7 research outputs found

    Aspect oriented pluggable support for parallel computing

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    In this paper, we present an approach to develop parallel applications based on aspect oriented programming. We propose a collection of aspects to implement group communication mechanisms on parallel applications. In our approach, parallelisation code is developed by composing the collection into the application core functionality. The approach requires fewer changes to sequential applications to parallelise the core functionality than current alternatives and yields more modular code. The paper presents the collection and shows how the aspects can be used to develop efficient parallel applicationsFundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PPC-VM (Portable Parallel Computing based on Virtual Machines) Project POSI/CHS/47158/2002; SOFTAS (POSI/EIA/60189/2004).Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER)

    Incrementally developing parallel applications with AspectJ

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    This paper presents a methodology to develop more modular parallel applications, based on aspect oriented programming. Traditional object oriented mechanisms implement application core functionality and parallelisation concerns are plugged by aspect oriented mechanisms. Parallelisation concerns are separated into four categories: functional or/and data partition, concurrency, distribution and optimisation. Modularising these categories into separate modules using aspect oriented programming enables (un)pluggability of parallelisation concerns. This approach leads to more incremental application development, easier debugging and increased reuse of core functionality and parallel code, when compared with traditional object oriented approaches. A detailed analysis of a simple parallel application - a prime number sieve - illustrates the methodology and shows how to accomplish these gains.Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER) - PPC-VM project POSI/CHS/47158/2002.Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) - PPC-VM project POSI/CHS/47158/2002

    Adding Distribution to Existing Applications by means of Aspect Oriented Programming

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    Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) is a new programming paradigm that offers a novel modularization unit for the crosscutting concerns. Functionalities originally spread across several modules and tangled with each other can be factored out into a single, separate unit, called an aspect. The source code fragments introduced to port an existing application to a distributed environment (such as Java RMI) are typically scattered and tangled, thus representing an ideal candidate for the usage of aspects. In this paper, we propose a distribution framework based on AOP and we describe the steps necessary to migrate an existing program to it. In our solution, the original application remains oblivious of the distribution concern and all required aspects are generated automatically. The approach was validated on a case stud

    Operating system fault tolerance support for real-time embedded applications

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    Tese de doutoramento em Electrónica Industrial (ramo de conhecimento em Informática Industrial)Fault tolerance is a means of achieving high dependability for critical and highavailability systems. Despite the efforts to prevent and remove faults during the development of these systems, the application of fault tolerance is usually required because the hardware may fail during system operation and software faults are very hard to eliminate completely. One of the difficulties in implementing fault tolerance techniques is the lack of support from operating systems and middleware. In most fault tolerant projects, the programmer has to develop a fault tolerance implementation for each application. This strong customization makes the fault-tolerant software costly and difficult to implement and maintain. In particular, for small-scale embedded systems, the introduction of fault tolerance techniques may also have impact on their restricted resources, such as processing power and memory size. The purpose of this research is to provide fault tolerance support for real-time applications in small-scale embedded systems. The main approach of this thesis is to develop and integrate a customizable and extendable fault tolerance framework into a real-time operating system, in order to fulfill the needs of a large range of dependable applications. Special attention is taken to allow the coexistence of fault tolerance with real-time constraints. The utilization of the proposed framework features several advantages over ad-hoc implementations, such as simplifying application-level programming and improving the system configurability and maintainability. In addition, this thesis also investigates the application of aspect-oriented techniques to the development of real-time embedded fault-tolerant software. Aspect- Oriented Programming (AOP) is employed to modularize all fault tolerant source code, following the principle of separation of concerns, and to integrate the proposed framework into the operating system. Two case studies are used to evaluate the proposed implementation in terms of performance and resource costs. The results show that the overheads related to the framework application are acceptable and the ones related to the AOP implementation are negligible.Tolerância a falhas é um meio de obter-se alta confiabilidade para sistemas críticos e de elevada disponibilidade. Apesar dos esforços para prevenir e remover falhas durante o desenvolvimento destes sistemas, a aplicação de tolerância a falhas é normalmente necessária, já que o hardware pode falhar durante a operação do sistema e falhas de software são muito difíceis de eliminar completamente. Uma das dificuldades na implementação de técnicas de tolerância a falhas é a falta de suporte por parte dos sistemas operativos e middleware. Na maioria dos projectos tolerantes a falhas, o programador deve desenvolver uma implementação de tolerância a falhas para cada aplicação. Esta elevada adaptação torna o software tolerante a falhas dispendioso e difícil de implementar e manter. Em particular, para sistemas embebidos de pequena escala, a introdução de técnicas de tolerância a falhas pode também ter impacto nos seus restritos recursos, tais como capacidade de processamento e tamanho da memória. O propósito desta tese é prover suporte à tolerância a falhas para aplicações de tempo real em sistemas embebidos de pequena escala. A principal abordagem utilizada nesta tese foi desenvolver e integrar uma framework tolerante a falhas, customizável e extensível, a um sistema operativo de tempo real, a fim de satisfazer às necessidades de uma larga gama de aplicações confiáveis. Especial atenção foi dada para permitir a coexistência de tolerância a falhas com restrições de tempo real. A utilização da framework proposta apresenta diversas vantagens sobre implementações ad-hoc, tais como simplificar a programação a nível da aplicação e melhorar a configurabilidade e a facilidade de manutenção do sistema. Além disto, esta tese também investiga a aplicação de técnicas orientadas a aspectos no desenvolvimento de software tolerante a falhas, embebido e de tempo real. A Programação Orientada a Aspectos (POA) é empregada para segregar em módulos isolados todo o código fonte tolerante a falhas, seguindo o princípio da separação de interesses, e para integrar a framework proposta com o sistema operativo. Dois casos de estudo são utilizados para avaliar a implementação proposta em termos de desempenho e utilização de recursos. Os resultados mostram que os acréscimos de recursos relativos à aplicação da framework são aceitáveis e os relativos à implementação POA são insignificantes

