21,095 research outputs found

    Adaptive First-Order Methods for General Sparse Inverse Covariance Selection

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    In this paper, we consider estimating sparse inverse covariance of a Gaussian graphical model whose conditional independence is assumed to be partially known. Similarly as in [5], we formulate it as an l1l_1-norm penalized maximum likelihood estimation problem. Further, we propose an algorithm framework, and develop two first-order methods, that is, the adaptive spectral projected gradient (ASPG) method and the adaptive Nesterov's smooth (ANS) method, for solving this estimation problem. Finally, we compare the performance of these two methods on a set of randomly generated instances. Our computational results demonstrate that both methods are able to solve problems of size at least a thousand and number of constraints of nearly a half million within a reasonable amount of time, and the ASPG method generally outperforms the ANS method.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figur

    Penalized Likelihood Methods for Estimation of Sparse High Dimensional Directed Acyclic Graphs

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    Directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) are commonly used to represent causal relationships among random variables in graphical models. Applications of these models arise in the study of physical, as well as biological systems, where directed edges between nodes represent the influence of components of the system on each other. The general problem of estimating DAGs from observed data is computationally NP-hard, Moreover two directed graphs may be observationally equivalent. When the nodes exhibit a natural ordering, the problem of estimating directed graphs reduces to the problem of estimating the structure of the network. In this paper, we propose a penalized likelihood approach that directly estimates the adjacency matrix of DAGs. Both lasso and adaptive lasso penalties are considered and an efficient algorithm is proposed for estimation of high dimensional DAGs. We study variable selection consistency of the two penalties when the number of variables grows to infinity with the sample size. We show that although lasso can only consistently estimate the true network under stringent assumptions, adaptive lasso achieves this task under mild regularity conditions. The performance of the proposed methods is compared to alternative methods in simulated, as well as real, data examples.Comment: 19 pages, 8 figure

    Foundational principles for large scale inference: Illustrations through correlation mining

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    When can reliable inference be drawn in the "Big Data" context? This paper presents a framework for answering this fundamental question in the context of correlation mining, with implications for general large scale inference. In large scale data applications like genomics, connectomics, and eco-informatics the dataset is often variable-rich but sample-starved: a regime where the number nn of acquired samples (statistical replicates) is far fewer than the number pp of observed variables (genes, neurons, voxels, or chemical constituents). Much of recent work has focused on understanding the computational complexity of proposed methods for "Big Data." Sample complexity however has received relatively less attention, especially in the setting when the sample size nn is fixed, and the dimension pp grows without bound. To address this gap, we develop a unified statistical framework that explicitly quantifies the sample complexity of various inferential tasks. Sampling regimes can be divided into several categories: 1) the classical asymptotic regime where the variable dimension is fixed and the sample size goes to infinity; 2) the mixed asymptotic regime where both variable dimension and sample size go to infinity at comparable rates; 3) the purely high dimensional asymptotic regime where the variable dimension goes to infinity and the sample size is fixed. Each regime has its niche but only the latter regime applies to exa-scale data dimension. We illustrate this high dimensional framework for the problem of correlation mining, where it is the matrix of pairwise and partial correlations among the variables that are of interest. We demonstrate various regimes of correlation mining based on the unifying perspective of high dimensional learning rates and sample complexity for different structured covariance models and different inference tasks

    A Constrained L1 Minimization Approach to Sparse Precision Matrix Estimation

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    A constrained L1 minimization method is proposed for estimating a sparse inverse covariance matrix based on a sample of nn iid pp-variate random variables. The resulting estimator is shown to enjoy a number of desirable properties. In particular, it is shown that the rate of convergence between the estimator and the true ss-sparse precision matrix under the spectral norm is slogp/ns\sqrt{\log p/n} when the population distribution has either exponential-type tails or polynomial-type tails. Convergence rates under the elementwise LL_{\infty} norm and Frobenius norm are also presented. In addition, graphical model selection is considered. The procedure is easily implementable by linear programming. Numerical performance of the estimator is investigated using both simulated and real data. In particular, the procedure is applied to analyze a breast cancer dataset. The procedure performs favorably in comparison to existing methods.Comment: To appear in Journal of the American Statistical Associatio

    Fast and Adaptive Sparse Precision Matrix Estimation in High Dimensions

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    This paper proposes a new method for estimating sparse precision matrices in the high dimensional setting. It has been popular to study fast computation and adaptive procedures for this problem. We propose a novel approach, called Sparse Column-wise Inverse Operator, to address these two issues. We analyze an adaptive procedure based on cross validation, and establish its convergence rate under the Frobenius norm. The convergence rates under other matrix norms are also established. This method also enjoys the advantage of fast computation for large-scale problems, via a coordinate descent algorithm. Numerical merits are illustrated using both simulated and real datasets. In particular, it performs favorably on an HIV brain tissue dataset and an ADHD resting-state fMRI dataset.Comment: Maintext: 24 pages. Supplement: 13 pages. R package scio implementing the proposed method is available on CRAN at https://cran.r-project.org/package=scio . Published in J of Multivariate Analysis at http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0047259X1400260