414 research outputs found

    Quality Adaptive Least Squares Trained Filters for Video Compression Artifacts Removal Using a No-reference Block Visibility Metric

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    Compression artifacts removal is a challenging problem because videos can be compressed at different qualities. In this paper, a least squares approach that is self-adaptive to the visual quality of the input sequence is proposed. For compression artifacts, the visual quality of an image is measured by a no-reference block visibility metric. According to the blockiness visibility of an input image, an appropriate set of filter coefficients that are trained beforehand is selected for optimally removing coding artifacts and reconstructing object details. The performance of the proposed algorithm is evaluated on a variety of sequences compressed at different qualities in comparison to several other deblocking techniques. The proposed method outperforms the others significantly both objectively and subjectively

    Low Power Architectures for MPEG-4 AVC/H.264 Video Compression

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    VHDL Modeling of an H.264/AVC Video Decoder

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    Transmission and storage of video data has necessitated the development of video com pression techniques. One of today\u27s most widely used video compression techniques is the MPEG-2 standard, which is over ten years old. A task force sponsored by the same groups that developed MPEG-2 has recently finished defining a new standard that is meant to replace MPEG-2 for future video compression applications. This standard, H.264/AVC, uses significantly improved compression techniques. It is capable of providing similar pic ture quality at bit rates of 30-70% less than MPEG-2, depending on the particular video sequence and application [20]. This thesis developed a complete VHDL behavioral model of a video decoder imple menting the Baseline Profile of the H.264/AVC standard. The decoder was verified using a testing environment for comparison with reference software results. Development of a synthesizable hardware description was also shown for two components of the video de coder: the transform unit and the deblocking filter. This demonstrated how a complete video decoder could be developed one module at a time with individual module verifica tion. Analysis was also done to estimate the performance and hardware requirements for a complete implementation on an FPGA device

    Dynamically Reconfigurable Architectures and Systems for Time-varying Image Constraints (DRASTIC) for Image and Video Compression

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    In the current information booming era, image and video consumption is ubiquitous. The associated image and video coding operations require significant computing resources for both small-scale computing systems as well as over larger network systems. For different scenarios, power, bitrate and image quality can impose significant time-varying constraints. For example, mobile devices (e.g., phones, tablets, laptops, UAVs) come with significant constraints on energy and power. Similarly, computer networks provide time-varying bandwidth that can depend on signal strength (e.g., wireless networks) or network traffic conditions. Alternatively, the users can impose different constraints on image quality based on their interests. Traditional image and video coding systems have focused on rate-distortion optimization. More recently, distortion measures (e.g., PSNR) are being replaced by more sophisticated image quality metrics. However, these systems are based on fixed hardware configurations that provide limited options over power consumption. The use of dynamic partial reconfiguration with Field Programmable Gate Arrays (FPGAs) provides an opportunity to effectively control dynamic power consumption by jointly considering software-hardware configurations. This dissertation extends traditional rate-distortion optimization to rate-quality-power/energy optimization and demonstrates a wide variety of applications in both image and video compression. In each application, a family of Pareto-optimal configurations are developed that allow fine control in the rate-quality-power/energy optimization space. The term Dynamically Reconfiguration Architecture Systems for Time-varying Image Constraints (DRASTIC) is used to describe the derived systems. DRASTIC covers both software-only as well as software-hardware configurations to achieve fine optimization over a set of general modes that include: (i) maximum image quality, (ii) minimum dynamic power/energy, (iii) minimum bitrate, and (iv) typical mode over a set of opposing constraints to guarantee satisfactory performance. In joint software-hardware configurations, DRASTIC provides an effective approach for dynamic power optimization. For software configurations, DRASTIC provides an effective method for energy consumption optimization by controlling processing times. The dissertation provides several applications. First, stochastic methods are given for computing quantization tables that are optimal in the rate-quality space and demonstrated on standard JPEG compression. Second, a DRASTIC implementation of the DCT is used to demonstrate the effectiveness of the approach on motion JPEG. Third, a reconfigurable deblocking filter system is investigated for use in the current H.264/AVC systems. Fourth, the dissertation develops DRASTIC for all 35 intra-prediction modes as well as intra-encoding for the emerging High Efficiency Video Coding standard (HEVC)

    Deep learning-based switchable network for in-loop filtering in high efficiency video coding

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    The video codecs are focusing on a smart transition in this era. A future area of research that has not yet been fully investigated is the effect of deep learning on video compression. The paper’s goal is to reduce the ringing and artifacts that loop filtering causes when high-efficiency video compression is used. Even though there is a lot of research being done to lessen this effect, there are still many improvements that can be made. In This paper we have focused on an intelligent solution for improvising in-loop filtering in high efficiency video coding (HEVC) using a deep convolutional neural network (CNN). The paper proposes the design and implementation of deep CNN-based loop filtering using a series of 15 CNN networks followed by a combine and squeeze network that improves feature extraction. The resultant output is free from double enhancement and the peak signal-to-noise ratio is improved by 0.5 dB compared to existing techniques. The experiments then demonstrate that improving the coding efficiency by pipelining this network to the current network and using it for higher quantization parameters (QP) is more effective than using it separately. Coding efficiency is improved by an average of 8.3% with the switching based deep CNN in-loop filtering
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