14 research outputs found

    Selecting source image sensor nodes based on 2-hop information to improve image transmissions to mobile robot sinks in search \& rescue operations

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    We consider Robot-assisted Search &\& Rescue operations enhanced with some fixed image sensor nodes capable of capturing and sending visual information to a robot sink. In order to increase the performance of image transfer from image sensor nodes to the robot sinks we propose a 2-hop neighborhood information-based cover set selection to determine the most relevant image sensor nodes to activate. Then, in order to be consistent with our proposed approach, a multi-path extension of Greedy Perimeter Stateless Routing (called T-GPSR) wherein routing decisions are also based on 2-hop neighborhood information is proposed. Simulation results show that our proposal reduces packet losses, enabling fast packet delivery and higher visual quality of received images at the robot sink

    A Review of Energy Conservation in Wireless Sensor Networks

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    In wireless sensor networks, energy efficiency plays a major role to determine the lifetime of the network. The network is usually powered by a battery which is hard to recharge. Hence, one major challenge in wireless sensor networks is the issue of how to extend the lifetime of sensors to improve the efficiency. In order to reduce the rate at which the network consumes energy, researchers have come up with energy conservation techniques, schemes and protocols to solve the problem. This paper presents a brief overview of wireless sensor networks, outlines some causes of its energy loss and some energy conservation schemes based on existing techniques used in solving the problem of power management. Keywords: Wireless sensor network, Energy conservation, Duty cycling and Energy efficiency

    A Positioning Scheme Combining Location Tracking with Vision Assisting for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    This paper presents the performance of an adaptive location-estimation technique combining Kalman filtering (KF)with vision assisting for wireless sensor networks. For improving the accuracy of a location estimator, a KF procedureis employed at a mobile terminal to filter variations of the location estimate. Furthermore, using a vision-assistedcalibration technique, the proposed approach based on the normalized cross-correlation scheme is an accuracyenhancement procedure that effectively removes system errors causing uncertainty in real dynamic environments.Namely, according to the vision-assisted approach to extract the locations of the reference nodes as landmarks, a KFbasedapproach with the landmark information can calibrate the location estimation and reduce the corner effect of alocation-estimation system. In terms of the location accuracy estimated from the proposed approach, the experimentalresults demonstrate that more than 60 percent of the location estimates have error distances less than 1.4 meters in aZigBee positioning platform. As compared with the non-tracking algorithm and non-vision-assisted approach, theproposed algorithm can achieve reasonably good performance

    Performance Evaluation of Various Routing Protocols and quality of service for Wireless Sensor Network

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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) provide great promise for target tracking and environmental monitoring. While many WSN routing protocols have been proposed till date, most of these focus on the mobility of observers and assume that targets are fixed. But, practically, many applications require for sensing data to be propagated from multiple mobile targets to multiple mobile observers. In addition, WSNs often operate under strict energy constraints, and therefore reducing energy dissipation is also an important issue. Clustering in wireless sensor networks (WSNs) is an important technique to ease topology management and routing. Clustering provides an effective method for prolonging lifetime of a WSN. In this paper we discuss the performance of two protocols like Dynamic Source Routing (DSR), Dynamic MANET On-demand Protocol (DYMO) using CBR (Constant Bit Rate) and Traffic-Gen for Multi-Clustering technique and compare various parameters like Average End-to-End Delay (sec.), Residual Battery Capacity (mAhr), No. of packets received at Coordinator, Average End-to-End Delay at PAN Coordinator (sec.) and Throughput at PAN Coordinator (bits/sec.

    Modeling the Energy Performance of Event-Driven Wireless Sensor Network by Using Static Sink and Mobile Sink

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    Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) designed for mission-critical applications suffer from limited sensing capacities, particularly fast energy depletion. Regarding this, mobile sinks can be used to balance the energy consumption in WSNs, but the frequent location updates of the mobile sinks can lead to data collisions and rapid energy consumption for some specific sensors. This paper explores an optimal barrier coverage based sensor deployment for event driven WSNs where a dual-sink model was designed to evaluate the energy performance of not only static sensors, but Static Sink (SS) and Mobile Sinks (MSs) simultaneously, based on parameters such as sensor transmission range r and the velocity of the mobile sink v, etc. Moreover, a MS mobility model was developed to enable SS and MSs to effectively collaborate, while achieving spatiotemporal energy performance efficiency by using the knowledge of the cumulative density function (cdf), Poisson process and M/G/1 queue. The simulation results verified that the improved energy performance of the whole network was demonstrated clearly and our eDSA algorithm is more efficient than the static-sink model, reducing energy consumption approximately in half. Moreover, we demonstrate that our results are robust to realistic sensing models and also validate the correctness of our results through extensive simulations

