1,086 research outputs found

    Challenges with bearings only tracking for missile guidance systems and how to cope with them.

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    This paper addresses the problem of closed loop missile guidance using bearings and target angular extent information. Comparison is performed between particle filtering methods and derivative free methods. The extent information characterizes target size and we show how this can help compensate for observability problems. We demonstrate that exploiting angular extent information improves filter estimation accuracy. The performance of the filters has been studied over a testing scenario with a static target, with respect to accuracy, sensitivity to perturbations in initial conditions and in different seeker modes (active, passive and semi-active)

    Low-cost RPAS navigation and guidance system using Square Root Unscented Kalman Filter

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    Multi-Sensor Data Fusion (MSDF) techniques involving satellite and inertial-based sensors are widely adopted to improve the navigation solution of a number of mission- and safety-critical tasks. Such integrated Navigation and Guidance Systems (NGS) currently do not meet the required level of performance in all flight phases of small Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS). In this paper an innovative Square Root-Unscented Kalman Filter (SR-UKF) based NGS is presented and compared with a conventional UKF governed design. The presented system architectures adopt state-of-the-art information fusion approach based on a number of low-cost sensors including; Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), Micro-Electro-Mechanical System (MEMS) based Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) and Vision Based Navigation (VBN) sensors. Additionally, an Aircraft Dynamics Model (ADM), which is essentially a knowledge based module, is employed to compensate for the MEMS-IMU sensor shortcomings in high-dynamics attitude determination tasks. The ADM acts as a virtual sensor and its measurements are processed with non-linear estimation in order to increase the operational validity time. An improvement in the ADM navigation state vector (i.e., position, velocity and attitude) measurements is obtained, thanks to the accurate modeling of aircraft dynamics and advanced processing techniques. An innovative SR-UKF based VBN-IMU-GNSS-ADM (SR-U-VIGA) architecture design was implemented and compared with a typical UKF design (U-VIGA) in a small RPAS (AEROSONDE) integration arrangement exploring a representative cross-section of the operational flight envelope. The comparison of position and attitude data shows that the SR-U-VIGA and U-VIGA NGS fulfill the relevant RNP criteria, including precision approach tasks

    GPS/INS Integration Accuracy Enhancement Using the Interacting Multiple Model Nonlinear Filters

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    In this paper, performance evaluation for various single model nonlinear filters and nonlinear filters with interactingmultiple model (IMM) framework is carried out. A high gain (high bandwidth) filter is needed to response fast enoughto the platform maneuvers while a low gain filter is necessary to reduce the estimation errors during the uniformmotion periods. Based on a soft-switching framework, the IMM algorithm allows the possibility of using highly dynamicmodels just when required, diminishing unrealistic noise considerations in non-maneuvering situations. The IMMestimator obtains its estimate as a weighted sum of the individual estimates from a number of parallel filters matchedto different motion modes of the platform. The use of an IMM allows exploiting the benefits of high dynamic models inthe problem of vehicle navigation. Simulation and experimental results presented in this paper confirm theeffectiveness of the method
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