49 research outputs found

    Situation-aware wireless networks

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    Resource Allocation for Cellular/WLAN Integrated Networks

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    The next-generation wireless communications have been envisioned to be supported by heterogeneous networks using various wireless access technologies. The popular cellular networks and wireless local area networks (WLANs) present perfectly complementary characteristics in terms of service capacity, mobility support, and quality-of-service (QoS) provisioning. The cellular/WLAN interworking is thus an effective way to promote the evolution of wireless networks. As an essential aspect of the interworking, resource allocation is vital for efficient utilization of the overall resources. Specially, multi-service provisioning can be enhanced with cellular/WLAN interworking by taking advantage of the complementary network strength and an overlay structure. Call assignment/reassignment strategies and admission control policies are effective resource allocation mechanisms for the cellular/WLAN integrated network. Initially, the incoming calls are distributed to the overlay cell or WLAN according to call assignment strategies, which are enhanced with admission control policies in the target network. Further, call reassignment can be enabled to dynamically transfer the traffic load between the overlay cell and WLAN via vertical handoff. By these means, the multi-service traffic load can be properly shared between the interworked systems. In this thesis, we investigate the load sharing problem for this heterogeneous wireless overlay network. Three load sharing schemes with different call assignment/reassignment strategies and admission control policies are proposed and analyzed. Effective analytical models are developed to evaluate the QoS performance and determine the call admission and assignment parameters. First, an admission control scheme with service-differentiated call assignment is studied to gain insights on the effects of load sharing on interworking effectiveness. Then, the admission scheme is extended by using randomized call assignment to enable distributed implementation. Also, we analyze the impact of user mobility and data traffic variability. Further, an enhanced call assignment strategy is developed to exploit the heavy-tailedness of data call size. Last, the study is extended to a multi-service scenario. The overall resource utilization and QoS satisfaction are improved substantially by taking into account the multi-service traffic characteristics, such as the delay-sensitivity of voice traffic, elasticity and heavy-tailedness of data traffic, and rate-adaptiveness of video streaming traffic

    Optimization of Mobility Parameters using Fuzzy Logic and Reinforcement Learning in Self-Organizing Networks

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    In this thesis, several optimization techniques for next-generation wireless networks are proposed to solve different problems in the field of Self-Organizing Networks and heterogeneous networks. The common basis of these problems is that network parameters are automatically tuned to deal with the specific problem. As the set of network parameters is extremely large, this work mainly focuses on parameters involved in mobility management. In addition, the proposed self-tuning schemes are based on Fuzzy Logic Controllers (FLC), whose potential lies in the capability to express the knowledge in a similar way to the human perception and reasoning. In addition, in those cases in which a mathematical approach has been required to optimize the behavior of the FLC, the selected solution has been Reinforcement Learning, since this methodology is especially appropriate for learning from interaction, which becomes essential in complex systems such as wireless networks. Taking this into account, firstly, a new Mobility Load Balancing (MLB) scheme is proposed to solve persistent congestion problems in next-generation wireless networks, in particular, due to an uneven spatial traffic distribution, which typically leads to an inefficient usage of resources. A key feature of the proposed algorithm is that not only the parameters are optimized, but also the parameter tuning strategy. Secondly, a novel MLB algorithm for enterprise femtocells scenarios is proposed. Such scenarios are characterized by the lack of a thorough deployment of these low-cost nodes, meaning that a more efficient use of radio resources can be achieved by applying effective MLB schemes. As in the previous problem, the optimization of the self-tuning process is also studied in this case. Thirdly, a new self-tuning algorithm for Mobility Robustness Optimization (MRO) is proposed. This study includes the impact of context factors such as the system load and user speed, as well as a proposal for coordination between the designed MLB and MRO functions. Fourthly, a novel self-tuning algorithm for Traffic Steering (TS) in heterogeneous networks is proposed. The main features of the proposed algorithm are the flexibility to support different operator policies and the adaptation capability to network variations. Finally, with the aim of validating the proposed techniques, a dynamic system-level simulator for Long-Term Evolution (LTE) networks has been designed

