2,408 research outputs found

    Multi-Resource List Scheduling of Moldable Parallel Jobs under Precedence Constraints

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    The scheduling literature has traditionally focused on a single type of resource (e.g., computing nodes). However, scientific applications in modern High-Performance Computing (HPC) systems process large amounts of data, hence have diverse requirements on different types of resources (e.g., cores, cache, memory, I/O). All of these resources could potentially be exploited by the runtime scheduler to improve the application performance. In this paper, we study multi-resource scheduling to minimize the makespan of computational workflows comprised of parallel jobs subject to precedence constraints. The jobs are assumed to be moldable, allowing the scheduler to flexibly select a variable set of resources before execution. We propose a multi-resource, list-based scheduling algorithm, and prove that, on a system with dd types of schedulable resources, our algorithm achieves an approximation ratio of 1.619d+2.545d+11.619d+2.545\sqrt{d}+1 for any dd, and a ratio of d+O(d23)d+O(\sqrt[3]{d^2}) for large dd. We also present improved results for independent jobs and for jobs with special precedence constraints (e.g., series-parallel graphs and trees). Finally, we prove a lower bound of dd on the approximation ratio of any list scheduling scheme with local priority considerations. To the best of our knowledge, these are the first approximation results for moldable workflows with multiple resource requirements

    Probabilistic grid scheduling based on job statistics and monitoring information

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    This transfer thesis presents a novel, probabilistic approach to scheduling applications on computational Grids based on their historical behaviour, current state of the Grid and predictions of the future execution times and resource utilisation of such applications. The work lays a foundation for enabling a more intuitive, user-friendly and effective scheduling technique termed deadline scheduling. Initial work has established motivation and requirements for a more efficient Grid scheduler, able to adaptively handle dynamic nature of the Grid resources and submitted workload. Preliminary scheduler research identified the need for a detailed monitoring of Grid resources on the process level, and for a tool to simulate non-deterministic behaviour and statistical properties of Grid applications. A simulation tool, GridLoader, has been developed to enable modelling of application loads similar to a number of typical Grid applications. GridLoader is able to simulate CPU utilisation, memory allocation and network transfers according to limits set through command line parameters or a configuration file. Its specific strength is in achieving set resource utilisation targets in a probabilistic manner, thus creating a dynamic environment, suitable for testing the scheduler’s adaptability and its prediction algorithm. To enable highly granular monitoring of Grid applications, a monitoring framework based on the Ganglia Toolkit was developed and tested. The suite is able to collect resource usage information of individual Grid applications, integrate it into standard XML based information flow, provide visualisation through a Web portal, and export data into a format suitable for off-line analysis. The thesis also presents initial investigation of the utilisation of University College London Central Computing Cluster facility running Sun Grid Engine middleware. Feasibility of basic prediction concepts based on the historical information and process meta-data have been successfully established and possible scheduling improvements using such predictions identified. The thesis is structured as follows: Section 1 introduces Grid computing and its major concepts; Section 2 presents open research issues and specific focus of the author’s research; Section 3 gives a survey of the related literature, schedulers, monitoring tools and simulation packages; Section 4 presents the platform for author’s work – the Self-Organising Grid Resource management project; Sections 5 and 6 give detailed accounts of the monitoring framework and simulation tool developed; Section 7 presents the initial data analysis while Section 8.4 concludes the thesis with appendices and references

    Master/worker parallel discrete event simulation

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    The execution of parallel discrete event simulation across metacomputing infrastructures is examined. A master/worker architecture for parallel discrete event simulation is proposed providing robust executions under a dynamic set of services with system-level support for fault tolerance, semi-automated client-directed load balancing, portability across heterogeneous machines, and the ability to run codes on idle or time-sharing clients without significant interaction by users. Research questions and challenges associated with issues and limitations with the work distribution paradigm, targeted computational domain, performance metrics, and the intended class of applications to be used in this context are analyzed and discussed. A portable web services approach to master/worker parallel discrete event simulation is proposed and evaluated with subsequent optimizations to increase the efficiency of large-scale simulation execution through distributed master service design and intrinsic overhead reduction. New techniques for addressing challenges associated with optimistic parallel discrete event simulation across metacomputing such as rollbacks and message unsending with an inherently different computation paradigm utilizing master services and time windows are proposed and examined. Results indicate that a master/worker approach utilizing loosely coupled resources is a viable means for high throughput parallel discrete event simulation by enhancing existing computational capacity or providing alternate execution capability for less time-critical codes.Ph.D.Committee Chair: Fujimoto, Richard; Committee Member: Bader, David; Committee Member: Perumalla, Kalyan; Committee Member: Riley, George; Committee Member: Vuduc, Richar

    Adaptive Provisioning of Heterogeneous Cloud Resources for Big Data Processing

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    Efficient utilization of resources plays an important role in the performance of large scale task processing. In cases where heterogeneous types of resources are used within the same application, it is hard to achieve good utilization of all of the different types of resources. By taking advantage of recent developments in cloud infrastructure that enable the use of dynamic clusters of resources, and by dynamically altering the size of the available resources for all the different resource types, the overall utilization of resources, however, can be improved. Starting from this premise, this paper discusses a solution that aims to provide a generic algorithm to estimate the desired ratios of instance processing tasks as well as ratios of the resources that are used by these instances, without the necessity for trial runs or a priori knowledge of the execution steps. These ratios are then used as part of an adaptive system that is able to reconfigure itself to maximize utilization. To verify the solution, a reference framework which adaptively manages clusters of functionally different VMs to host a calculation scenario is implemented. Experiments are conducted based on a compute-heavy use case in which the probability of underground pipeline failures is determined based on the settlement of soils. These experiments show that the solution is capable of eliminating large amounts of under-utilization, resulting in increased throughput and lower lead times
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