7 research outputs found

    Adaptive tutoring in an intelligent conversational agent system

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    This paper describes an adaptive online conversational intelligent tu-toring system (CITS) called Oscar that delivers a personalised natural language tutorial. During the tutoring conversation, Oscar CITS dynamically predicts and adapts to a student’s learning style. Oscar CITS aims to mimic a human tutor by using knowledge of learning styles to adapt its tutoring style and improve the effectiveness of the learning experience. Learners can intuitively explore and discuss topics in natural language, helping to establish a deeper understanding of the topic and boost confidence. An initial study into the adaptation to learn-ing styles is reported which produced encouraging results and positive test score improvements. The results show that students experiencing a tutorial adapted to suit their learning styles performed significantly better than those experiencing an unsuited tutorial

    An adaptation algorithm for an intelligent natural language tutoring system

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    The focus of computerised learning has shifted from content delivery towards personalised online learning with Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS). Oscar Conversational ITS (CITS) is a sophisticated ITS that uses a natural language interface to enable learners to construct their own knowledge through discussion. Oscar CITS aims to mimic a human tutor by dynamically detecting and adapting to an individual's learning styles whilst directing the conversational tutorial. Oscar CITS is currently live and being successfully used to support learning by university students. The major contribution of this paper is the development of the novel Oscar CITS adaptation algorithm and its application to the Felder–Silverman learning styles model. The generic Oscar CITS adaptation algorithm uniquely combines the strength of an individual's learning style preference with the available adaptive tutoring material for each tutorial question to decide the best fitting adaptation. A case study is described, where Oscar CITS is implemented to deliver an adaptive SQL tutorial. Two experiments are reported which empirically test the Oscar CITS adaptation algorithm with students in a real teaching/learning environment. The results show that learners experiencing a conversational tutorial personalised to their learning styles performed significantly better during the tutorial than those with an unmatched tutorial

    On Predicting Learning Styles in Conversational Intelligent Tutoring Systems using Fuzzy Decision Trees

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    Intelligent Tutoring Systems personalise learning for students with different backgrounds, abilities, behaviours and knowledge. One way to personalise learning is through consideration of individual differences in preferred learning style. OSCAR is the name of a Conversational Intelligent Tutoring System that models a person's learning style using natural language dialogue during tutoring in order to dynamically predict, and personalise, their tutoring session. Prediction of learning style is undertaken by capturing independent behaviour variables during the tutoring conversation with the highest value variable determining the student's learning style. A weakness of this approach is that it does not take into consideration the interactions between behaviour variables and, due to the uncertainty inherently present in modelling learning styles, small differences in behaviour can lead to incorrect predictions. Consequently, the learner is presented with tutoring material not suited to their learning style. This paper proposes a new method that uses fuzzy decision trees to build a series of fuzzy predictive models combining these variables for all dimensions of the Felder Silverman Learning Styles model. Results using live data show the fuzzy models have increased the predictive accuracy of OSCAR-CITS across four learning style dimensions and facilitated the discovery of some interesting relationships amongst behaviour variables

    Aneesah: a novel methodology and algorithms for sustained dialogues and query refinement in natural language interfaces to databases

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    This thesis presents the research undertaken to develop a novel approach towards the development of a text-based Conversational Natural Language Interface to Databases, known as ANEESAH. Natural Language Interfaces to Databases (NLIDBs) are computer applications, which replace the requirement for an end user to commission a skilled programmer to query a database by using natural language. The aim of the proposed research is to investigate the use of a Natural Language Interface to Database (NLIDB) capable of conversing with users to automate the query formulation process for database information retrieval. Historical challenges and limitations have prevented the wider use of NLIDB applications in real-life environments. The challenges relevant to the scope of proposed research include the absence of flexible conversation between NLIDB applications and users, automated database query building from multiple dialogues and flexibility to sustain dialogues for information refinement. The areas of research explored include; NLIDBs, conversational agents (CAs), natural language processing (NLP) techniques, artificial intelligence (AI), knowledge engineering, and relational databases. Current NLIDBs do not have conversational abilities to sustain dialogues, especially with regards to information required for dynamic query formulation. A novel approach, ANEESAH is introduced to deal with these challenges. ANEESAH was developed to allow users to communicate using natural language to retrieve information from a relational database. ANEESAH can interact with the users conversationally and sustain dialogues to automate the query formulation and information refinement process. The research and development of ANEESAH steered the engineering of several novel NLIDB components such as a CA implemented NLIDB framework, a rule-based CA that combines pattern matching and sentence similarity techniques, algorithms to engage users in conversation and support sustained dialogues for information refinement. Additional components of the proposed framework include a novel SQL query engine for the dynamic formulation of queries to extract database information and perform querying the query operations to support the information refinement. Furthermore, a generic evaluation methodology combining subjective and objective measures was introduced to evaluate the implemented conversational NLIDB framework. Empirical end user evaluation was also used to validate the components of the implemented framework. The evaluation results demonstrated ANEESAH produced the desired database information for users over a set of test scenarios. The evaluation results also revealed that the proposed framework components can overcome the challenges of sustaining dialogues, information refinement and querying the query operations

