283 research outputs found

    An adaptive fixed-mesh ALE method for free surface flows

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    In this work we present a Fixed-Mesh ALE method for the numerical simulation of free surface flows capable of using an adaptive finite element mesh covering a background domain. This mesh is successively refined and unrefined at each time step in order to focus the computational effort on the spatial regions where it is required. Some of the main ingredients of the formulation are the use of an Arbitrary-Lagrangian–Eulerian formulation for computing temporal derivatives, the use of stabilization terms for stabilizing convection, stabilizing the lack of compatibility between velocity and pressure interpolation spaces, and stabilizing the ill-conditioning introduced by the cuts on the background finite element mesh, and the coupling of the algorithm with an adaptive mesh refinement procedure suitable for running on distributed memory environments. Algorithmic steps for the projection between meshes are presented together with the algebraic fractional step approach used for improving the condition number of the linear systems to be solved. The method is tested in several numerical examples. The expected convergence rates both in space and time are observed. Smooth solution fields for both velocity and pressure are obtained (as a result of the contribution of the stabilization terms). Finally, a good agreement between the numerical results and the reference experimental data is obtained.Postprint (published version

    hp-adaptive discontinuous Galerkin solver for elliptic equations in numerical relativity

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    A considerable amount of attention has been given to discontinuous Galerkin methods for hyperbolic problems in numerical relativity, showing potential advantages of the methods in dealing with hydrodynamical shocks and other discontinuities. This paper investigates discontinuous Galerkin methods for the solution of elliptic problems in numerical relativity. We present a novel hp-adaptive numerical scheme for curvilinear and non-conforming meshes. It uses a multigrid preconditioner with a Chebyshev or Schwarz smoother to create a very scalable discontinuous Galerkin code on generic domains. The code employs compactification to move the outer boundary near spatial infinity. We explore the properties of the code on some test problems, including one mimicking Neutron stars with phase transitions. We also apply it to construct initial data for two or three black holes

    Hybrid multigrid methods for high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations

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    The present work develops hybrid multigrid methods for high-order discontinuous Galerkin discretizations of elliptic problems. Fast matrix-free operator evaluation on tensor product elements is used to devise a computationally efficient PDE solver. The multigrid hierarchy exploits all possibilities of geometric, polynomial, and algebraic coarsening, targeting engineering applications on complex geometries. Additionally, a transfer from discontinuous to continuous function spaces is performed within the multigrid hierarchy. This does not only further reduce the problem size of the coarse-grid problem, but also leads to a discretization most suitable for state-of-the-art algebraic multigrid methods applied as coarse-grid solver. The relevant design choices regarding the selection of optimal multigrid coarsening strategies among the various possibilities are discussed with the metric of computational costs as the driving force for algorithmic selections. We find that a transfer to a continuous function space at highest polynomial degree (or on the finest mesh), followed by polynomial and geometric coarsening, shows the best overall performance. The success of this particular multigrid strategy is due to a significant reduction in iteration counts as compared to a transfer from discontinuous to continuous function spaces at lowest polynomial degree (or on the coarsest mesh). The coarsening strategy with transfer to a continuous function space on the finest level leads to a multigrid algorithm that is robust with respect to the penalty parameter of the SIPG method. Detailed numerical investigations are conducted for a series of examples ranging from academic test cases to more complex, practically relevant geometries. Performance comparisons to state-of-the-art methods from the literature demonstrate the versatility and computational efficiency of the proposed multigrid algorithms
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