    An intelligent-agent approach for managing congestion in W-CDMA networks

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    PhDResource Management is a crucial aspect in the next generation cellular networks since the use of W-CDMA technology gives an inherent flexibility in managing the system capacity. The concept of a “Service Level Agreement” (SLA) also plays a very important role as it is the means to guarantee the quality of service provided to the customers in response to the level of service to which they have subscribed. Hence there is a need to introduce effective SLA-based policies as part of the radio resource management. This work proposes the application of intelligent agents in SLA-based control in resource management, especially when congestion occurs. The work demonstrates the ability of intelligent agents in improving and maintaining the quality of service to meet the required SLA as the congestion occurs. A particularly novel aspect of this work is the use of learning (here Case Based Reasoning) to predict the control strategies to be imposed. As the system environment changes, the most suitable policy will be implemented. When congestion occurs, the system either proposes the solution by recalling from experience (if the event is similar to what has been previously solved) or recalculates the solution from its knowledge (if the event is new). With this approach, the system performance will be monitored at all times and a suitable policy can be immediately applied as the system environment changes, resulting in maintaining the system quality of service

    Modelling and Optimisation of GSM and UMTS Radio Access Networks

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    The size and complexity of mobile communication networks have increased in the last years making network management a very complicated task. GSM/EDGE Radio Access Network (GERAN) systems are in a mature state now. Thus, non-optimal performance does not come from typical network start-up problems, but, more likely, from the mismatching between traffic, network or propagation models used for network planning, and their real counterparts. Such differences cause network congestion problems both in signalling and data channels. With the aim of maximising the financial benefits on their mature networks, operators do not solve anymore congestion problems by adding new radio resources, as they usually did. Alternatively, two main strategies can be adopted, a) a better assignment of radio resources through a re-planning approach, and/or b) the automatic configuration (optimisation, in a wide sense) of network parameters. Both techniques aim to adapt the network to the actual traffic and propagation conditions. Moreover, a new heterogenous scenario, where several services and Radio Access Technologies (RATs) coexist in the same area, is now common, causing new unbalanced traffic scenarios and congestion problems. In this thesis, several optimisation and modelling methods are proposed to solve congestion problems in data and signalling channels for single- and multi-RAT scenarios

    Employing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles for Improving Handoff using Cooperative Game Theory

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    Heterogeneous wireless networks that are used for seamless mobility are expected to face prominent problems in future 5G cellular networks. Due to their proper flexibility and adaptable preparation, remote-controlled Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) could assist heterogeneous wireless communication. However, the key challenges of current UAV-assisted communications consist in having appropriate accessibility over wireless networks via mobile devices with an acceptable Quality of Service (QoS) grounded on the users' preferences. To this end, we propose a novel method based on cooperative game theory to select the best UAV during handover process and optimize handover among UAVs by decreasing the (i) end-to-end delay, (ii) handover latency and (iii) signaling overheads. Moreover, the standard design of Software Defined Network (SDN) with Media Independent Handover (MIH) is used as forwarding switches in order to obtain seamless mobility. Numerical results derived from the real data are provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach in terms of number of handovers, cost and delay

    Intégration et gestion de mobilité de bout en bout dans les réseaux mobiles de prochaine génération

