2 research outputs found

    Adaptive unit-vector control of an uncertain heat diffusion process

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    This paper deals with the distributed tracking control of a heat process having uncertain diffusivity and subject to a distributed disturbance whose L2 norm is bounded by a constant which is not known a priori. Under certain regularity assumptions on the disturbance and on the chosen reference profile, a distributed unit-vector control, with an adaptive magnitude, is designed which provides the asymptotic tracking of the reference. The logic governing the gain adaptation is gradient-based and monodirectional, i.e. the gain cannot decrease over time. Lyapunov arguments are invoked to support the convergence properties of the proposed scheme, whose performance are also investigated by means of computer simulation

    Boundary control and observation of coupled parabolic PDEs

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    Reaction-diffusion equations are parabolic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) which often occur in practice, e.g., to model the concentration of one or more substances, distributed in space, under the in uence of different phenomena such as local chemical reactions, in which the substances are transformed into each other, and diffusion, which causes the substances to spread out over a surface in space. Certainly, reaction-diffusion PDEs are not confined to chemical applications but they also describe dynamical processes of non-chemical nature, with examples being found in thermodynamics, biology, geology, physics, ecology, etc. Problems such as parabolic Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) and many others require the user to have a considerable background in PDEs and functional analysis before one can study the control design methods for these systems, particularly boundary control design. Control and observation of coupled parabolic PDEs comes in roughly two settingsdepending on where the actuators and sensors are located \in domain" control, where the actuation penetrates inside the domain of the PDE system or is evenly distributed everywhere in the domain and \boundary" control, where the actuation and sensing are applied only through the boundary conditions. Boundary control is generally considered to be physically more realistic because actuation and sensing are nonintrusive but is also generally considered to be the harder problem, because the \input operator" and the "output operator" are unbounded operators. The method that this thesis develops for control of PDEs is the so-called backstepping control method. Backstepping is a particular approach to stabilization of dynamic systems and is particularly successful in the area of nonlinear control. The backstepping method achieves Lyapunov stabilization, which is often achieved by collectively shifting all the eigenvalues in a favorable direction in the complex plane, rather than by assigning individual eigenvalues. As the reader will soon learn, this task can be achieved in a rather elegant way, where the control gains are easy to compute symbolically, numerically, and in some cases even explicitly. In addition to presenting the methods for boundary control design, we present the dual methods for observer design using boundary sensing. Virtually every one of our control designs for full state stabilization has an observer counterpart. The observer gains are easy to compute symbolically or even explicitly in some cases. They are designed in such a way that the observer error system is exponentially stabilized. As in the case of finite-dimensional observer-based control, a separation principle holds in the sense that a closed-loop system remains stable after a full state stabilizing feedback is replaced by a feedback that employs the observer state instead of the plant state