6 research outputs found

    Data-Driven Robust Control of Unknown MIMO Nonlinear System Subject to Input Saturations and Disturbances

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    This paper presented a new data-driven robust control scheme for unknown nonlinear systems in the presence of input saturation and external disturbances. According to the input and output data of the nonlinear system, a recurrent neural network (RNN) data-driven model is established to reconstruct the dynamics of the nonlinear system. An adaptive output-feedback controller is developed to approximate the unknown disturbances and a novel input saturation compensation method is used to attenuate the effect of the input saturation. Under the proposed adaptive control scheme, the uniformly ultimately bounded convergence of all the signals of the closed-loop nonlinear system is guaranteed via Lyapunov analysis. The simulation results are given to show the effectiveness of the proposed data-driven robust controller

    Adaptive Neural Gradient Descent Control for a Class of Nonlinear Dynamic Systems with Chaotic Phenomenon

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    A neural network controller design is studied for a class of nonlinear chaotic systems with uncertain parameters. Because the chaos phenomena are often in this class of systems, it is indispensable to control this class of systems. At the same time, due to the presence of uncertainties in the chaotic systems, it results in the difficulties of the controller design. The neural networks are employed to estimate the uncertainties of the systems and a controller is designed to overcome the chaos phenomena. The main contribution of this paper is that the adaptation law can be determined via the gradient descent algorithm to minimize a cost function of error. It can prove the stability of the closed-loop system. The numerical simulation is specified to pinpoint the validation of the approach

    An Output-Recurrent-Neural-Network-Based Iterative Learning Control for Unknown Nonlinear Dynamic Plants

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    We present a design method for iterative learning control system by using an output recurrent neural network (ORNN). Two ORNNs are employed to design the learning control structure. The first ORNN, which is called the output recurrent neural controller (ORNC), is used as an iterative learning controller to achieve the learning control objective. To guarantee the convergence of learning error, some information of plant sensitivity is required to design a suitable adaptive law for the ORNC. Hence, a second ORNN, which is called the output recurrent neural identifier (ORNI), is used as an identifier to provide the required information. All the weights of ORNC and ORNI will be tuned during the control iteration and identification process, respectively, in order to achieve a desired learning performance. The adaptive laws for the weights of ORNC and ORNI and the analysis of learning performances are determined via a Lyapunov like analysis. It is shown that the identification error will asymptotically converge to zero and repetitive output tracking error will asymptotically converge to zero except the initial resetting error

    State Feedback Fuzzy Adaptive Control for Active Shimmy Dampingg

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    In the context of aircraft, shimmy is an oscillatory phenomenon of the landing gear mainly due to the tire and the landing gear structural dynamics. This phenomenon which can result in severe damage to the landing gear must be damped. This paper presents a new nose landing gear model including an actuator model and a simple tire/road interface description approximating the Pacejka model to allow the active damping of the shimmy phenomenon. Two state feedback control solutions, based on indirect and direct fuzzy adaptive theories, are also presented and compared with a more classic Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) solution. Results corresponding to different test scenarios and robustness analysis show that the proposed controllers are able to efficiently damp the shimmy phenomenon, unlike the PID controller

    Relaxed LMI conditions for control of nonlinear Takagi-Sugeno models

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    Los problemas de optimización de desigualdades matriciales lineales en control borroso se han convertido en la herramienta más utilizada en dicha área desde los años 90. Muchos sistemas no lineales pueden ser modelados como sistemas borrosos de modo que el control borroso puede considerarse como una técnica de control no lineal. Aunque se han obtenido muchos y buenos resultados, quedan algunas fuentes de conservadurismo cuando se comparan con otros enfoques de control no lineal. Esta tesis discute dichas cuestiones de conservadurismo y plantea nuevos enfoques para resolverlas. La principal ventaja de la formulación mediante desigualdades matriciales lineales es la posibilidad de asegurar estabilidad y prestaciones de un sistema no lineal modelado como un sistema borroso Takagi-Sugeno. Estos modelos están formados por un conjunto de modelos lineales eligiendo el sistema a aplicar mediante el uso de unas reglas borrosas. Estas reglas se traducen en funciones de interpolación o de pertenecía que nos indican el grado de validez de un modelo lineal respecto del resto. El mayor problema que presentan estas técnicas basadas en desigualdades matriciales lineales es que las funciones de pertenencia no están incluidas en las condiciones de estabilidad del sistema, lo que significa que se prueba la estabilidad y prestaciones para cualquier forma de interpolación entre los diferentes modelos lineales. Esto genera una fuente de conservadurismo que sería conveniente limitar. En la tesis doctoral se presentan varias metodologías capaces de trasladar la información de las funciones de pertenencia del sistema al problema basado en desigualdades matriciales lineales de estabilidad y prestaciones. Las dos principales aportaciones propuestas se basan, respectivamente, en introducir una serie de matrices de relajación que permitan incorporar esta información y en aprovechar la descripción de una amplia clase de sistemas borrosos en productos tensoriales de...Ariño Latorre, CV. (2008). Relaxed LMI conditions for control of nonlinear Takagi-Sugeno models [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/8301Palanci