168 research outputs found

    Experimental comparison of parameter estimation methods in adaptive robot control

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    In the literature on adaptive robot control a large variety of parameter estimation methods have been proposed, ranging from tracking-error-driven gradient methods to combined tracking- and prediction-error-driven least-squares type adaptation methods. This paper presents experimental data from a comparative study between these adaptation methods, performed on a two-degrees-of-freedom robot manipulator. Our results show that the prediction error concept is sensitive to unavoidable model uncertainties. We also demonstrate empirically the fast convergence properties of least-squares adaptation relative to gradient approaches. However, in view of the noise sensitivity of the least-squares method, the marginal performance benefits, and the computational burden, we (cautiously) conclude that the tracking-error driven gradient method is preferred for parameter adaptation in robotic applications

    Robust control of robot manipulators using hybrid H∞/adaptive controller

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    A robust hybrid control method for robot manipulators is proposed which integrates an H∞ controller and an adaptive controller. The H∞ controller is used to minimize the effect of parameter uncertainties of the robot model on the tracking performance, while the adaptive controller continuously adjusts the model parameters to reduce the model error. Simulations show that disturbances generated from the model error will be quickly compensated and so small tracking errors can be achieved.published_or_final_versio

    A time delay controller for magnetic bearings

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    The control of systems with unknown dynamics and unpredictable disturbances has raised some challenging problems. This is particularly important when high system performance needs to be guaranteed at all times. Recently, the Time Delay Control has been suggested as an alternative control scheme. The proposed control system does not require an explicit plant model nor does it depend on the estimation of specific plant parameters. Rather, it combines adaptation with past observations to directly estimate the effect of the plant dynamics. A control law is formulated for a class of dynamic systems and a sufficient condition is presented for control systems stability. The derivation is based on the bounded input-bounded output stability approach using L sub infinity function norms. The control scheme is implemented on a five degrees of freedom high speed and high precision magnetic bearing. The control performance is evaluated using step responses, frequency responses, and disturbance rejection properties. The experimental data show an excellent control performance despite the system complexity

    A new methodology for designing PID controllers

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    It is known that it is impossible to select fixed gains for a PD controller that will critically damp the response to disturbances for all configurations of a given robot system. Because of this the potential for overshoot is always present and cannot be avoided unless the system is severely overdamped. This is not necessarily a practical solution and can be an economically unacceptable approach. On the other hand, however, if overshoot is permissible to some degree for some systems in the case of conventional Serial robots it is still prohibited in the case of Parallel robots as it may easily bring the robot to one of its possible singular configurations, causing damage to the system. This paper introduces a new algorithm for the design of PD controllers that ensures uniform and fast dynamic responses, which are free from overshoots for all robot configurations. The technique also satisfies general stability requirements for the system

    Robust control of robots via linear estimated state feedback

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    In this note we propose a robust tracking controller for robots that requires only position measurements. The controller consists of two parts: a linear observer part that generates an estimated error state from the error on the joint position and a linear feedback part that utilizes this estimated state. It is shown that this computationally efficient controller yields semi-global uniform ultimate boundedness of the tracking error. An interesting feature of the controller is that it straightforwardly extends results on robust control of robots by linear state feedback to linear estimated-state feedbac

    Joint-space adaptive control of a 6 DOF end-effector with closed-kinematic chain mechanism

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    The development is presented for a joint-space adaptive scheme that controls the joint position of a six-degree-of-freedom (DOF) robot end-effector performing fine and precise motion within a very limited workspace. The end-effector was built to study autonomous assembly of NASA hardware in space. The design of the adaptive controller is based on the concept of model reference adaptive control (MRAC) and Lyapunov direct method. In the development, it is assumed that the end-effector performs slowly varying motion. Computer simulation is performed to investigate the performance of the developed control scheme on position control of the end-effector. Simulation results manifest that the adaptive control scheme provides excellent tracking of several test paths

    Adaptive tracking for complex systems using reduced-order models

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    Reduced-order models are considered in the context of parameter adaptive controllers for tracking workspace trajectories. A dual-arm manipulation task is used to illustrate the methodology and provide simulation results. A parameter adaptive controller is designed to track the desired position trajectory of a payload using a four-parameter model instead of a full-order, nine-parameter model. Several simulations with different payload-to-arm mass ratios are used to illustrate the capabilities of the reduced-order model in tracking the desired trajectory