4 research outputs found

    Performance Study of Adhoc on-Demand Link Quality Aware Route Search Protocol (AO-LQARSP)

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    A Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) is a network with few tens to thousands of small devices called sensor nodes which are connected wirelessly and involve in communicating the data. WSNs have generated tremendous interest among researchers in recent years because of its potential usage in wide variety of applications. The sensor nodes in WSNs have scarce power; they work in harsh and unattended environments which initiates the need for a better and more reliable routing path to send data. In this paper a routing protocol is proposed to select the route based on better signal strength conditions using Link Quality Indicator of the received signal for IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The performance of the proposed routing protocol is compared with standard reactive routing protocol Adhoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV) with metrics like total packets received, throughput, total bytes received, average end-to-end delay and average jitter and total energy consumed for various node density scenarios

    Performance Evaluation of Connection Admission Control for IEEE 802.16 Networks

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    Quality of Service (QoS) provisioning to the various kinds of network traffic is one of the major design criteria of IEEE 802.16 WiMAX standard. The MAC and physical layers of 802.16 standards are designed to support different types of real time application by providing QoS. Scheduling, Connection Admission Control (CAC) and traffic policing are the major issues to ensure QoS. In standard, scheduling and admission control are kept as open issues. Admission control is the ability of a network to control admission of new traffic based on the availability of resources. As per the specification the CAC considers minimum reserved rate of a connection as an admission criterion, in which the system can admit more connections, but packets of admitted connection may encounter large delays. In this paper average data rate (avg-rate CAC) and maximum sustained rate (max-rate CAC) of the connections are considered as admission criteria in CAC, along with minimum reserved rate (min-rate CAC). The performance of the WiMAX network is evaluated and compared for min-rate, avg-rate and max-rate CAC by considering the performance metrics such as number of connections admitted, throughput and delay using QualNet simulation tool

    Mechanisms for quality of service provision in IEEE 802.16 networks

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    Orientador: Nelson Luis Saldanha da FonsecaTese (doutorado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de ComputaçãoResumo: O padrão IEEE 802.16 para acesso sem fio em banda larga, também conhecido como WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Forum), é uma solução de baixo custo para o acesso à Internet em áreas metropolitanas e rurais. Outro atrativo desta tecnologia está no fato de incluir uma arquitetura para provisão de Qualidade de Serviço (QoS) para aplicações de tempo real e aplicações que demandam altas taxas de transmissão. Esta arquitetura de QoS inclui um mecanismo de sinalização entre a estação base e as estações cliente, cinco níveis de serviço, para priorização e diferenciação do tráfego, um mecanismo de escalonamento e um mecanismo de controle de admissão de novas conexões. Entretanto, as políticas que devem ser utilizadas na implementação dos mecanismos de escalonamento e controle de admissão não foram definidas pelo padrão. O mecanismo de escalonamento tem como objetivo garantir a banda passante requisitada pelas estações cliente bem como promover o uso eficiente do enlace sem fio, equanto o mecanismo de controle de admissão restringe o número de conexões simultaneamente presentes na rede, de forma a evitar a saturação do enlace sem fio e, conseqüentemente, a violação dos requisitos de QoS. Esta tese propõe políticas para os mecanismos de escalonamento e de controle de admissão para a provisão de QoS em redes baseadas no padrão IEEE 802.16. A política de escalonamento proposta nesta tese é compatível com as especificações do padrão IEEE 802.16 e é capaz de atender os cinco tipos de serviço bem como o conjunto de parâmetros de QoS a eles associado. Requisitos de latência máxima e taxa mínima são garantidos para cada conexão aceita na rede, sem que os limites impostos pelos requisitos de taxa máxima e tamanho máximo da rajada sejam violados. Cinco soluções são propostas para o mecanismo de controle de admissão. Estas soluções visam atingir três objetivos principais: restringir o número de conexões simultaneamente presentes na rede para que o escalonador tenha recursos suficientes para atender os requisitos de QoS de cada conexão, atender as expectativas do provedor de serviço através da maximização do lucro e maximizar a satisfação dos usuários através da disponibilização de recursos extras. As soluções propostas foram avaliadas através de experimentos de simulação, utilizando um módulo para simulação de redes IEEE 802.16 desenvolvido para conduzir esta pesquisaAbstract: The IEEE 802.16 standard for broadband wireless access, also known as WiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access Forum), is a low cost solution for Internet access in metropolitan and rural areas. Another advantage of this technology is the fact that it includes an architecture for the provision of Quality of Service (QoS) for real time and bandwidth demanding applications. This QoS architecture includes a signaling mechanism between base station and subcriber stations, five types of service, for traffic priorization and differentiation, a scheduling mechanism and a connection admission control mechanism. However, policies for the implementation of these mechanisms are not defined by the standard. The scheduling mechanism aims at guaranteeing the bandwidth required by the subscriber stations as well as enabling the efficient wireless link usage, while the connection admission control restricts the number of users simultaneously present in the network so as to avoid the wireless link saturation and, consequently, violation of QoS contracts. This theses proposes policies for scheduling and connection admission control mechanisms for the provision of QoS in IEEE 802.16 networks. The proposed scheduling policy is standard compliant and supports the five types of service as well as the QoS parameters associated with them. Maximum latency and minimum rate requirements are guaranteed without violating maximum rate and maximum traffic burst requirements. Five solutions are proposed for the connection admission control mechanism. These solutions aim to support three main goals: to restrict the number of simultaneous connections in the system so that the resources available to the scheduler are sufficient to guarantee the QoS requirements of each connection, to support the service provider expectations by maximizing the revenue, and to maximize the users satisfaction by providing extra resources. The proposed solutions were evaluated through simulation experiments using a module for the simulation of IEEE 802.16 networks developed to conduct this researchDoutoradoRedes de ComputadoresDoutor em Ciência da Computaçã

