24 research outputs found

    On the Designing of Spikes Band-Pass Filters for FPGA

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    In this paper we present two implementations of spike-based bandpass filters, which are able to reject out-of-band frequency components in the spike domain. First one is based on the use of previously designed spike-based low-pass filters. With this architecture the quality factor, Q, is lower than 0.5. The second implementation is inspired in the analog multi-feedback filters (MFB) topology, it provides a higher than 1 Q factor, and ideally tends to infinite. These filters have been written in VHLD, and synthesized for FPGA. Two spike-based band-pass filters presented take advantages of the spike rate coded representation to perform a massively parallel processing without complex hardware units, like floating point arithmetic units, or a large memory. These low requirements of hardware allow the integration of a high number of filters inside a FPGA, allowing to process several spike coded signals fully in parallel.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    Spikes Monitors for FPGAs, an Experimental Comparative Study

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    In this paper we present and analyze two VHDL components for monitoring internal activity of spikes fired by silicon neurons inside FPGAs. These spikes monitors encode each spike according to the Address-Event Representation, sending them through a time multiplexed digital bus as discrete events, using different strategies. In order to study and analyze their behavior we have designed an experimental scenario, where diverse AER systems have been used to stimulate the spikes monitors and collect the output AER events, for later analysis. We have applied a battery of tests on both monitors in order to measure diverse features such as maximum spike load and AER event loss due to collisions.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-02Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    Multilayer Spiking Neural Network for Audio Samples Classification Using SpiNNaker

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    Audio classification has always been an interesting subject of research inside the neuromorphic engineering field. Tools like Nengo or Brian, and hardware platforms like the SpiNNaker board are rapidly increasing in popularity in the neuromorphic community due to the ease of modelling spiking neural networks with them. In this manuscript a multilayer spiking neural network for audio samples classification using SpiNNaker is presented. The network consists of different leaky integrate-and-fire neuron layers. The connections between them are trained using novel firing rate based algorithms and tested using sets of pure tones with frequencies that range from 130.813 to 1396.91 Hz. The hit rate percentage values are obtained after adding a random noise signal to the original pure tone signal. The results show very good classification results (above 85 % hit rate) for each class when the Signal-to-noise ratio is above 3 decibels, validating the robustness of the network configuration and the training step.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-02Junta de Andalucía P12-TIC-130

    SVITE: A Spike-Based VITE Neuro-Inspired Robot Controller

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    This paper presents an implementation of a neuro-inspired algorithm called VITE (Vector Integration To End Point) in FPGA in the spikes domain. VITE aims to generate a non-planned trajectory for reaching tasks in robots. The algorithm has been adapted to work completely in the spike domain under Simulink simulations. The FPGA implementation consists in 4 VITE in parallel for controlling a 4-degree-of-freedom stereo-vision robot. This work represents the main layer of a complex spike-based architecture for robot neuro-inspired reaching tasks in FPGAs. It has been implemented in two Xilinx FPGA families: Virtex-5 and Spartan-6. Resources consumption comparative between both devices is presented. Results obtained for Spartan device could allow controlling complex robotic structures with up to 96 degrees of freedom per FPGA, providing, in parallel, high speed connectivity with other neuromorphic systems sending movement references. An exponential and gamma distribution test over the inter spike interval has been performed to proof the approach to the neural code proposed.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    Simulating Building Blocks for Spikes Signals Processing

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    In this paper we will explain in depth how we have used Simulink with the addition of Xilinx System Generation to design a simulation framework for testing and analyzing neuro-inspired elements for spikes rate coded signals processing. Those elements have been designed as building blocks, which represent spikes processing primitives, combining them we have designed more complex blocks, which behaves like analog frequency filter using digital circuits. This kind of computation performs a massively parallel processing without complex hardware units. Spikes processing building blocks have been written in VHDL to be implemented for FPGA. Xilinx System Generator allows co-simulating VHDL entities together with Simulink components, providing an easy interface for presented building block simulations and analysis.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    From Vision Sensor to Actuators, Spike Based Robot Control through Address-Event-Representation

