4 research outputs found

    Adding Support for Automatic Enforcement of Security Policies in NFV Networks

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    This paper introduces an approach towards automatic enforcement of security policies in fv networks and dynamic adaptation to network changes. The approach relies on a refinement model that allows the dynamic transformation of high-level security requirements into configuration settings for the Network Security Functions (NSFs), and optimization models that allow the optimal selection of the NSFs to use. These models are built on a formalization of the NSF capabilities, which serves to unequivocally describe what NSFs are able to do for security policy enforcement purposes. The approach proposed is the first step towards a security policy aware NFV management, orchestration, and resource allocation system - a paradigm shift for the management of virtualized networks - and it requires minor changes to the current NFV architecture. We prove that our approach is feasible, as it has been implemented by extending the OpenMANO framework and validated on several network scenarios. Furthermore, we prove with performance tests that policy refinement scales well enough to support current and future virtualized networks

    Adding Support for Automatic Enforcement of Security Policies in NFV Networks

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    Network Function Virtualization Technology Adoption Strategies

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    Network function virtualization (NFV) is a novel system adopted by service providers and organizations, which has become a critical organizational success factor. Chief information officers (CIOs) aim to adopt NFV to consolidate and optimize network processes unavailable in conventional methods. Grounded in the diffusion of innovation theory (DOI), the purpose of this multiple case research study was to explore strategies chief information officers utilized to adopt NFV technology. Participants include two CIOs, one chief security information officer (CSIO), one chief technical officer (CTO), and two senior information technology (IT) executives. Data were collected through semi-structured telephone interviews and eight organizational documents. Through thematic analysis, four significant themes became apparent: organizational awareness, no hindrances to NFV technology adoption, documentation and implementation plan, and operational costs and efficiency. A key recommendation is for CIOs, CSIOs, CTOs, and senior IT managers to adopt the capability to document globally accepted processes and procedures for seamless adoption of NFV technology. The implications for positive social change include the potential to reduce energy consumption, preserving natural resources, and reducing environmental pollution due to the emission of dangerous gases that cause environmental degradation

    Metodolog铆a para evaluar el rendimiento de software de redes privadas virtuales

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    La presente investigaci贸n se desarroll贸 con el prop贸sito de determinar cu谩les ser谩nlos procesos de una metodolog铆a que permitir谩n realizar la evaluaci贸n de los softwares de redes privadas virtuales. El tipo de investigaci贸n que se utilizar谩 es aplicado con un dise帽o de investigaci贸n no experimental transversaldescriptivo. Asimismo, el enfoque fue cuantitativo, por lo que se ha hecho la utilidad de recursosestad铆sticos para el an谩lisis de los resultados clave en busca de las aprobaciones de las hip贸tesis. Por consiguiente, para el desarrollo de la presente investigaci贸n se eligi贸 como muestra tres (03) softwares de redes privadas virtuales, tales como: (i) software licenciado (NordVPN), (ii) software libre (ProtonVPN), (iii) software gratuito (TunnelBear) las mismas que fueron comparadas mediante los criterios: (a) rendimiento del software (throughput, jitter), (b) administraci贸n de recursos (uso delCPU, uso de Memoria RAM, uso del Disco Duro) y (c) desempe帽o en la red (latencia, velocidad de descargas de archivos, velocidad de subida de archivos, ancho de banda, filtro y marcado de trafico de red, velocidad de encriptamiento dedatos, velocidad de desencriptamiento de datos, fugas de servidores DNS, fugas de direcci贸n IP, fugas de direcci贸n IP por WebRTC, tiempo de conexi贸n al servidor).En consecuencia, se cumpli贸 con todas las metas planteadas y se acept贸 todas las hip贸tesis. En s铆ntesis, se afirma que la aplicaci贸n de los procesos de la metodolog铆a MEPVPNS permiti贸 determinar la evaluaci贸n de rendimiento de los softwares de redes privadas virtuales en cuanto a: (i) rendimiento del software, (ii) administraci贸n de recursos y (iii) desempe帽o en la red. Finalmente, se recomend贸validar la metodolog铆a MEPVPNS ampliando sus procesos o desarrollando una nueva para entidades proveedores de medios inform谩ticos, etc