3 research outputs found

    Design-to-Robotic-Operation Principles and Strategies as Drivers of Interior Environmental Quality

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    This paper presents a high-resolution intelligence implementation based on Design-to-Robotic-Operation (D2RO) principles and strategies specifically employed to attain and to sustain Interior Environmental Quality (IEQ) within a dynamic built-environment. This implementation focuses on two IEQ-parameters, namely illumination and ventilation; and is developed in three main steps. In the first step, a formal design-criteria based on D2RO principles is developed in order to imbue considerations of intelligence into the early stages of the design process. In the second step, illumination and ventilation systems are developed as IEQ-regulating mechanisms whose behavior is determined by machine-learning models that continuously learn from the occupants and their preferences with respect to interior environmental comfort. In the third and final step, the resulting implementation is tested with probands in order to demonstrate continuous intelligent adaptation with respect to illumination and ventilation, which in turn demonstrates that a D2RO approach to IEQ yields a more intelligent adaptive mechanism that promotes occupant well-being in an invisible, unobtrusive, intuitive manner

    Design-to-Robotic-Operation Principles and Strategies as Drivers of Interior Environmental Quality

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    This paper presents a high-resolution intelligence implementation based on Design-to-Robotic-Operation (D2RO) principles and strategies specifically employed to attain and to sustain Interior Environmental Quality (IEQ) within a dynamic built-environment. This implementation focuses on two IEQ-parameters, namely illumination and ventilation; and is developed in three main steps. In the first step, a formal design-criteria based on D2RO principles is developed in order to imbue considerations of intelligence into the early stages of the design process. In the second step, illumination and ventilation systems are developed as IEQ-regulating mechanisms whose behavior is determined by machine-learning models that continuously learn from the occupants and their preferences with respect to interior environmental comfort. In the third and final step, the resulting implementation is tested with probands in order to demonstrate continuous intelligent adaptation with respect to illumination and ventilation, which in turn demonstrates that a D2RO approach to IEQ yields a more intelligent adaptive mechanism that promotes occupant well-being in an invisible, unobtrusive, intuitive manner

    Simulação numérica do desempenho de sistemas de fachadas adaptativas com recurso ao EnergyPlus

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    Os sistemas de fachadas adaptativas são uma tecnologia inovadora que tem a capacidade de ajustar o seu desempenho em resposta a diferentes estímulos, tornando-os uma alternativa de elevado potencial na procura de soluções construtivas que compatibilizem a redução do consumo de energia nos edifícios com a melhoria do seu conforto interior. No presente trabalho pretendeu-se realizar a avaliação das condições de conforto térmico no interior de uma Câmara Bioclimática de Baixo Custo (CBBC), localizada num campus da Universidade Tecnológica Federal do Paraná na cidade de Curitiba no Brasil e testar a eficácia de diferentes cenários de simulação em três diferentes regiões do território brasileiro utilizando estratégias de sombreamento com o objetivo de melhorar o conforto térmico desse edifício. Para tal, foi utilizado um programa de simulação térmica, o DesignBuilder aliado ao uso do EnergyPlus. Inicialmente foi realizada a modelação do estudo de caso com base em informações de projetos desenvolvidos em estudos anteriores feitos para a concepção da CBBC, por Livia Trevisan. Em seguida, dimensionados os elementos de sombreamento e definidos os cenários e parâmetros de simulação, foram realizadas quatro simulações relativas ao estado atual da edificação e aos demais cenários estabelecidos. A partir dos resultados das simulações, foi realizada uma análise geral do comportamento das temperaturas de cada cenário e de acordo com as estações do ano e uma avaliação do conforto térmico utilizando o modelo proposto pela EN 15251, constatando que o estudo de caso não apresenta níveis adequados de conforto térmico, manifestando longos períodos caracterizados por desconforto por frio para a cidade de Curitiba e longos períodos de desconforto por sobreaquecimento para a cidade de Picos. De forma sintética, o estudo permitiu concluir que, para as condições apresentadas neste estudo de caso, o cenário que continha a solução de sombreamento com o conceito adaptativo/responsivo aplicado se mostrou a mais eficiente e proporcionou um maior aumento do conforto em relação às outras formas de aplicação estudadas.ABSTRACT: Adaptive façade systems are an innovative technology that has the ability to adjust their performance in response to different stimuli, making them a high-potential alternative in the search for constructive solutions that make the reduction of energy consumption in buildings compatible with the improvement of their inner comfort. The present work aimed to carry out the evaluation of thermal comfort conditions inside a Low Cost Bioclimatic Chamber (LCBC), located on a campus of the Federal Technological University of Paraná in the city of Curitiba, Brazil and to test the effectiveness of different scenarios for simulation in three different regions of the Brazilian territory using shading strategies in order to improve the thermal comfort of this building. For this purpose, a thermal simulation program, DesignBuilder, combined with the use of EnergyPlus was used. Initially, the modeling of the case study was carried out based on information from projects developed in previous studies carried out for the conception of LCBC, by Livia Trevisan. Then, with the shading elements dimensioned and the simulation scenarios and parameters defined, four simulations were carried out regarding the current state of the building and the other established scenarios. From the simulation results, a general analysis of the temperature behavior of each scenario and according to the seasons of the year and an evaluation of the thermal comfort was carried out using the model proposed by the European standard EN 15251, noting that the case study does not present adequate levels of thermal comfort, manifesting long periods characterized by discomfort due to cold for the city of Curitiba and long periods characterized by discomfort due overheating for the city of Picos. In summary, the study allowed us to conclude that, for the conditions presented in this case study, the scenario that contained the shading solution with the adaptive/responsive concept applied proved to be the most efficient and provided a greater increase in comfort compared to the others studied application forms