11,244 research outputs found

    Efficient Localization of Discontinuities in Complex Computational Simulations

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    Surrogate models for computational simulations are input-output approximations that allow computationally intensive analyses, such as uncertainty propagation and inference, to be performed efficiently. When a simulation output does not depend smoothly on its inputs, the error and convergence rate of many approximation methods deteriorate substantially. This paper details a method for efficiently localizing discontinuities in the input parameter domain, so that the model output can be approximated as a piecewise smooth function. The approach comprises an initialization phase, which uses polynomial annihilation to assign function values to different regions and thus seed an automated labeling procedure, followed by a refinement phase that adaptively updates a kernel support vector machine representation of the separating surface via active learning. The overall approach avoids structured grids and exploits any available simplicity in the geometry of the separating surface, thus reducing the number of model evaluations required to localize the discontinuity. The method is illustrated on examples of up to eleven dimensions, including algebraic models and ODE/PDE systems, and demonstrates improved scaling and efficiency over other discontinuity localization approaches

    Detection of Mines in Acoustic Images using Higher Order Spectral Features

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    A new pattern-recognition algorithm detects approximately 90% of the mines hidden in the Coastal Systems Station Sonar0, 1, and 3 databases of cluttered acoustic images, with about 10% false alarms. Similar to other approaches, the algorithm presented here includes processing the images with an adaptive Wiener filter (the degree of smoothing depends on the signal strength in a local neighborhood) to remove noise without destroying the structural information in the mine shapes, followed by a two-dimensional FIR filter designed to suppress noise and clutter, while enhancing the target signature. A double peak pattern is produced as the FIR filter passes over mine highlight and shadow regions. Although the location, size, and orientation of this pattern within a region of the image can vary, features derived from higher order spectra (HOS) are invariant to translation, rotation, and scaling, while capturing the spatial correlations of mine-like objects. Classification accuracy is improved by combining features based on geometrical properties of the filter output with features based on HOS. The highest accuracy is obtained by fusing classification based on bispectral features with classification based on trispectral features

    Fast optimization of Multithreshold Entropy Linear Classifier

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    Multithreshold Entropy Linear Classifier (MELC) is a density based model which searches for a linear projection maximizing the Cauchy-Schwarz Divergence of dataset kernel density estimation. Despite its good empirical results, one of its drawbacks is the optimization speed. In this paper we analyze how one can speed it up through solving an approximate problem. We analyze two methods, both similar to the approximate solutions of the Kernel Density Estimation querying and provide adaptive schemes for selecting a crucial parameters based on user-specified acceptable error. Furthermore we show how one can exploit well known conjugate gradients and L-BFGS optimizers despite the fact that the original optimization problem should be solved on the sphere. All above methods and modifications are tested on 10 real life datasets from UCI repository to confirm their practical usability.Comment: Presented at Theoretical Foundations of Machine Learning 2015 (http://tfml.gmum.net), final version published in Schedae Informaticae Journa

    On-the-fly adaptivity for nonlinear twoscale simulations using artificial neural networks and reduced order modeling

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    A multi-fidelity surrogate model for highly nonlinear multiscale problems is proposed. It is based on the introduction of two different surrogate models and an adaptive on-the-fly switching. The two concurrent surrogates are built incrementally starting from a moderate set of evaluations of the full order model. Therefore, a reduced order model (ROM) is generated. Using a hybrid ROM-preconditioned FE solver, additional effective stress-strain data is simulated while the number of samples is kept to a moderate level by using a dedicated and physics-guided sampling technique. Machine learning (ML) is subsequently used to build the second surrogate by means of artificial neural networks (ANN). Different ANN architectures are explored and the features used as inputs of the ANN are fine tuned in order to improve the overall quality of the ML model. Additional ANN surrogates for the stress errors are generated. Therefore, conservative design guidelines for error surrogates are presented by adapting the loss functions of the ANN training in pure regression or pure classification settings. The error surrogates can be used as quality indicators in order to adaptively select the appropriate -- i.e. efficient yet accurate -- surrogate. Two strategies for the on-the-fly switching are investigated and a practicable and robust algorithm is proposed that eliminates relevant technical difficulties attributed to model switching. The provided algorithms and ANN design guidelines can easily be adopted for different problem settings and, thereby, they enable generalization of the used machine learning techniques for a wide range of applications. The resulting hybrid surrogate is employed in challenging multilevel FE simulations for a three-phase composite with pseudo-plastic micro-constituents. Numerical examples highlight the performance of the proposed approach

    Reinforcement Learning for the Unit Commitment Problem

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    In this work we solve the day-ahead unit commitment (UC) problem, by formulating it as a Markov decision process (MDP) and finding a low-cost policy for generation scheduling. We present two reinforcement learning algorithms, and devise a third one. We compare our results to previous work that uses simulated annealing (SA), and show a 27% improvement in operation costs, with running time of 2.5 minutes (compared to 2.5 hours of existing state-of-the-art).Comment: Accepted and presented in IEEE PES PowerTech, Eindhoven 2015, paper ID 46273

    Adaptive Target Recognition: A Case Study Involving Airport Baggage Screening

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    This work addresses the question whether it is possible to design a computer-vision based automatic threat recognition (ATR) system so that it can adapt to changing specifications of a threat without having to create a new ATR each time. The changes in threat specifications, which may be warranted by intelligence reports and world events, are typically regarding the physical characteristics of what constitutes a threat: its material composition, its shape, its method of concealment, etc. Here we present our design of an AATR system (Adaptive ATR) that can adapt to changing specifications in materials characterization (meaning density, as measured by its x-ray attenuation coefficient), its mass, and its thickness. Our design uses a two-stage cascaded approach, in which the first stage is characterized by a high recall rate over the entire range of possibilities for the threat parameters that are allowed to change. The purpose of the second stage is to then fine-tune the performance of the overall system for the current threat specifications. The computational effort for this fine-tuning for achieving a desired PD/PFA rate is far less than what it would take to create a new classifier with the same overall performance for the new set of threat specifications

    Dropout Training as Adaptive Regularization

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    Dropout and other feature noising schemes control overfitting by artificially corrupting the training data. For generalized linear models, dropout performs a form of adaptive regularization. Using this viewpoint, we show that the dropout regularizer is first-order equivalent to an L2 regularizer applied after scaling the features by an estimate of the inverse diagonal Fisher information matrix. We also establish a connection to AdaGrad, an online learning algorithm, and find that a close relative of AdaGrad operates by repeatedly solving linear dropout-regularized problems. By casting dropout as regularization, we develop a natural semi-supervised algorithm that uses unlabeled data to create a better adaptive regularizer. We apply this idea to document classification tasks, and show that it consistently boosts the performance of dropout training, improving on state-of-the-art results on the IMDB reviews dataset.Comment: 11 pages. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS), 201