    Arabic goal-oriented conversational agents using semantic similarity techniques

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    Conversational agents (CAs) are computer programs used to interact with humans in conversation. Goal-Oriented Conversational agents (GO-CAs) are programs that interact with humans to serve a specific domain of interest; its’ importance has increased recently and covered fields of technology, sciences and marketing. There are several types of CAs used in the industry, some of them are simple with limited usage, others are sophisticated. Generally, most CAs were to serve the English language speakers, a few were built for the Arabic language, this is due to the complexity of the Arabic language, lack of researchers in both linguistic and computing. This thesis covered two types of GO-CAs. The first is the traditional pattern matching goal oriented CA (PMGO-CA), and the other is the semantic goal oriented CA (SGO-CA). Pattern matching conversational agents (PMGO-CA) techniques are widely used in industry due to their flexibility and high performance. However, they are labour intensive, difficult to maintain or update, and need continuous housekeeping to manage users’ utterances (especially when instructions or knowledge changes). In addition to that they lack for any machine intelligence. Semantic conversational agents (SGO-CA) techniques utilises humanly constructed knowledge bases such as WordNet to measure word and sentence similarity. Such measurement witnessed many researches for the English language, and very little for the Arabic language. In this thesis, the researcher developed a novelty of a new methodology for the Arabic conversational agents (using both Pattern Matching and Semantic CAs), starting from scripting, knowledge engineering, architecture, implementation and evaluation. New tools to measure the word and sentence similarity were also constructed. To test performance of those CAs, a domain representing the Iraqi passport services was built. Both CAs were evaluated and tested by domain experts using special evaluation metrics. The evaluation showed very promising results, and the viability of the system for real life

    Arabic conversational agent for modern Islamic education

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    This thesis presents research that combines the benefits of intelligent tutoring systems (ITS), Arabic conversational agents (CA) and learning theories by constructing a novel Arabic conversational intelligent tutoring system (CITS) called Abdullah. Abdullah CITS is a software program intended to deliver a tutorial to students aged between 10 and 12 years old, that covers the essential topics in Islam using natural language. The CITS aims to mimic a human Arabic tutor by engaging the students in dialogue using Modern standard Arabic language (MSA), whilst also allowing conversation and discussion in classical Arabic language (CAL). Developing a CITS for the Arabic language faces many challenges due to the complexity of the morphological system, non-standardization of the written text, ambiguity, and lack of resources. However, the main challenge for the developed Arabic CITS is how the user utterances are recognized and responded to by the CA, as well as how the domain is scripted and maintained. This research presents a novel Arabic CA and accompanying a scripting language that use a form of pattern matching, to handle users’ conversations when the user converse in MSA. A short text similarity measure is used within Abdullah CITS to extract the responses from CAL resources such as the Quran, Hadith, and Tafsir if there are no matching patterns with the Arabic conversation agent’s scripts. Abdullah CITS is able to capture the user’s level of knowledge and adapt the tutoring session and tutoring style to suit that particular learner’s level of knowledge. This is achieved through the inclusion of several learning theories and methods such as Gagne’s learning theory, Piaget learning theory, and storytelling method. These learning theories and methods implemented within Abdullah’s CITS architecture, are applied to personalise a tutorial to an individual learner. This research presents the first Arabic CITS, which utilises established learning typically employed in a classroom environment. The system was evaluated through end user testing with the target age group in schools both in Jordan and in the UK. Empirical experimentation has produced some positive results, indicating that Abdullah CITS is gauging the individual learner’s knowledge level and adapting the tutoring session to ensure learning gain is achieved