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    One field of the neuroscience is the neuroinformatic whose aim is to develop auto-reconfigurable systems that mimic the human body and brain. In this paper we present a neuro-inspired spike based mobile robot. From commercial cheap vision sensors converted into spike information, through spike filtering for object recognition, to spike based motor control models. A two wheel mobile robot powered by DC motors can be autonomously controlled to follow a line drown in the floor. This spike system has been developed around the well-known Address-Event-Representation mechanism to communicate the different neuro-inspired layers of the system. RTC lab has developed all the components presented in this work, from the vision sensor, to the robot platform and the FPGA based platforms for AER processing.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2006-11730-C03-02Junta de Andalucía P06-TIC-0141

    An AER Spike-Processing Filter Simulator and Automatic VHDL Generator Based on Cellular Automata

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    Spike-based systems are neuro-inspired circuits implementations traditionally used for sensory systems or sensor signal processing. Address-Event- Representation (AER) is a neuromorphic communication protocol for transferring asynchronous events between VLSI spike-based chips. These neuro-inspired implementations allow developing complex, multilayer, multichip neuromorphic systems and have been used to design sensor chips, such as retinas and cochlea, processing chips, e.g. filters, and learning chips. Furthermore, Cellular Automata (CA) is a bio-inspired processing model for problem solving. This approach divides the processing synchronous cells which change their states at the same time in order to get the solution. This paper presents a software simulator able to gather several spike-based elements into the same workspace in order to test a CA architecture based on AER before a hardware implementation. Furthermore this simulator produces VHDL for testing the AER-CA into the FPGA of the USBAER AER-tool.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0

    NAVIS: Neuromorphic Auditory VISualizer Tool

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    This software presents diverse utilities to perform the first post-processing layer taking the neuromorphic auditory sensors (NAS) information. The used NAS implements in FPGA a cascade filters architecture, imitating the behavior of the basilar membrane and inner hair cells and working with the sound information decomposed into its frequency components as spike streams. The well-known neuromorphic hardware interface Address-Event-Representation (AER) is used to propagate auditory information out of the NAS, emulating the auditory vestibular nerve. Using the information packetized into aedat files, which are generated through the jAER software plus an AER to USB computer interface, NAVIS implements a set of graphs that allows to represent the auditory information as cochleograms, histograms, sonograms, etc. It can also split the auditory information into different sets depending on the activity level of the spike streams. The main contribution of this software tool is that it allows complex audio post-processing treatments and representations, which is a novelty for spike-based systems in the neuromorphic community and it will help neuromorphic engineers to build sets for training spiking neural networks (SNN).Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC2012-37868-C04-0

    Neuromorphic Learning towards Nano Second Precision

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    Temporal coding is one approach to representing information in spiking neural networks. An example of its application is the location of sounds by barn owls that requires especially precise temporal coding. Dependent upon the azimuthal angle, the arrival times of sound signals are shifted between both ears. In order to deter- mine these interaural time differences, the phase difference of the signals is measured. We implemented this biologically inspired network on a neuromorphic hardware system and demonstrate spike-timing dependent plasticity on an analog, highly accelerated hardware substrate. Our neuromorphic implementation enables the resolution of time differences of less than 50 ns. On-chip Hebbian learning mechanisms select inputs from a pool of neurons which code for the same sound frequency. Hence, noise caused by different synaptic delays across these inputs is reduced. Furthermore, learning compensates for variations on neuronal and synaptic parameters caused by device mismatch intrinsic to the neuromorphic substrate.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figures, presented at IJCNN 2013 in Dallas, TX, USA. IJCNN 2013. Corrected version with updated STDP curves IJCNN 201

    An AER to CAN Bridge for Spike-Based Robot Control

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    Address-Event-Representation (AER) is a bio-inspired communication protocol between chips. A set of AER sensors (retina and cochleas), processors (convolvers, WTA, mappers, …) and actuators can be found in the literature that have been specifically designed for mimicking the communication principle in the brain: spikes. The problem when developing complex robots based on AER (or spikes) is to command actuators (motors) directly with spikes. Commercial robots are usually based on commercial standards (CAN) that do not allow powering actuators directly with spikes. This paper presents a co-design FPGA and embedded computer system that implements a bridge between these two protocols: CAN and AER. The bridge has been analyzed under the Spanish project VULCANO1 with an arm robot and a Shadow anthropomorphic hand.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TEC2009-10639-C04-0