1,137 research outputs found

    Knowledge Representation with Ontologies: The Present and Future

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    Recently, we have seen an explosion of interest in ontologies as artifacts to represent human knowledge and as critical components in knowledge management, the semantic Web, business-to-business applications, and several other application areas. Various research communities commonly assume that ontologies are the appropriate modeling structure for representing knowledge. However, little discussion has occurred regarding the actual range of knowledge an ontology can successfully represent

    A framework and computer system for knowledge-level acquisition, representation, and reasoning with process knowledge

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    The development of knowledge-based systems is usually approached through the combined skills of software and knowledge engineers (SEs and KEs, respectively) and of subject matter experts (SMEs). One of the most critical steps in this task aims at transferring knowledge from SMEs’ expertise to formal, machine-readable representations, which allow systems to reason with such knowledge. However, this process is costly and error prone. Alleviating such knowledge acquisition bottleneck requires enabling SMEs with the means to produce the target knowledge representations, minimizing the intervention of KEs. This is especially difficult in the case of complex knowledge types like processes. The analysis of scientific domains like Biology, Chemistry, and Physics uncovers: (i) that process knowledge is the single most frequent type of knowledge occurring in such domains and (ii) specific solutions need to be devised in order to allow SMEs to represent it in a computational form. We present a framework and computer system for the acquisition and representation of process knowledge in scientific domains by SMEs. We propose methods and techniques to enable SMEs to acquire process knowledge from the domains, to formally represent it, and to reason about it. We have developed an abstract process metamodel and a library of problem solving methods (PSMs), which support these tasks, respectively providing the terminology for SME-tailored process diagrams and an abstract formalization of the strategies needed for reasoning about processes. We have implemented this approach as part of the DarkMatter system and formally evaluated it in the context of the intermediate evaluation of Project Halo, an initiative aiming at the creation of question answering systems by SMEs

    Semantics-based approach for generating partial views from linked life-cycle highway project data

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    The purpose of this dissertation is to develop methods that can assist data integration and extraction from heterogeneous sources generated throughout the life-cycle of a highway project. In the era of computerized technologies, project data is largely available in digital format. Due to the fragmented nature of the civil infrastructure sector, digital data are created and managed separately by different project actors in proprietary data warehouses. The differences in the data structure and semantics greatly hinder the exchange and fully reuse of digital project data. In order to address those issues, this dissertation carries out the following three individual studies. The first study aims to develop a framework for interconnecting heterogeneous life cycle project data into an unified and linked data space. This is an ontology-based framework that consists of two phases: (1) translating proprietary datasets into homogeneous RDF data graphs; and (2) connecting separate data networks to each other. Three domain ontologies for design, construction, and asset condition survey phases are developed to support data transformation. A merged ontology that integrates the domain ontologies is constructed to provide guidance on how to connect data nodes from domain graphs. The second study is to deal with the terminology inconsistency between data sources. An automated method is developed that employs Natural Language Processing (NLP) and machine learning techniques to support constructing a domain specific lexicon from design manuals. The method utilizes pattern rules to extract technical terms from texts and learns their representation vectors using a neural network based word embedding approach. The study also includes the development of an integrated method of minimal-supervised machine learning, clustering analysis, and word vectors, for computing the term semantics and classifying the relations between terms in the target lexicon. In the last study, a data retrieval technique for extracting subsets of an XML civil data schema is designed and tested. The algorithm takes a keyword input of the end user and returns a ranked list of the most relevant XML branches. This study utilizes a lexicon of the highway domain generated from the second study to analyze the semantics of the end user keywords. A context-based similarity measure is introduced to evaluate the relevance between a certain branch in the source schema and the user query. The methods and algorithms resulting from this research were tested using case studies and empirical experiments. The results indicate that the study successfully address the heterogeneity in the structure and terminology of data and enable a fast extraction of sub-models of data. The study is expected to enhance the efficiency in reusing digital data generated throughout the project life-cycle, and contribute to the success in transitioning from paper-based to digital project delivery for civil infrastructure projects

    Learning Ontology Relations by Combining Corpus-Based Techniques and Reasoning on Data from Semantic Web Sources

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    The manual construction of formal domain conceptualizations (ontologies) is labor-intensive. Ontology learning, by contrast, provides (semi-)automatic ontology generation from input data such as domain text. This thesis proposes a novel approach for learning labels of non-taxonomic ontology relations. It combines corpus-based techniques with reasoning on Semantic Web data. Corpus-based methods apply vector space similarity of verbs co-occurring with labeled and unlabeled relations to calculate relation label suggestions from a set of candidates. A meta ontology in combination with Semantic Web sources such as DBpedia and OpenCyc allows reasoning to improve the suggested labels. An extensive formal evaluation demonstrates the superior accuracy of the presented hybrid approach

    Creating ontology-based metadata by annotation for the semantic web

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    Semantically-aware data discovery and placement in collaborative computing environments

