359 research outputs found

    High-Level Synthesis Based VLSI Architectures for Video Coding

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    High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC) is state-of-the-art video coding standard. Emerging applications like free-viewpoint video, 360degree video, augmented reality, 3D movies etc. require standardized extensions of HEVC. The standardized extensions of HEVC include HEVC Scalable Video Coding (SHVC), HEVC Multiview Video Coding (MV-HEVC), MV-HEVC+ Depth (3D-HEVC) and HEVC Screen Content Coding. 3D-HEVC is used for applications like view synthesis generation, free-viewpoint video. Coding and transmission of depth maps in 3D-HEVC is used for the virtual view synthesis by the algorithms like Depth Image Based Rendering (DIBR). As first step, we performed the profiling of the 3D-HEVC standard. Computational intensive parts of the standard are identified for the efficient hardware implementation. One of the computational intensive part of the 3D-HEVC, HEVC and H.264/AVC is the Interpolation Filtering used for Fractional Motion Estimation (FME). The hardware implementation of the interpolation filtering is carried out using High-Level Synthesis (HLS) tools. Xilinx Vivado Design Suite is used for the HLS implementation of the interpolation filters of HEVC and H.264/AVC. The complexity of the digital systems is greatly increased. High-Level Synthesis is the methodology which offers great benefits such as late architectural or functional changes without time consuming in rewriting of RTL-code, algorithms can be tested and evaluated early in the design cycle and development of accurate models against which the final hardware can be verified

    Non-disruptive use of light fields in image and video processing

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    In the age of computational imaging, cameras capture not only an image but also data. This captured additional data can be best used for photo-realistic renderings facilitating numerous post-processing possibilities such as perspective shift, depth scaling, digital refocus, 3D reconstruction, and much more. In computational photography, the light field imaging technology captures the complete volumetric information of a scene. This technology has the highest potential to accelerate immersive experiences towards close-toreality. It has gained significance in both commercial and research domains. However, due to lack of coding and storage formats and also the incompatibility of the tools to process and enable the data, light fields are not exploited to its full potential. This dissertation approaches the integration of light field data to image and video processing. Towards this goal, the representation of light fields using advanced file formats designed for 2D image assemblies to facilitate asset re-usability and interoperability between applications and devices is addressed. The novel 5D light field acquisition and the on-going research on coding frameworks are presented. Multiple techniques for optimised sequencing of light field data are also proposed. As light fields contain complete 3D information of a scene, large amounts of data is captured and is highly redundant in nature. Hence, by pre-processing the data using the proposed approaches, excellent coding performance can be achieved.Im Zeitalter der computergestützten Bildgebung erfassen Kameras nicht mehr nur ein Bild, sondern vielmehr auch Daten. Diese erfassten Zusatzdaten lassen sich optimal für fotorealistische Renderings nutzen und erlauben zahlreiche Nachbearbeitungsmöglichkeiten, wie Perspektivwechsel, Tiefenskalierung, digitale Nachfokussierung, 3D-Rekonstruktion und vieles mehr. In der computergestützten Fotografie erfasst die Lichtfeld-Abbildungstechnologie die vollständige volumetrische Information einer Szene. Diese Technologie bietet dabei das größte Potenzial, immersive Erlebnisse zu mehr Realitätsnähe zu beschleunigen. Deshalb gewinnt sie sowohl im kommerziellen Sektor als auch im Forschungsbereich zunehmend an Bedeutung. Aufgrund fehlender Kompressions- und Speicherformate sowie der Inkompatibilität derWerkzeuge zur Verarbeitung und Freigabe der Daten, wird das Potenzial der Lichtfelder nicht voll ausgeschöpft. Diese Dissertation ermöglicht die Integration von Lichtfelddaten in die Bild- und Videoverarbeitung. Hierzu wird die Darstellung von Lichtfeldern mit Hilfe von fortschrittlichen für 2D-Bilder entwickelten Dateiformaten erarbeitet, um die Wiederverwendbarkeit von Assets- Dateien und die Kompatibilität zwischen Anwendungen und Geräten zu erleichtern. Die neuartige 5D-Lichtfeldaufnahme und die aktuelle Forschung an Kompressions-Rahmenbedingungen werden vorgestellt. Es werden zudem verschiedene Techniken für eine optimierte Sequenzierung von Lichtfelddaten vorgeschlagen. Da Lichtfelder die vollständige 3D-Information einer Szene beinhalten, wird eine große Menge an Daten, die in hohem Maße redundant sind, erfasst. Die hier vorgeschlagenen Ansätze zur Datenvorverarbeitung erreichen dabei eine ausgezeichnete Komprimierleistung

    PEA265: Perceptual Assessment of Video Compression Artifacts

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    The most widely used video encoders share a common hybrid coding framework that includes block-based motion estimation/compensation and block-based transform coding. Despite their high coding efficiency, the encoded videos often exhibit visually annoying artifacts, denoted as Perceivable Encoding Artifacts (PEAs), which significantly degrade the visual Qualityof- Experience (QoE) of end users. To monitor and improve visual QoE, it is crucial to develop subjective and objective measures that can identify and quantify various types of PEAs. In this work, we make the first attempt to build a large-scale subjectlabelled database composed of H.265/HEVC compressed videos containing various PEAs. The database, namely the PEA265 database, includes 4 types of spatial PEAs (i.e. blurring, blocking, ringing and color bleeding) and 2 types of temporal PEAs (i.e. flickering and floating). Each containing at least 60,000 image or video patches with positive and negative labels. To objectively identify these PEAs, we train Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) using the PEA265 database. It appears that state-of-theart ResNeXt is capable of identifying each type of PEAs with high accuracy. Furthermore, we define PEA pattern and PEA intensity measures to quantify PEA levels of compressed video sequence. We believe that the PEA265 database and our findings will benefit the future development of video quality assessment methods and perceptually motivated video encoders.Comment: 10 pages,15 figures,4 table

    Maximum-Entropy-Model-Enabled Complexity Reduction Algorithm in Modern Video Coding Standards

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    Symmetry considerations play a key role in modern science, and any differentiable symmetry of the action of a physical system has a corresponding conservation law. Symmetry may be regarded as reduction of Entropy. This work focuses on reducing the computational complexity of modern video coding standards by using the maximum entropy principle. The high computational complexity of the coding unit (CU) size decision in modern video coding standards is a critical challenge for real-time applications. This problem is solved in a novel approach considering CU termination, skip, and normal decisions as three-class making problems. The maximum entropy model (MEM) is formulated to the CU size decision problem, which can optimize the conditional entropy; the improved iterative scaling (IIS) algorithm is used to solve this optimization problem. The classification features consist of the spatio-temporal information of the CU, including the rate–distortion (RD) cost, coded block flag (CBF), and depth. For the case analysis, the proposed method is based on High Efficiency Video Coding (H.265/HEVC) standards. The experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method can reduce the computational complexity of the H.265/HEVC encoder significantly. Compared with the H.265/HEVC reference model, the proposed method can reduce the average encoding time by 53.27% and 56.36% under low delay and random access configurations, while Bjontegaard Delta Bit Rates (BD-BRs) are 0.72% and 0.93% on average
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