145 research outputs found

    Patterns of Scalable Bayesian Inference

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    Datasets are growing not just in size but in complexity, creating a demand for rich models and quantification of uncertainty. Bayesian methods are an excellent fit for this demand, but scaling Bayesian inference is a challenge. In response to this challenge, there has been considerable recent work based on varying assumptions about model structure, underlying computational resources, and the importance of asymptotic correctness. As a result, there is a zoo of ideas with few clear overarching principles. In this paper, we seek to identify unifying principles, patterns, and intuitions for scaling Bayesian inference. We review existing work on utilizing modern computing resources with both MCMC and variational approximation techniques. From this taxonomy of ideas, we characterize the general principles that have proven successful for designing scalable inference procedures and comment on the path forward

    Exascale Deep Learning for Climate Analytics

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    We extract pixel-level masks of extreme weather patterns using variants of Tiramisu and DeepLabv3+ neural networks. We describe improvements to the software frameworks, input pipeline, and the network training algorithms necessary to efficiently scale deep learning on the Piz Daint and Summit systems. The Tiramisu network scales to 5300 P100 GPUs with a sustained throughput of 21.0 PF/s and parallel efficiency of 79.0%. DeepLabv3+ scales up to 27360 V100 GPUs with a sustained throughput of 325.8 PF/s and a parallel efficiency of 90.7% in single precision. By taking advantage of the FP16 Tensor Cores, a half-precision version of the DeepLabv3+ network achieves a peak and sustained throughput of 1.13 EF/s and 999.0 PF/s respectively.Comment: 12 pages, 5 tables, 4, figures, Super Computing Conference November 11-16, 2018, Dallas, TX, US

    Sistemas interativos e distribuídos para telemedicina

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    doutoramento Ciências da ComputaçãoDurante as últimas décadas, as organizações de saúde têm vindo a adotar continuadamente as tecnologias de informação para melhorar o funcionamento dos seus serviços. Recentemente, em parte devido à crise financeira, algumas reformas no sector de saúde incentivaram o aparecimento de novas soluções de telemedicina para otimizar a utilização de recursos humanos e de equipamentos. Algumas tecnologias como a computação em nuvem, a computação móvel e os sistemas Web, têm sido importantes para o sucesso destas novas aplicações de telemedicina. As funcionalidades emergentes de computação distribuída facilitam a ligação de comunidades médicas, promovem serviços de telemedicina e a colaboração em tempo real. Também são evidentes algumas vantagens que os dispositivos móveis podem introduzir, tais como facilitar o trabalho remoto a qualquer hora e em qualquer lugar. Por outro lado, muitas funcionalidades que se tornaram comuns nas redes sociais, tais como a partilha de dados, a troca de mensagens, os fóruns de discussão e a videoconferência, têm o potencial para promover a colaboração no sector da saúde. Esta tese teve como objetivo principal investigar soluções computacionais mais ágeis que permitam promover a partilha de dados clínicos e facilitar a criação de fluxos de trabalho colaborativos em radiologia. Através da exploração das atuais tecnologias Web e de computação móvel, concebemos uma solução ubíqua para a visualização de imagens médicas e desenvolvemos um sistema colaborativo para a área de radiologia, baseado na tecnologia da computação em nuvem. Neste percurso, foram investigadas metodologias de mineração de texto, de representação semântica e de recuperação de informação baseada no conteúdo da imagem. Para garantir a privacidade dos pacientes e agilizar o processo de partilha de dados em ambientes colaborativos, propomos ainda uma metodologia que usa aprendizagem automática para anonimizar as imagens médicasDuring the last decades, healthcare organizations have been increasingly relying on information technologies to improve their services. At the same time, the optimization of resources, both professionals and equipment, have promoted the emergence of telemedicine solutions. Some technologies including cloud computing, mobile computing, web systems and distributed computing can be used to facilitate the creation of medical communities, and the promotion of telemedicine services and real-time collaboration. On the other hand, many features that have become commonplace in social networks, such as data sharing, message exchange, discussion forums, and a videoconference, have also the potential to foster collaboration in the health sector. The main objective of this research work was to investigate computational solutions that allow us to promote the sharing of clinical data and to facilitate the creation of collaborative workflows in radiology. By exploring computing and mobile computing technologies, we have designed a solution for medical imaging visualization, and developed a collaborative system for radiology, based on cloud computing technology. To extract more information from data, we investigated several methodologies such as text mining, semantic representation, content-based information retrieval. Finally, to ensure patient privacy and to streamline the data sharing in collaborative environments, we propose a machine learning methodology to anonymize medical images

    Contextual Bandit Modeling for Dynamic Runtime Control in Computer Systems

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    Modern operating systems and microarchitectures provide a myriad of mechanisms for monitoring and affecting system operation and resource utilization at runtime. Dynamic runtime control of these mechanisms can tailor system operation to the characteristics and behavior of the current workload, resulting in improved performance. However, developing effective models for system control can be challenging. Existing methods often require extensive manual effort, computation time, and domain knowledge to identify relevant low-level performance metrics, relate low-level performance metrics and high-level control decisions to workload performance, and to evaluate the resulting control models. This dissertation develops a general framework, based on the contextual bandit, for describing and learning effective models for runtime system control. Random profiling is used to characterize the relationship between workload behavior, system configuration, and performance. The framework is evaluated in the context of two applications of progressive complexity; first, the selection of paging modes (Shadow Paging, Hardware-Assisted Page) in the Xen virtual machine memory manager; second, the utilization of hardware memory prefetching for multi-core, multi-tenant workloads with cross-core contention for shared memory resources, such as the last-level cache and memory bandwidth. The resulting models for both applications are competitive in comparison to existing runtime control approaches. For paging mode selection, the resulting model provides equivalent performance to the state of the art while substantially reducing the computation requirements of profiling. For hardware memory prefetcher utilization, the resulting models are the first to provide dynamic control for hardware prefetchers using workload statistics. Finally, a correlation-based feature selection method is evaluated for identifying relevant low-level performance metrics related to hardware memory prefetching