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    Résumé - Pendant les dix dernières années, l'utilisation des systèmes de communication sans fil est devenue de plus en plus populaire tant chez les entreprises que chez les particuliers. Cette nouvelle tendance du marché est due, en grande partie, à la performance grandissante des réseaux mobiles qui concurrencent davantage les réseaux filaires en termes de bande passante, de coût et de couverture. Toutefois, cette catégorie de solutions sans fil est conçue pour des services spécifiques et utilise des technologies très variées. De plus, les usagers sont de plus en plus mobiles et requièrent des applications sensibles au délai (voix, multimédia, etc.). Dans ce nouveau contexte de mobilité, la prochaine génération des réseaux sans fil (4G) s'annonce comme l'ultime solution visant à satisfaire les exigences des usagers tout en tirant profit de la complémentarité des services offerts par les systèmes mobiles existants. Pour ce faire, la principale vocation de la future génération (4G) consiste en l'intégration et la convergence des technologies sans fil existantes et celles à venir. Cette intégration passe obligatoirement par l'utilisation du protocole IP (Internet Protocol) qui permet de cacher l'hétérogénéité des systèmes intégrés puisqu'il demeure l'unique couche commune à toutes les plateformes mobiles. Plusieurs solutions d'intégration ont été proposées dans la littérature. Celles-ci concernent des architectures d'intégration et des mécanismes de gestion de mobilité. Cependant, les approches proposées ne font pas l'unanimité et souffrent de plusieurs handicaps liés, en particulier, à l'interopérabilité et la garantie des relèves sans coupures.----------ABSTRACT During the last few years, the use of wireless systems is becoming more and more popular. This tendency can be explained by the fact that mobile technologies are gaining in performance in terms of bandwidth, coverage and cost compared to the traditional wired solutions. However, each mobile network is tailored for a specific type of services and users. Moreover, end users are expected to become more and more mobile and show an increasing interest to real-time applications. In these circumstances, the next generation of mobile networks (4G) appears to be the ultimate solution that will satisfy mobile user demands and take benefit of the existing wireless systems. Indeed, the future generation consists of integrating, in an intelligent manner, the existing/future wireless systems in a way that users can obtain their services via the best available network. This integration passes through the use of the Internet Protocol (IP) that will hide the heterogeneity pertaining to the integrated networks. To deal with this very important task, several solutions are available in the literature. The proposed approaches cover some basic topics such as interworking architecture and mobility management. Nevertheless, these proposals suffer from drawbacks relevant to the guarantee of QoS through heterogeneous technologies

    Access Network Selection in Heterogeneous Networks

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    The future Heterogeneous Wireless Network (HWN) is composed of multiple Radio Access Technologies (RATs), therefore new Radio Resource Management (RRM) schemes and mechanisms are necessary to benefit from the individual characteristics of each RAT and to exploit the gain resulting from jointly considering the whole set of the available radio resources in each RAT. These new RRM schemes have to support mobile users who can access more than one RAT alternatively or simultaneously using a multi-mode terminal. An important RRM consideration for overall HWN stability, resource utilization, user satisfaction, and Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning is the selection of the most optimal and promising Access Network (AN) for a new service request. The RRM mechanism that is responsible for selecting the most optimal and promising AN for a new service request in the HWN is called the initial Access Network Selection (ANS). This thesis explores the issue of ANS in the HWN. Several ANS solutions that attempt to increase the user satisfaction, the operator benefits, and the QoS are designed, implemented, and evaluated. The thesis first presents a comprehensive foundation for the initial ANS in the H\VN. Then, the thesis analyses and develops a generic framework for solving the ANS problem and any other similar optimized selection problem. The advantages and strengths of the developed framework are discussed. Combined Fuzzy Logic (FL), Multiple Criteria Decision Making (MCDM) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) are used to give the developed framework the required scalability, flexibility, and simplicity. The developed framework is used to present and design several novel ANS algorithms that consider the user, the operator, and the QoS view points. Different numbers of RATs, MCDM tools, and FL inference system types are used in each algorithm. A suitable simulation models over the HWN with a new set of performance evolution metrics for the ANS solution are designed and implemented. The simulation results show that the new algorithms have better and more robust performance over the random, the service type, and the terminal speed based selection algorithms that are used as reference algorithms. Our novel algorithms outperform the reference algorithms in- terms of the percentage of the satisfied users who are assigned to the network of their preferences and the percentage of the users who are assigned to networks with stronger signal strength. The new algorithms maximize the operator benefits by saving the high cost network resources and utilizing the usage of the low cost network resources. Usually better results are achieved by assigning the weights using the GA optional component in the implemented algorithms