    Modélisation et simulation des réseaux mobiles de 4ème génération

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    Cette thèse porte sur l'interopérabilité et la qualité de service dans les réseaux de 4ème génération. En particulier, nous proposons des solutions d'intégration entre le réseau WiMAX et le système satellite DVB-RCS en s'appuyant sur le standard IEEE 802.21. Trois solutions peuvent être mises en place pour l'interconnexion de réseaux sans fil. Il s'agit de la technologie GAN soutenue par le 3GPP, du protocole FMIP proposé par l'IETF et du standard IEEE 802.21. Notre choix se porte sur ce denier standard car il propose un cadre générique pour l'interopérabilité des réseaux. En fait, nous proposons une architecture satellitaire à base de WiMAX, DVB-RCS et IEEE 802.21 et nous décrivons aussi la procédure de handover WiMAX/DVB-RCS. Par ailleurs, nous améliorons les performances des réseaux WiMAX en utilisant un handover horizontal avec un mécanisme de réservation de ressources. Ensuite, le réseau WiMAX est intégré dans un système satellite DVB-RCS afin d'étudier les performances de cette convergence avec une réservation de ressources. Les résultats obtenus montrent que les mécanismes de réservation améliorent les performances. Afin de permettre au trafic de passer d'un réseau à l'autre en garantissant une qualité de service, une mise en correspondance de la qualité de service entre les réseaux WiMAX et DVB-RCS est proposée. En outre, nous proposons un mécanisme d'admission de connexion CAC dans le cadre de l'interconnexion WiMAX/DVB-RCS. Plusieurs stratégies sont prises en compte afin de permettre une coopérative efficace entre les deux systèmes. ABSTRACT : This PH.D thesis is based on the interworking and the quality of service in 4th generation mobile wireless networks. In particular, we propose solutions of integration between WiMAX networks and satellite systems (DVB-RCS). Three solutions can be considered for the interconnection of wireless networks: GAN technology supported by the 3GPP, FMIP protocol suggested by the IETF and the IEEE 802.21 standard. Our choice is focused on this last standard because it proposes a generic framework for the interworking of wireless networks. A procedure of handover WiMAX/DVB-RCS is then described. In addition, we improve the performance of WiMAX networks by using a horizontal handover with resource reservation mechanisms. Then, the WiMAX network is integrated in a DVB-RCS satellite system. The performance of this convergence with a resource reservation mechanism is studied. The obtained results show that the reservation mechanisms improve the performance of the system. In order to switch the traffic from one network to the other by guaranteeing an appropriate level of quality of service, a mapping of quality of service between WiMAX networks and DVB-RCS system is proposed. Moreover, we propose a Connection Admission Control (CAC) mechanism within the framework of the WiMAX/DVB-RCS interconnection. Several strategies are taken into account in order to allow an effective co-operative between the two system