11 research outputs found

    More game-theoretic properties of boolean algebras

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    AbstractThe following infinite game G was investigated in [5]: Let B be a Boolean algebra. Two players, White and Black, take turns to choose successively a sequenc

    A scattering of orders

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    A linear ordering is scattered if it does not contain a copy of the rationals. Hausdorff characterised the class of scattered linear orderings as the least family of linear orderings that includes the class B \mathcal B of well-orderings and reversed well-orderings, and is closed under lexicographic sums with index set in B \mathcal B. More generally, we say that a partial ordering is κ \kappa -scattered if it does not contain a copy of any κ \kappa -dense linear ordering. We prove analogues of Hausdorff's result for κ \kappa -scattered linear orderings, and for κ \kappa -scattered partial orderings satisfying the finite antichain condition. We also study the Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered partial orderings, where Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa is the saturated linear ordering of cardinality κ \kappa , and a partial ordering is Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered when it embeds no copy of Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa . We classify the Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered partial orderings with the finite antichain condition relative to the Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered linear orderings. We show that in general the property of being a Qκ \mathbb{Q}_\kappa -scattered linear ordering is not absolute, and argue that this makes a classification theorem for such orderings hard to achieve without extra set-theoretic assumptions

    Stationary logic of finitely determinate structures

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    AbstractIn this part we develop the theory of finitely determinate structures, that is, structures on which the dual quantifiers “stat” and “unreadable” have the same meaning. Among other genera

    Games with Filters

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    This paper has two parts. The first is concerned with a variant of a family of games introduced by Holy and Schlicht, that we call \emph{Welch games}. Player II having a winning strategy in the Welch game of length ω\omega on κ\kappa is equivalent to weak compactness. Winning the game of length 2κ2^\kappa is equivalent to κ\kappa being measurable. We show that for games of intermediate length γ\gamma, II winning implies the existence of precipitous ideals with γ\gamma-closed, γ\gamma-dense trees. The second part shows the first is not vacuous. For each γ\gamma between ω\omega and κ+\kappa^+, it gives a model where II wins the games of length γ\gamma, but not γ+\gamma^+. The technique also gives models where for all ω1<γκ\omega_1< \gamma\le\kappa there are κ\kappa-complete, normal, κ+\kappa^+-distributive ideals having dense sets that are γ\gamma-closed, but not γ+\gamma^+-closed