    Modeling and Simulation of a Novel Relay Node Based Secure Routing Protocol Using Multiple Mobile Sink for Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Data gathering and optimal path selection for wireless sensor networks (WSN) using existing protocols result in collision. Increase in collision further increases the possibility of packet drop. Thus there is a necessity to eliminate collision during data aggregation. Increasing the efficiency is the need of the hour with maximum security. This paper is an effort to come up with a reliable and energy efficient WSN routing and secure protocol with minimum delay. This technique is named as relay node based secure routing protocol for multiple mobile sink (RSRPMS). This protocol finds the rendezvous point for optimal transmission of data using a “splitting tree” technique in tree-shaped network topology and then to determine all the subsequent positions of a sink the “Biased Random Walk” model is used. In case of an event, the sink gathers the data from all sources, when they are in the sensing range of rendezvous point. Otherwise relay node is selected from its neighbor to transfer packets from rendezvous point to sink. A symmetric key cryptography is used for secure transmission. The proposed relay node based secure routing protocol for multiple mobile sink (RSRPMS) is experimented and simulation results are compared with Intelligent Agent-Based Routing (IAR) protocol to prove that there is increase in the network lifetime compared with other routing protocols

    Coordinated movement of multiple mobile sinks in a wireless sensor network for improved lifetime

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    Sink mobility is one of the most effective solutions for improving lifetime and has been widely investigated for the last decade. Algorithms for single-sink mobility are not directly applied to the multiple-sink case due to the latter’s specific challenges. Most of the approaches proposed in the literature use mathematical programming techniques to solve the multiple-sink mobility problem. However, doing so leads to higher complexities when traffic flow information for any possible sink-site combinations is included in the model. In this paper, we propose two algorithms that do not consider all possible sink-site combinations to determine migration points. We first present a centralized movement algorithm that uses an energy-cost matrix for a user-defined threshold number of combinations to coordinate multiple-sink movement. We also give a distributed algorithm that does not use any prior network information and has a low message exchange overhead. Our simulations show that the centralized algorithm gives better network lifetime performance compared to previously proposed MinDiff-RE, random movement, and static-sink algorithms. Our distributed algorithm has a lower network lifetime than centralized algorithms; sinks travel significantly less than in all the other schemes. © 2015, Koç and Korpeoglu

    Energy efficient routing towards a mobile sink using virtual coordinates in a wireless sensor network

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    The existence of a coordinate system can often improve the routing in a wireless sensor network. While most coordinate systems correspond to the geometrical or geographical coordinates, in recent years researchers had proposed the use of virtual coordinates. Virtual coordinates depend only on the topology of the network as defined by the connectivity of the nodes, without requiring geographical information. The work in this thesis extends the use of virtual coordinates to scenarios where the wireless sensor network has a mobile sink. One reason to use a mobile sink is to distribute the energy consumption more evenly among the sensor nodes and thus extend the life-time of the network. We developed two algorithms, MS-DVCR and CU-DVCR which perform routing towards a mobile sink using virtual coordinates. In contrast to the baseline virtual coordinate routing MS-DVCR limits routing updates triggered by the sink movement to a local area around the sink. In contrast, CU-DVCR limits the route updates to a circular area on the boundary of the local area. We describe the design justification and the implementation of these algorithms. Using a set of experimental studies, we show that MS-DVCR and CU-DVCR achieve a lower energy consumption compared to the baseline virtual coordinate routing without any noticeable impact on routing performance. In addition, CU-DVCR provides a lower energy consumption than MS-DVCR for the case of a fast moving sink

