either exactly five distinct colors or exactly three distinct colors. We denote by χN(G)\chi'_{N}(G) the smallest kk, for which GG admits a normal kk-edge-coloring. Normal kk-edge-colorings were introduced by Jaeger in order to study his well-known Petersen Coloring Conjecture. More precisely, it is known that proving χN(G)5\chi'_{N}(G)\leq 5 for every bridgeless cubic graph is equivalent to proving Petersen Coloring Conjecture and then, among others, Cycle Double Cover Conjecture and Berge-Fulkerson Conjecture. Considering the larger class of all simple cubic graphs (not necessarily bridgeless), some interesting questions naturally arise. For instance, there exist simple cubic graphs, not bridgeless, with χN(G)=7\chi'_{N}(G)=7. On the other hand, the known best general upper bound for χN(G)\chi'_{N}(G) was 99. Here, we improve it by proving that χN(G)7\chi'_{N}(G)\leq7 for any simple cubic graph GG, which is best possible. We obtain this result by proving the existence of specific no-where zero Z22\mathbb{Z}_2^2-flows in 44-edge-connected graphs.Comment: 17 pages, 6 figure

    A Strong Edge-Coloring of Graphs with Maximum Degree 4 Using 22 Colors

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    In 1985, Erd\H{o}s and Ne\'{s}etril conjectured that the strong edge-coloring number of a graph is bounded above by 5/4Δ2{5/4}\Delta^2 when Δ\Delta is even and 1/4(5Δ22Δ+1){1/4}(5\Delta^2-2\Delta+1) when Δ\Delta is odd. They gave a simple construction which requires this many colors. The conjecture has been verified for Δ3\Delta\leq 3. For Δ=4\Delta=4, the conjectured bound is 20. Previously, the best known upper bound was 23 due to Horak. In this paper we give an algorithm that uses at most 22 colors.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure