1,093 research outputs found

    Low-complexity smart antenna methods for third-generation W-CDMA systems

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    Interference-Mitigating Waveform Design for Next-Generation Wireless Systems

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    A brief historical perspective of the evolution of waveform designs employed in consecutive generations of wireless communications systems is provided, highlighting the range of often conflicting demands on the various waveform characteristics. As the culmination of recent advances in the field the underlying benefits of various Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) schemes are highlighted and exemplified. As an integral part of the appropriate waveform design, cognizance is given to the particular choice of the duplexing scheme used for supporting full-duplex communications and it is demonstrated that Time Division Duplexing (TDD) is substantially outperformed by Frequency Division Duplexing (FDD), unless the TDD scheme is combined with further sophisticated scheduling, MIMOs and/or adaptive modulation/coding. It is also argued that the specific choice of the Direct-Sequence (DS) spreading codes invoked in DS-CDMA predetermines the properties of the system. It is demonstrated that a specifically designed family of spreading codes exhibits a so-called interference-free window (IFW) and hence the resultant system is capable of outperforming its standardised counterpart employing classic Orthogonal Variable Spreading Factor (OVSF) codes under realistic dispersive channel conditions, provided that the interfering multi-user and multipath components arrive within this IFW. This condition may be ensured with the aid of quasisynchronous adaptive timing advance control. However, a limitation of the system is that the number of spreading codes exhibiting a certain IFW is limited, although this problem may be mitigated with the aid of novel code design principles, employing a combination of several spreading sequences in the time-frequency and spatial-domain. The paper is concluded by quantifying the achievable user load of a UTRA-like TDD Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) system employing Loosely Synchronized (LS) spreading codes exhibiting an IFW in comparison to that of its counterpart using OVSF codes. Both system's performance is enhanced using beamforming MIMOs

    Spatial channel characterization for smart antenna solutions in FDD wireless networks

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    This paper introduces a novel metric for determining the spatial decorrelation between the up- and down-link wireless bearers in frequency division duplex (FDD) networks. This metric has direct relevance to smart or adaptive antenna array base-station deployments in cellular networks, which are known to offer capacity enhancement when compared to fixed coverage solutions. In particular, the results presented were obtained from field trial measurement campaigns for both urban and rural scenarios, with the observations having a direct impact on the choice of down-link beamforming architecture in FDD applications. Further, it is shown that significant spatial decorrelation can occur in urban deployments for bearer separations as small as 5 MHz. Results are presented in terms of both instantaneous characteristics as well as time averaged estimates, thus facilitating the appraisal of smart antenna solutions in both packet and circuit switched network

    Performance improvement of ad hoc networks using directional antennas and power control

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    Au cours de la dernière décennie, un intérêt remarquable a été éprouvé en matière des réseaux ad hoc sans fil capables de s'organiser sans soutien des infrastructures. L'utilisation potentielle d'un tel réseau existe dans de nombreux scénarios, qui vont du génie civil et secours en cas de catastrophes aux réseaux de capteurs et applications militaires. La Fonction de coordination distribuée (DCF) du standard IEEE 802.11 est le protocole dominant des réseaux ad hoc sans fil. Cependant, la méthode DCF n'aide pas à profiter efficacement du canal partagé et éprouve de divers problèmes tels que le problème de terminal exposé et de terminal caché. Par conséquent, au cours des dernières années, de différentes méthodes ont été développées en vue de régler ces problèmes, ce qui a entraîné la croissance de débits d'ensemble des réseaux. Ces méthodes englobent essentiellement la mise au point de seuil de détecteur de porteuse, le remplacement des antennes omnidirectionnelles par des antennes directionnelles et le contrôle de puissance pour émettre des paquets adéquatement. Comparées avec les antennes omnidirectionnelles, les antennes directionnelles ont de nombreux avantages et peuvent améliorer la performance des réseaux ad hoc. Ces antennes ne fixent leurs énergies qu'envers la direction cible et ont une portée d'émission et de réception plus large avec la même somme de puissance. Cette particularité peut être exploitée pour ajuster la puissance d'un transmetteur en cas d'utilisation d'une antenne directionnelle. Certains protocoles de contrôle de puissance directionnel MAC ont été proposés dans les documentations. La majorité de ces suggestions prennent seulement la transmission directionnelle en considération et, dans leurs résultats de simulation, ces études ont l'habitude de supposer que la portée de transmission des antennes omnidirectionnelles et directionnelles est la même. Apparemment, cette supposition n'est pas toujours vraie dans les situations réelles. De surcroît, les recherches prenant l'hétérogénéité en compte dans les réseaux ad hoc ne sont pas suffisantes. Le présent mémoire est dédié à proposer un protocole de contrôle de puissance MAC pour les réseaux ad hoc avec des antennes directionnelles en prenant tous ces problèmes en considération. ______________________________________________________________________________ MOTS-CLÉS DE L’AUTEUR : Réseaux ad hoc, Antennes directives, Contrôle de puissance

