37 research outputs found

    Jointly optimal transmission and probing strategies for multichannel wireless systems

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    We consider a wireless system with multiple channels when each channel has several different transmission states. Different states are associated with different probabilities of successful transmissions. In such networks, we are faced with making transmission decisions in the presence of partial information about channel states. This (typically probabilistic) information about any channel can be refined by sending control packets in the channels. In presence of multiple alternative channels, this process of probing every channel to find the best one is onerous and resource consuming. There is a natural tradeoff between the resource consumed in probing and the estimate of channel state we can obtain. The desired tradeoff can be attained by judiciously determining which and how many channels to probe and also which channel to transmit. We present adaptive algorithms for provably approximating the desired tradeoffs within constant factors

    Quality-Driven Disorder Handling for M-way Sliding Window Stream Joins

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    Sliding window join is one of the most important operators for stream applications. To produce high quality join results, a stream processing system must deal with the ubiquitous disorder within input streams which is caused by network delay, asynchronous source clocks, etc. Disorder handling involves an inevitable tradeoff between the latency and the quality of produced join results. To meet different requirements of stream applications, it is desirable to provide a user-configurable result-latency vs. result-quality tradeoff. Existing disorder handling approaches either do not provide such configurability, or support only user-specified latency constraints. In this work, we advocate the idea of quality-driven disorder handling, and propose a buffer-based disorder handling approach for sliding window joins, which minimizes sizes of input-sorting buffers, thus the result latency, while respecting user-specified result-quality requirements. The core of our approach is an analytical model which directly captures the relationship between sizes of input buffers and the produced result quality. Our approach is generic. It supports m-way sliding window joins with arbitrary join conditions. Experiments on real-world and synthetic datasets show that, compared to the state of the art, our approach can reduce the result latency incurred by disorder handling by up to 95% while providing the same level of result quality.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, IEEE ICDE 201

    Ordering selection operators under partial ignorance

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    Optimising queries in real-world situations under imperfect conditions is still a problem that has not been fully solved. We consider finding the optimal order in which to execute a given set of selection operators under partial ignorance of their selectivities. The selectivities are modelled as intervals rather than exact values and we apply a concept from decision theory, the minimisation of the maximum regret, as a measure of optimality. The associated decision problem turns out to be NP-hard, which renders a brute-force approach to solving it impractical. Nevertheless, by investigating properties of the problem and identifying special cases which can be solved in polynomial time, we gain insight that we use to develop a novel heuristic for solving the general problem. We also evaluate minmax regret query optimisation experimentally, showing that it outperforms a currently employed strategy of optimisers that uses mean values for uncertain parameters

    Self-tuning Query Mesh for Adaptive Multi-Route Query Processing

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