    Abstraction over non-local object information in aspect-oriented programming using path expression pointcuts

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    Aspect-oriented software development (AOSD) consists of a number of technologies that promise a better level of modularization of concerns that cannot be separated in individual modules by using conventional techniques. Aspect-oriented programming (AOP) is one of these technologies. It allows the modularization at the level of software application code. It provides programmers with means to quantify over specific points in the base application code, called join points, at which the crosscutting concern code must be triggered. The quantification is achieved by special selection constructs called pointcuts, while the triggered code that is responsible for adapting the selected join point is provided by special construct called advice. The selection and adaptation mechanisms in aspect-oriented programming depend heavily on the distinguishing properties of the join points. These properties can either be derived from the local execution context at the join point or they are considered to be non-local to the join point. Aspect-oriented systems provide a plenty of pointcut constructs that support accessing the local join point properties, while they rarely support the non-local properties. A large research effort has been achieved to extend current aspectoriented systems in order to solve the problem of non-locality. However, none of these proposals support the non-local object relationships. There are many situations where a good abstraction over nonlocal object information is needed, otherwise, the developers will be obliged to provide complex and error-prone workarounds inside advice body that conceptually do not reflect the semantics of join point selection and mix it with the semantics of join point daptation. Such recurrent situations occur when trying to modularize the object persistence concern. Object persistence, the process of storing and retrieving objects to and from the datastore, is a classical example of crosscutting concern. Orthogonal object persistence meets the obliviousness property of AOP: The base code should not be prepared upfront for persistence. This thesis addresses the shortcomings in current aspect-oriented persistence systems. It shows that the reason for such shortcomings is due to the lack of supporting non-local object information by the used aspect-oriented languages. To overcome this problem, this thesis proposes a new extension to the current pointcut languages called path expression pointcuts that operate on object graphs and make relevant object information available to the aspects. As an explicit and complete construct, a formal semantics and type system have provided. Moreover, an implementation of path expression pointcuts is discussed in the thesis along with its usage to show how the aforementioned problems are resolved

    AOP and HLA : A new aspect on distributed simulation development

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    This thesis develops a method for combining AOP and HLA, leveraging the separation-of-concerns approach used by AOP to allow the creation of core models, free from simulation distribution semantics. Through the use of automated tools, these models are then woven with a generic-HLA aspect, producing an HLA-enabled simulation component. Using AOP in this manner removes the need for model developers to have an in-depth understanding of the HLA, helping to remove the prime factor restricitng a broader uptake of distributed simulation technologies: development complexity.Doctor of Philosoph