    Balanced Transmissions Based Trajectories of Mobile Sink in Homogeneous Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Mobile Sink (MS) based routing strategies have been widely investigated to prolong the lifetime of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). In this paper, we propose two schemes for data gathering in WSNs: (i) MS moves on random paths in the network (RMS) and (ii) the trajectory of MS is defined (DMS). In both the schemes, the network field is logically divided into small squares. The center point of each partitioned area is the sojourn location of the MS. We present three linear programming based models: (i) to maximize network lifetime, (ii) to minimize path loss, and (iii) to minimize end to end delay. Moreover, a geometric model is proposed to avoid redundancy while collecting information from the network nodes. Simulation results show that our proposed schemes perform better than the selected existing schemes in terms of the selected performance metrics


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    A Wireless Sensor Networks (WSN) is composed of a large number of low-powered sensor nodes that are randomly deployed to collect environmental data. In a WSN, because of energy scarceness, energy efficient gathering of sensed information is one of the most critical issues. Thus, most of the WSN routing protocols found in the literature have considered energy awareness as a key design issue. Factors like throughput, latency and delay are not considered as critical issues in these protocols. However, emerging WSN applications that involve multimedia and imagining sensors require end-to-end delay within acceptable limits. Hence, in addition to energy efficiency, the parameters (delay, packet loss ratio, throughput and coverage) have now become issues of primary concern. Such performance metrics are usually referred to as the Quality of Service (QoS) in communication systems. Therefore, to have efficient use of a sensor node’s energy, and the ability to transmit the imaging and multimedia data in a timely manner, requires both a QoS based and energy efficient routing protocol. In this research work, a QoS based energy efficient routing protocol for WSN is proposed. To achieve QoS based energy efficient routing, three protocols are proposed, namely the QoS based Energy Efficient Clustering (QoSEC) for a WSN, the QoS based Energy Efficient Sleep/Wake Scheduling (QoSES) for a WSN, and the QoS based Energy Efficient Mobile Sink (QoSEM) based Routing for a Clustered WSN. Firstly, in the QoSEC, to achieve energy efficiency and to prolong network/coverage lifetime, some nodes with additional energy resources, termed as super-nodes, in addition to normal capability nodes, are deployed. Multi-hierarchy clustering is done by having super-nodes (acting as a local sink) at the top tier, cluster head (normal node) at the middle tier, and cluster member (normal node) at the lowest tier in the hierarchy. Clustering within normal sensor nodes is done by optimizing the network/coverage lifetime through a cluster-head-selection algorithm and a sleep/wake scheduling algorithm. QoSEC resolves the hot spot problem and prolongs network/coverage lifetime. Secondly, the QoSES addressed the delay-minimization problem in sleep/wake scheduling for event-driven sensor networks for delay-sensitive applications. For this purpose, QoSES assigns different sleep/wake intervals (longer wake interval) to potential overloaded nodes, according to their varied traffic load requirement defined a) by node position in the network, b) by node topological importance, and c) by handling burst traffic in the proximity of the event occurrence node. Using these heuristics, QoSES minimizes the congestion at nodes having heavy traffic loads and ultimately reduces end-to-end delay while maximizing the throughput. Lastly, the QoSEM addresses hot spot problem, delay minimization, and QoS assurance. To address hot-spot problem, mobile sink is used, that move in the network to gather data by virtue of which nodes near to the mobile sink changes with each movement, consequently hot spot problem is minimized. To achieve delay minimization, static sink is used in addition to the mobile sink. Delay sensitive data is forwarded to the static sink, while the delay tolerant data is sent through the mobile sink. For QoS assurance, incoming traffic is divided into different traffic classes and each traffic class is assigned different priority based on their QoS requirement (bandwidth, delay) determine by its message type and content. Furthermore, to minimize delay in mobile sink data gathering, the mobile sink is moved throughout the network based on the priority messages at the nodes. Using these heuristics, QoSEM incur less end-to-end delay, is energy efficient, as well as being able to ensure QoS. Simulations are carried out to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocols of QoSEC, QoSES and QoSEM, by comparing their performance with the established contemporary protocols. Simulation results have demonstrated that when compared with contemporary protocols, each of the proposed protocol significantly prolong the network and coverage lifetime, as well as improve the other QoS routing parameters, such as delay, packet loss ratio, and throughput