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    As the size of scientific datasets and the demand for interdisciplinary collaboration grow in modern science, it becomes imperative that better ways of discovering and placing datasets generated across multiple disciplines be developed to facilitate interdisciplinary scientific research. For discovering relevant data out of large-scale interdisciplinary datasets. The development and integration of cross-domain metadata is critical as metadata serves as the key guideline for organizing data. To develop and integrate cross-domain metadata management systems in interdisciplinary collaborative computing environment, three key issues need to be addressed: the development of a cross-domain metadata schema; the implementation of a metadata management system based on this schema; the integration of the metadata system into existing distributed computing infrastructure. Current research in metadata management in distributed computing environment largely focuses on relatively simple schema that lacks the underlying descriptive power to adequately address semantic heterogeneity often found in interdisciplinary science. And current work does not take adequate consideration the issue of scalability in large-scale data management. Another key issue in data management is data placement, due to the increasing size of scientific datasets, the overhead incurred as a result of transferring data among different nodes also grow into a significant inhibiting factor affecting overall performance. Currently, few data placement strategies take into consideration semantic information concerning data content. In this dissertation, we propose a cross-domain metadata system in a collaborative distributed computing environment and identify and evaluate key factors and processes involved in a successful cross-domain metadata system with the goal of facilitating data discovery in collaborative environments. This will allow researchers/users to conduct interdisciplinary science in the context of large-scale datasets that will make it easier to access interdisciplinary datasets, reduce barrier to collaboration, reduce cost of future development of similar systems. We also investigate data placement strategies that involve semantic information about the hardware and network environment as well as domain information in the form of semantic metadata so that semantic locality could be utilized in data placement, that could potentially reduce overhead for accessing large-scale interdisciplinary datasets

    Semantic Models as Knowledge Repositories for Data Modellers in the Financial Industry

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    Data modellers working in the financial industry are expected to use both technical and business knowledge to transform data into the information required to meet regulatory reporting requirements. This dissertation explores the role that semantic models such as ontologies and concept maps can play in the acquisition of financial and regulatory concepts by data modellers. While there is widespread use of semantic models in the financial industry to specify how information is exchanged between IT systems, there is limited use of these models as knowledge repositories. The objective of this research is to evaluate the use of a semantic model based knowledge repository using a combination of interviews, model implementation and experimental evaluation. A semantic model implementation is undertaken to represent the knowledge required to understand sample banking regulatory reports. An iterative process of semantic modelling and knowledge acquisition is followed to create a representation of technical and business domain knowledge in the repository. The completed repository is made up of three concept maps hyper-linked to an ontology. An experimental evaluation of the usefulness of the repository is made by asking both expert and novice financial data modellers to answer questions that required both banking knowledge and an understating of the information in regulatory reports. The research suggests that both novice and expert data modellers found the knowledge in the ontology and concept maps to be accessible, effective and useful. The combination of model types allowing for variations in individual styles of knowledge acquisition. The research suggests that the financial trend in the financial industry for semantic models and ontologies would benefit from knowledge management and modelling techniques

    Aquisição e Interrogação de Conhecimento de Pråtica Clínica usando Linguagem Natural

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    The scientific concepts, methodologies and tools in the Knowledge Representation (KR) sub- domain of applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) came a long way with enormous strides in recent years. The usage of domain conceptualizations that are Ontologies is now powerful enough to aim at computable reasoning over complex realities. One of the most challenging scientific and technical human endeavors is the daily Clinical Prac- tice (CP) of Cardiovascular (CV) specialty healthcare providers. Such a complex domain can benefit largely from the possibility of clinical reasoning aids that are now at the edge of being available. We research into a complete end-to-end solid ontological infrastructure for CP knowledge represen- tation as well as the associated processes to automatically acquire knowledge from clinical texts and reason over it

    Clinical practice knowledge acquisition and interrogation using natural language: aquisição e interrogação de conhecimento de pråtica clínica usando linguagem natural

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    Os conceitos cientĂ­ficos, metodologias e ferramentas no sub-dominio da Representação de Conhecimento da ĂĄrea da InteligĂȘncia Artificial Aplicada tĂȘm sofrido avanços muito significativos nos anos recentes. A utilização de Ontologias como conceptualizaçÔes de domĂ­nios Ă© agora suficientemente poderosa para aspirar ao raciocĂ­nio computacional sobre realidades complexas. Uma das tarefas cientĂ­fica e tecnicamente mais desafiante Ă© prestação de cuidados pelos profissionais de saĂșde na especialidade cardiovascular. Um domĂ­nio de tal forma complexo pode beneficiar largamente da possibilidade de ajudas ao raciocĂ­nio clĂ­nico que estĂŁo neste momento a beira de ficarem disponĂ­veis. Investigamos no sentido de desenvolver uma infraestrutura sĂłlida e completa para a representação de conhecimento na prĂĄtica clĂ­nica bem como os processes associados para adquirir o conhecimento a partir de textos clĂ­nicos e raciocinar automaticamente sobre esse conhecimento; ABSTRACT: The scientific concepts, methodologies and tools in the Knowledge Representation (KR) subdomain of applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) came a long way with enormous strides in recent years. The usage of domain conceptualizations that are Ontologies is now powerful enough to aim at computable reasoning over complex realities. One of the most challenging scientific and technical human endeavors is the daily Clinical Practice (CP) of Cardiovascular (C V) specialty healthcare providers. Such a complex domain can beneïŹt largely from the possibility of clinical reasoning aids that are now at the edge of being available. We research into al complete end-to-end solid ontological infrastructure for CP knowledge representation as well as the associated processes to automatically acquire knowledge from clinical texts and reason over it