    Survey of Inter-satellite Communication for Small Satellite Systems: Physical Layer to Network Layer View

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    Small satellite systems enable whole new class of missions for navigation, communications, remote sensing and scientific research for both civilian and military purposes. As individual spacecraft are limited by the size, mass and power constraints, mass-produced small satellites in large constellations or clusters could be useful in many science missions such as gravity mapping, tracking of forest fires, finding water resources, etc. Constellation of satellites provide improved spatial and temporal resolution of the target. Small satellite constellations contribute innovative applications by replacing a single asset with several very capable spacecraft which opens the door to new applications. With increasing levels of autonomy, there will be a need for remote communication networks to enable communication between spacecraft. These space based networks will need to configure and maintain dynamic routes, manage intermediate nodes, and reconfigure themselves to achieve mission objectives. Hence, inter-satellite communication is a key aspect when satellites fly in formation. In this paper, we present the various researches being conducted in the small satellite community for implementing inter-satellite communications based on the Open System Interconnection (OSI) model. This paper also reviews the various design parameters applicable to the first three layers of the OSI model, i.e., physical, data link and network layer. Based on the survey, we also present a comprehensive list of design parameters useful for achieving inter-satellite communications for multiple small satellite missions. Specific topics include proposed solutions for some of the challenges faced by small satellite systems, enabling operations using a network of small satellites, and some examples of small satellite missions involving formation flying aspects.Comment: 51 pages, 21 Figures, 11 Tables, accepted in IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorial

    Spatio-Temporal processing for Optimum Uplink-Downlink WCDMA Systems

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    The capacity of a cellular system is limited by two different phenomena, namely multipath fading and multiple access interference (MAl). A Two Dimensional (2-D) receiver combats both of these by processing the signal both in the spatial and temporal domain. An ideal 2-D receiver would perform joint space-time processing, but at the price of high computational complexity. In this research we investigate computationally simpler technique termed as a Beamfom1er-Rake. In a Beamformer-Rake, the output of a beamfom1er is fed into a succeeding temporal processor to take advantage of both the beamformer and Rake receiver. Wireless service providers throughout the world are working to introduce the third generation (3G) and beyond (3G) cellular service that will provide higher data rates and better spectral efficiency. Wideband COMA (WCDMA) has been widely accepted as one of the air interfaces for 3G. A Beamformer-Rake receiver can be an effective solution to provide the receivers enhanced capabilities needed to achieve the required performance of a WCDMA system. We consider three different Pilot Symbol Assisted (PSA) beamforming techniques, Direct Matrix Inversion (DMI), Least-Mean Square (LMS) and Recursive Least Square (RLS) adaptive algorithms. Geometrically Based Single Bounce (GBSB) statistical Circular channel model is considered, which is more suitable for array processing, and conductive to RAKE combining. The performances of the Beam former-Rake receiver are evaluated in this channel model as a function of the number of antenna elements and RAKE fingers, in which are evaluated for the uplink WCDMA system. It is shown that, the Beamformer-Rake receiver outperforms the conventional RAKE receiver and the conventional beamformer by a significant margin. Also, we optimize and develop a mathematical formulation for the output Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) of a Beam former-Rake receiver. In this research, also, we develop, simulate and evaluate the SINR and Signal to Noise Ratio (Et!Nol performances of an adaptive beamforming technique in the WCDMA system for downlink. The performance is then compared with an omnidirectional antenna system. Simulation shows that the best perfom1ance can be achieved when all the mobiles with same Angle-of-Arrival (AOA) and different distance from base station are formed in one beam

