40 research outputs found

    Web Service Discovery in the FUSION Semantic Registry

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    The UDDI specification was developed as an attempt to address the key challenge of effective Web service discovery and has become a widely adopted standard. However, the text-based indexing and search mechanism that UDDI registries offer does not suffice for expressing unambiguous and semantically rich representations of service capabilities, and cannot support the logic-based inference capacity required for facilitating automated service matchmaking. This paper provides an overview of the approach put forward in the FUSION project for overcoming this important limitation. Our solution combines SAWSDL-based service descriptions with service capability profiling based on OWL-DL, and automated matchmaking through DL reasoning in a semantically extended UDDI registry

    Issues about the Adoption of Formal Methods for Dependable Composition of Web Services

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    Web Services provide interoperable mechanisms for describing, locating and invoking services over the Internet; composition further enables to build complex services out of simpler ones for complex B2B applications. While current studies on these topics are mostly focused - from the technical viewpoint - on standards and protocols, this paper investigates the adoption of formal methods, especially for composition. We logically classify and analyze three different (but interconnected) kinds of important issues towards this goal, namely foundations, verification and extensions. The aim of this work is to individuate the proper questions on the adoption of formal methods for dependable composition of Web Services, not necessarily to find the optimal answers. Nevertheless, we still try to propose some tentative answers based on our proposal for a composition calculus, which we hope can animate a proper discussion

    Combining SAWSDL, OWL-DL and UDDI for Semantically Enhanced Web Service Discovery

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    UDDI registries are included as a standard offering within the product suite of any major SOA vendor, serving as the foundation for establishing design-time and run-time SOA governance. Despite the success of the UDDI specification and its rapid uptake by the industry, the capabilities of its offered service discovery facilities are rather limited. The lack of machine-understandable semantics in the technical specifications and classification schemes used for retrieving services, prevent UDDI registries from supporting fully automated and thus truly effective service discovery. This paper presents the implementation of a semantically-enhanced registry that builds on the UDDI specification and augments its service publication and discovery facilities to overcome the aforementioned limitations. The proposed solution combines the use of SAWSDL for creating semantically annotated descriptions of service interfaces and the use of OWL-DL for modelling service capabilities and for performing matchmaking via DL reasoning

    Meaningful UDDI web services description

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    There is a lack of meaningful description of Web Services in UDDI, however, it is necessary for automatic services discovery. In this paper, a language is proposed for semantics description of Web Services which complements the UDDI standards to derive relationships among Web Services. The semantics description can be used to automatically derive relationships among Web Services. We describe how the semantics description of Web Services, based on the proposed language, can be integrated with UDDI.<br /

    A Framework for Dynamic Web Services Composition

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    Dynamic composition of web services is a promising approach and at the same time a challenging research area for the dissemination of service-oriented applications. It is widely recognised that service semantics is a key element for the dynamic composition of Web services, since it allows the unambiguous descriptions of a service's capabilities and parameters. This paper introduces a framework for performing dynamic service composition by exploiting the semantic matchmaking between service parameters (i.e., outputs and inputs) to enable their interconnection and interaction. The basic assumption of the framework is that matchmaking enables finding semantic compatibilities among independently defined service descriptions. We also developed a composition algorithm that follows a semantic graph-based approach, in which a graph represents service compositions and the nodes of this graph represent semantic connections between services. Moreover, functional and non-functional properties of services are considered, to enable the computation of relevant and most suitable service compositions for some service request. The suggested end-to-end functional level service composition framework is illustrated with a realistic application scenario from the IST SPICE project

    Semantic Description of Web Services and Possibilities of BPEL4WS

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    The using of the upsurge of semantics web technologies gives a possibility for an increasing of the flexibility, extensibility and consistency of the existent industrial standards for modeling of web services. In the paper the types of semantic description of web services and the degree of their realization in BPEL4WS (Business Process Execution Language for Web Services) respectively on the abstract and executable level are treated. The methods for using of BPEL4WS for the purposes of semantic web services in the direction of their semi-automatic integration are suggested

    Agents for invocation of web services

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    Web services are becoming popular and widely accepted on the Internet. UDDI is the standard for publishing and discovery of web services. In this paper, we investigate semantics description of web services based on domain ontology; based on this language, we propose an architecture for invoking agents to consume services within the UDDI registry. The semantics service description language together with agent creationarchitecture provides a new way to discover and utilise published web services. This method is flexible and extendable to accomplish complex web service requests.<br /

    Design And Development Of An Experimental Low-cost Internet-based Interactive TV Station

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    Internet-based interactive TV is an emerging field that is affected by advances in various research areas including communication, interactivity, network efficiency, content management and aesthetics. Despite constantly reducing costs in the area of broadcast infrastructure development, this new medium has yet to claim its market position and recognition. Various reasons may be identified for this lack of penetration in today’s markets. The large market-share of existing non-interactive technologies is a governing factor, followed by quality of service issues and the absence of a widely accepted standard for interactive broadcasting that will enable the development of devices that allow interaction in an out-of-the-box user-experience. Various independently developed software-based technologies such as Joost, Babelgum and VeohTV have explored to certain extent the interactive and social aspects of streaming media, including live user-to-user chat, dynamic content search and the formation of user-groups. On the experimental forefront, various educational institutions are exploring continuously the capabilities of high-bandwidth networks and experimental interactive content in order to set the standards for new digital services, transforming the two-way broadcasting experience. For particular types of content such as interactive installation art, games and multimedia presentations that require synchronised content to be communicated, such technological infrastructures offer an alternative method of deployment, presentation and interaction. In this work, we are mainly concerned with the development strategy of the interactive TV system, the integration of existing technologies under a common environment, user-related usability issues and aesthetics, all being factors that affect the cost of interactive TV. We present the design and issues that arise and discuss the development issues that affect the end-user experience, while the cost minimised due to the use of open-source technologies

    Adding semantic web services matching and discovery support to the MoviLog platform

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    Semantic Web services are self describing programs that can be searched, understood and used by other programs. Despite the advantages Semantic Web services provide, specially for building agent based systems, there is a need for mechanisms to enable agents to discover Semantic Web services. This paper describes an extension of the MoviLog agent platform for searching Web services taking into account their semantic descriptions. Preliminary experiments showing encouraging results are also reportedIFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Agents 1Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI

    Adding semantic web services matching and discovery support to the MoviLog platform

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    Semantic Web services are self describing programs that can be searched, understood and used by other programs. Despite the advantages Semantic Web services provide, specially for building agent based systems, there is a need for mechanisms to enable agents to discover Semantic Web services. This paper describes an extension of the MoviLog agent platform for searching Web services taking into account their semantic descriptions. Preliminary experiments showing encouraging results are also reportedIFIP International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Theory and Practice - Agents 1Red de Universidades con Carreras en Informática (RedUNCI