914 research outputs found

    Shallow Minors, Graph Products and Beyond Planar Graphs

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    The planar graph product structure theorem of Dujmovi\'{c}, Joret, Micek, Morin, Ueckerdt, and Wood [J. ACM 2020] states that every planar graph is a subgraph of the strong product of a graph with bounded treewidth and a path. This result has been the key tool to resolve important open problems regarding queue layouts, nonrepetitive colourings, centered colourings, and adjacency labelling schemes. In this paper, we extend this line of research by utilizing shallow minors to prove analogous product structure theorems for several beyond planar graph classes. The key observation that drives our work is that many beyond planar graphs can be described as a shallow minor of the strong product of a planar graph with a small complete graph. In particular, we show that powers of planar graphs, kk-planar, (k,p)(k,p)-cluster planar, fan-planar and kk-fan-bundle planar graphs have such a shallow-minor structure. Using a combination of old and new results, we deduce that these classes have bounded queue-number, bounded nonrepetitive chromatic number, polynomial pp-centred chromatic numbers, linear strong colouring numbers, and cubic weak colouring numbers. In addition, we show that kk-gap planar graphs have at least exponential local treewidth and, as a consequence, cannot be described as a subgraph of the strong product of a graph with bounded treewidth and a path

    Sparse universal graphs for planarity

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    We show that for every integer n≥1n\geq 1 there exists a graph GnG_n with (1+o(1))n(1+o(1))n vertices and n1+o(1)n^{1 + o(1)} edges such that every nn-vertex planar graph is isomorphic to a subgraph of GnG_n. The best previous bound on the number of edges was O(n3/2)O(n^{3/2}), proved by Babai, Chung, Erd\H{o}s, Graham, and Spencer in 1982. We then show that for every integer n≥1n\geq 1 there is a graph UnU_n with n1+o(1)n^{1 + o(1)} vertices and edges that contains induced copies of every nn-vertex planar graph. This significantly reduces the number of edges in a recent construction of the authors with Dujmovi\'c, Gavoille, and Micek.Comment: v2: added new result about induced-universal graph

    Graph Product Structure for h-Framed Graphs

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    Graph product structure theory expresses certain graphs as subgraphs of the strong product of much simpler graphs. In particular, an elegant formulation for the corresponding structural theorems involves the strong product of a path and of a bounded treewidth graph, and allows to lift combinatorial results for bounded treewidth graphs to graph classes for which the product structure holds, such as to planar graphs [Dujmovi? et al., J. ACM, 67(4), 22:1-38, 2020]. In this paper, we join the search for extensions of this powerful tool beyond planarity by considering the h-framed graphs, a graph class that includes 1-planar, optimal 2-planar, and k-map graphs (for appropriate values of h). We establish a graph product structure theorem for h-framed graphs stating that the graphs in this class are subgraphs of the strong product of a path, of a planar graph of treewidth at most 3, and of a clique of size 3? h/2 ?+? h/3 ?-1. This allows us to improve over the previous structural theorems for 1-planar and k-map graphs. Our results constitute significant progress over the previous bounds on the queue number, non-repetitive chromatic number, and p-centered chromatic number of these graph classes, e.g., we lower the currently best upper bound on the queue number of 1-planar graphs and k-map graphs from 115 to 82 and from ? 33/2(k+3 ? k/2? -3)? to ? 33/2 (3? k/2 ?+? k/3 ?-1) ?, respectively. We also employ the product structure machinery to improve the current upper bounds on the twin-width of 1-planar graphs from O(1) to 80. All our structural results are constructive and yield efficient algorithms to obtain the corresponding decompositions

    The Ising model and beyond

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    We study the SU(3) AVE graphs, which appear in the classification of modular in variant partition functions from numerous viewpoints, including determination of their Boltzmann weights, representations of Hecke algebras, a new notion of A2 planar algebras and their modules, various Hilbert series of dimensions and spectral measures, and the K-theory of associated Cuntz-Krieger algebras. We compute the K-theory of the of the Cuntz-Krieger algebras associated to the SU(3) AVE graphs. We compute the numerical values of the Ocneanu cells, and consequently representations of the Hecke algebra, for the AVE graphs. Some such representations have appeared in the literature and we compare our results. We use these cells to define an SU(3) analogue of the Goodman-de la Harpe-Jones construction of a subfactor, where we embed the j42-Temperley-Lieb algebra in an AF path-algebra of the SU(3) AVE graphs. Using this construction, we realize all SU(3) modular invariants by subfactors previously announced by Ocneanu. We give a diagrammatic representation of the i42-Temperley-Lieb algebra, and show that it is isomorphic to Wenzl's representation of a Hecke algebra. Generalizing Jones's notion of a planar algebra, we construct an 42-planar algebra which captures the structure contained in the SU(3) AVE subfactors. We show that the subfactor for an AVE graph with a flat connection has a description as a flat >12-planar algebra. We introduce the notion of modules over an 42-planar algebra, and describe certain irreducible Hilbert A2- Temperley-Lieb-modules. A partial decomposition of the ,42-planar algebras for the AVE graphs is achieved. We compare various Hilbert series of dimensions associated to ADE models for SU(2), and the Hilbert series of certain Calabi-Yau algebras of dimension 3. We also consider spectral measures for the ADE graphs and generalize to SU(3), and in particular obtain spectral measures for the infinite SU(3) graphs

    The Realizability of Theta Graphs as Reconfiguration Graphs of Minimum Independent Dominating Sets

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    The independent domination number i(G)i(G) of a graph GG is the minimum cardinality of a maximal independent set of GG, also called an i(G)i(G)-set. The ii-graph of GG is the graph whose vertices correspond to the i(G)i(G)-sets, and where two i(G)i(G)-sets are adjacent if and only if they differ by two adjacent vertices. Not all graphs are ii-graph realizable, that is, given a target graph HH, there does not necessarily exist a source graph GG such that HH is the ii-graph of GG. We consider a class of graphs called "theta graphs": a theta graph is the union of three internally disjoint nontrivial paths with the same two distinct end vertices. We characterize theta graphs that are ii-graph realizable, showing that there are only finitely many that are not. We also characterize those line graphs and claw-free graphs that are ii-graphs, and show that all 33-connected cubic bipartite planar graphs are ii-graphs.Comment: 34 pages, 29 figure
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