    Wireless security for secure facilities

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    This thesis presents methods for securing a facility that has wireless connectivity. The goal of this research is to develop a solution to securing a facility that utilizes wireless communications. The research will introduce methods to track and locate the position of attackers. This research also introduces the idea of using a Honeynet system for added security. This research uses what is called Defense-In-Depth. Defense-in-depth is when multiple layers of security are used. The first of the layers is the Zone of Interference. This Zone is an area where jammer transmitters and directive antennas are set up to take advantage of the near-far-effect. The idea is to use the near-far-effect to give a stronger signal on the perimeter of the secure area, to mask any signals escaping from the secure area. This Zone uses directive Yagi antenna arrays to direct the radiation. There are multiple jamming methods that are utilized within this Zone. The next layer of security is the Honeynet Zone. The idea is to make an attacker believe that they are seeing real network traffic. This is done at the Honeynet Zone once a device has been determined to be unfriendly. Decoy mobile devices are first placed within the Honeynet Zone. Spoofed traffic is then created between the Honeynet base stations and the decoy mobile devices zone; using adaptive antennas incorporated within the design to face the signals away from the inside secure area. The third defense is position location and tracking. The idea is to have constant tracking of all devices in the area. There are several methods available to locate and track a device that is giving off an RF signal. This thesis looks at combining all these methods into an integrated, and more robust, facility security system

    Towards low-cost gigabit wireless systems at 60 GHz

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    The world-wide availability of the huge amount of license-free spectral space in the 60 GHz band provides wide room for gigabit-per-second (Gb/s) wireless applications. A commercial (read: low-cost) 60-GHz transceiver will, however, provide limited system performance due to the stringent link budget and the substantial RF imperfections. The work presented in this thesis is intended to support the design of low-cost 60-GHz transceivers for Gb/s transmission over short distances (a few meters). Typical applications are the transfer of high-definition streaming video and high-speed download. The presented work comprises research into the characteristics of typical 60-GHz channels, the evaluation of the transmission quality as well as the development of suitable baseband algorithms. This can be summarized as follows. In the first part, the characteristics of the wave propagation at 60 GHz are charted out by means of channel measurements and ray-tracing simulations for both narrow-beam and omni-directional configurations. Both line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) are considered. This study reveals that antennas that produce a narrow beam can be used to boost the received power by tens of dBs when compared with omnidirectional configurations. Meanwhile, the time-domain dispersion of the channel is reduced to the order of nanoseconds, which facilitates Gb/s data transmission over 60-GHz channels considerably. Besides the execution of measurements and simulations, the influence of antenna radiation patterns is analyzed theoretically. It is indicated to what extent the signal-to-noise ratio, Rician-K factor and channel dispersion are improved by application of narrow-beam antennas and to what extent these parameters will be influenced by beam pointing errors. From both experimental and analytical work it can be concluded that the problem of the stringent link-budget can be solved effectively by application of beam-steering techniques. The second part treats wideband transmission methods and relevant baseband algorithms. The considered schemes include orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), multi-carrier code division multiple access (MC-CDMA) and single carrier with frequency-domain equalization (SC-FDE), which are promising candidates for Gb/s wireless transmission. In particular, the optimal linear equalization in the frei quency domain and associated implementation issues such as synchronization and channel estimation are examined. Bit error rate (BER) expressions are derived to evaluate the transmission performance. Besides the linear equalization techniques, a low-complexity inter-symbol interference cancellation technique is proposed to achieve much better performance of code-spreading systems such as MC-CDMA and SC-FDE. Both theoretical analysis and simulations demonstrate that the proposed scheme offers great advantages as regards both complexity and performance. This makes it particularly suitable for 60-GHz applications in multipath environments. The third part treats the influence of quantization and RF imperfections on the considered transmission methods in the context of 60-GHz radios. First, expressions for the BER are derived and the influence of nonlinear distortions caused by the digital-to-analog converters, analog-to-digital converters and power amplifiers on the BER performance is examined. Next, the BER performance under the influence of phase noise and IQ imbalance is evaluated for the case that digital compensation techniques are applied in the receiver as well as for the case that such techniques are not applied. Finally, a baseline design of a low-cost Gb/s 60-GHz transceiver is presented. It is shown that, by application of beam-steering in combination with SC-FDE without advanced channel coding, a data rate in the order of 2 Gb/s can be achieved over a distance of 10 meters in a typical NLOS indoor scenario

    A Review on Evaluation of BER in CDMA using SGA Technique

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    In today’s era wireless communication systems are one of the most essential part of this digitized world and evolution of CDMA system has made it more convenient and secure to communicate the information within the system. From past one decade CDMA system has met the rapidly developing need of a communication system by improving in terms of several problems like multipath fading, interference, cross-talk etc. This paper summarizes all the clusters of specific analysis techniques with different constraints and conditions to evaluate the performance of CDMA system. The major emphasis of this paper lies on the reasons behind the problems and their remedy technologies to find out the most efficient technique for a noise and distortion free communication system suitable for today’s environment
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