124 research outputs found

    DeepMarks: A Digital Fingerprinting Framework for Deep Neural Networks

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    This paper proposes DeepMarks, a novel end-to-end framework for systematic fingerprinting in the context of Deep Learning (DL). Remarkable progress has been made in the area of deep learning. Sharing the trained DL models has become a trend that is ubiquitous in various fields ranging from biomedical diagnosis to stock prediction. As the availability and popularity of pre-trained models are increasing, it is critical to protect the Intellectual Property (IP) of the model owner. DeepMarks introduces the first fingerprinting methodology that enables the model owner to embed unique fingerprints within the parameters (weights) of her model and later identify undesired usages of her distributed models. The proposed framework embeds the fingerprints in the Probability Density Function (pdf) of trainable weights by leveraging the extra capacity available in contemporary DL models. DeepMarks is robust against fingerprints collusion as well as network transformation attacks, including model compression and model fine-tuning. Extensive proof-of-concept evaluations on MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets, as well as a wide variety of deep neural networks architectures such as Wide Residual Networks (WRNs) and Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), corroborate the effectiveness and robustness of DeepMarks framework


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    The nowadays ubiquitous and effortless digital data capture and processing capabilities offered by the majority of devices, lead to an unprecedented penetration of multimedia content in our everyday life. To make the most of this phenomenon, the rapidly increasing volume and usage of digitised content requires constant re-evaluation and adaptation of multimedia methodologies, in order to meet the relentless change of requirements from both the user and system perspectives. Advances in Multimedia provides readers with an overview of the ever-growing field of multimedia by bringing together various research studies and surveys from different subfields that point out such important aspects. Some of the main topics that this book deals with include: multimedia management in peer-to-peer structures & wireless networks, security characteristics in multimedia, semantic gap bridging for multimedia content and novel multimedia applications

    Data Hiding and Its Applications

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    Data hiding techniques have been widely used to provide copyright protection, data integrity, covert communication, non-repudiation, and authentication, among other applications. In the context of the increased dissemination and distribution of multimedia content over the internet, data hiding methods, such as digital watermarking and steganography, are becoming increasingly relevant in providing multimedia security. The goal of this book is to focus on the improvement of data hiding algorithms and their different applications (both traditional and emerging), bringing together researchers and practitioners from different research fields, including data hiding, signal processing, cryptography, and information theory, among others

    Collusion-resistant fingerprinting for multimedia

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    Performance Evaluation for IP Protection Watermarking Techniques

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    A Joint Coding and Embedding Framework for Multimedia Fingerprinting

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    Technology advancement has made multimedia content widely available and easy to process. These benefits also bring ease to unauthorized users who can duplicate and manipulate multimedia content, and redistribute it to a large audience. Unauthorized distribution of information has posed serious threats to government and commercial operations. Digital fingerprinting is an emerging technology to protect multimedia content from such illicit redistribution by uniquely marking every copy of the content distributed to each user. One of the most powerful attacks from adversaries is collusion attack where several different fingerprinted copies of the same content are combined together to attenuate or even remove the fingerprints. An ideal fingerprinting system should be able to resist such collusion attacks and also have low embedding and detection computational complexity, and require low transmission bandwidth. To achieve aforementioned requirements, this thesis presents a joint coding and embedding framework by employing a code layer for efficient fingerprint construction and leveraging the embedding layer to achieve high collusion resistance. Based on this framework, we propose two new joint-coding-embedding techniques, namely, permuted subsegment embedding and group-based joint-coding-embedding fingerprinting. We show that the proposed fingerprinting framework provides an excellent balance between collusion resistance, efficient construction, and efficient detection. The proposed joint coding and embedding techniques allow us to model both coded and non-coded fingerprinting under the same theoretical model, which can be used to provide guidelines of choosing parameters. Based on the proposed joint coding and embedding techniques, we then consider real-world applications, such as DVD movie mass distribution and cable TV, and develop practical algorithms to fingerprint video in such challenging practical settings as to accommodate more than ten million users and resist hundreds of users' collusion. Our studies show a high potential of joint coding and embedding to meet the needs of real-world large-scale fingerprinting applications. The popularity of the subscription based content services, such as cable TV, inspires us to study the content protection in such scenario where users have access to multiple contents and thus the colluders may pirate multiple movie signals. To address this issue, we exploit the temporal dimension and propose a dynamic fingerprinting scheme that adjusts the fingerprint design based on the detection results of previously pirated signals. We demonstrate the advantages of the proposed dynamic fingerprinting over conventional static fingerprinting. Other issues related to multimedia fingerprinting, such as fingerprinting via QIM embedding, are also discussed in this thesis

    Survey of watermarking techniques

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    Comparative evaluation of video watermarking techniques in the uncompressed domain

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    Thesis (MScEng)--Stellenbosch University, 2012.ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Electronic watermarking is a method whereby information can be imperceptibly embedded into electronic media, while ideally being robust against common signal manipulations and intentional attacks to remove the embedded watermark. This study evaluates the characteristics of uncompressed video watermarking techniques in terms of visual characteristics, computational complexity and robustness against attacks and signal manipulations. The foundations of video watermarking are reviewed, followed by a survey of existing video watermarking techniques. Representative techniques from different watermarking categories are identified, implemented and evaluated. Existing image quality metrics are reviewed and extended to improve their performance when comparing these video watermarking techniques. A new metric for the evaluation of inter frame flicker in video sequences is then developed. A technique for possibly improving the robustness of the implemented discrete Fourier transform technique against rotation is then proposed. It is also shown that it is possible to reduce the computational complexity of watermarking techniques without affecting the quality of the original content, through a modified watermark embedding method. Possible future studies are then recommended with regards to further improving watermarking techniques against rotation.AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: ’n Elektroniese watermerk is ’n metode waardeur inligting onmerkbaar in elektroniese media vasgelê kan word, met die doel dat dit bestand is teen algemene manipulasies en doelbewuste pogings om die watermerk te verwyder. In hierdie navorsing word die eienskappe van onsaamgeperste video watermerktegnieke ondersoek in terme van visuele eienskappe, berekeningskompleksiteit en weerstandigheid teen aanslae en seinmanipulasies. Die onderbou van video watermerktegnieke word bestudeer, gevolg deur ’n oorsig van reedsbestaande watermerktegnieke. Verteenwoordigende tegnieke vanuit verskillende watermerkkategorieë word geïdentifiseer, geïmplementeer en geëvalueer. Bestaande metodes vir die evaluering van beeldkwaliteite word bestudeer en uitgebrei om die werkverrigting van die tegnieke te verbeter, spesifiek vir die vergelyking van watermerktegnieke. ’n Nuwe stelsel vir die evaluering van tussenraampie flikkering in video’s word ook ontwikkel. ’n Tegniek vir die moontlike verbetering van die geïmplementeerde diskrete Fourier transform tegniek word voorgestel om die tegniek se bestandheid teen rotasie te verbeter. Daar word ook aangetoon dat dit moontlik is om die berekeningskompleksiteit van watermerktegnieke te verminder, sonder om die kwaliteit van die oorspronklike inhoud te beïnvloed, deur die gebruik van ’n verbeterde watermerkvasleggingsmetode. Laastens word aanbevelings vir verdere navorsing aangaande die verbetering van watermerktegnieke teen rotasie gemaak
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